February 25, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 19 Forum Speaker "The Common Ground of Catholic, Jew and Protestant," will be discussed by Sherwood Eddy, the famous reli- gious 'statesman,' at the Uptown Forum, Sunday evening, February 26. Mr. Eddy has been, for many years, one of the secretaries of the Inter- national Y.M.C.A. Of recent years he has made a constant study of the application of religious ideals to all phases of social, economic, religious and international life. He will deliver this address in a wholly non-sectarian spirit. The Uptown Forum meets in the People's Church, 941 Lawrence avenue, just east of Sheridan road, Chicago, at 8 P.M. Congressman Rathbone to Seek G. O. P. Renomination Henry R. Rathbone of Kenilworth, Congressman-at-large from Illinois, is to be a candidate for renomination, according to a statement issued by him this week. In his statement Congressman Rath- bone emphasizes that his record is his platform. Experience in Congress, he feels, is invaluable. "I believe," reads a portion of his announcement, "that my services will be of greater value than would other- wise be possible, because of the op- portunities that I have had of training, study and observation in the compli- cated and multifarious methods of legislation." F. Huettmann Purchases Residence in Wilmette Fred Huettmann has purchased the eight room residence at 845 Michigan avenue, Wilmette, from Mathias Zakowski, this sale being reported by George Kroll of Kroll and Smith of Fourth street, Wilmette, who repre- sented both the seller and the buyer. The consideration was undisclosed. The house is of red brick and has a ground space of 50 by 175 feet. It faces the park and lake. GIVES LEAP YEAR PARTY The North Shore Dancing club had a leap year party last Saturday eve- ning. It was a program dance, the programs being filled out by the wo- men. The dance was made especially colorful by the presentation of potted tulips to the women. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Mons, 157 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, were host and hostess at a dinner and 'bridge party for twelve guests at their home Friday evening, February 17. Rev. Henry Hepburn to Preach Lenten Sermon Rev. Henry Hepburn, pastor of the Buena Memorial Presbyterian church, Chicago, will preach the sermon Wed- nesday evening, February 29, at the first of a series of community Lenten services to be held jointly by the Ken- ilworth Union church and the Church of the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth. Next Wednesday's services will be held in the Union church. The Kenilworth Choral society will assist with the program of music. Mrs. Thomas McLaren, 1004 Pine street, has been appointed chairman of the women's activities of the Wil- mette Golf club for the ensuing year. --(-- Mrs. Hermon Butler of 715 Prospect avenue left Wednesday evening of last week for a trip to California. - IL aa] 2 HREDALE | FIREPROOF | WAREHOUSES [AVS (UE HIZHLAND Ph. WINNETKA | RENTAL OF CHAIRS ©¥ TABLES Moth Extermination Moving, Packing and Ship- ping of Household Goods PHONE WINN. 1332 SPECIAL-- One Week Only All Six 9x12 Portraits $10 Regular $20 Value On May 1 we will move to our | new studio, 1623 Sherman avenue, opposite Postoffice. BERNIE'S 1623 Orrington Ave. Tel. University 8998 Children Smile for Bernie KEEP YOUR COAL BIN FILLED You can safeguard the health, comfort and happiness of yourself and family by keeping your bins well filled with the right kind of coal or coke. Don't wait for the blizzard. If your supply is running low, re-order now. Many hundreds of homes on the North Shore are heated with Consumers Guaranteed Coal and Coke. most dependable and economical fuel. It is the safest, "Every ton must satisfy or we remove it and refund your money." EVANSTON OFFICE 1015 Church St. Phone University 4500 DELIVERY YARDS BUY YOUR COAL ON APPROVAL @nsumers (@mpany COAL -- COKE -- ICE -- BUILDING MATERIAL THROUGHOUT THE NORTH GLENCOE OFFICE 712 Glencoe Road Phone Glencoe 75 SHORE DISTRICT