A February 4, 1928 WINNETKA iTALK Electric Dishwashing Made Practical for Home Kitchens "The Conover is thoroughly practical!" From all sides we hear the same verdict-- from household science authorities, from en- gineers, from homemakers. 2 House PNG MAST Portable Model AA This enthusiastic acceptance means but one thing -- the new Portable Model AA CONOVER is in every way' practical for you, -- with large family or small, in house or apartment. There is no cost but the machine itself -- no new sink nor plumbing required. The CONOVER brings the convenience and sanitation of electric dishwashing within the means of the thriftiest budget. To operate it is simplicity itself. Fills from faucet, empties into sink. A few minutes and all the dishes from an average meal come out delightfully clean, sparkling, hot and dry! You must see it to realize how practical a time-and-work-saver the CONOVER can be. For Home Kitchens --on Demonstration at-- Telephone for a demonstration in your own home! It will help you realize how practical the Conover is for you! Telephones: University 1024, Wilmette 3700 Rogers Park 1122 FOVNIAIN SQVARE EVANSTON