March 3, 1928 WINNETKA" TALK Four Collisions Feature Sabbath Motoring Locally Four automobile accidents occurred in Winnetka Sunday evening. At 6:20, a cab driven by A. H. Tanner and a car driven by R. Wachsman of 604 Glencoe road, Glencoe, collided at Elm and Center streets, with slight damage resulting, according to the report of Sergeant Ed Cummings and Patrolman Frank Rayburn. A short time later, Mr. Schwitzer of 2322 Ridge avenue, Evanston, drove his car into a tree at Foxdale and Humbolt avenues, wrecking both front wheels and the radiator, according to Officer Harold Lewis. Schwitzer was not aware that Foxdale terminates at Humbolt, and did not detect the fact in time to avoid running into the tree. Damage Was "Plenty" At 11 o'clock Sunday evening, Pa- trolman Frank Rayburn reported a collision of two cars at Center street and Winnetka avenue, driven by A. E. Wolff of Ridge and Wilmette avenues, Wilmette, and Wallace Carlson of 188 Forest avenue, Winnetka. Neither driver was injured, according to the report of Officer Rayburn, who lacon- ically added, "the damage to the .cars was aplenty." The fourth accident Sunday evening was at Green Bay and Tower roads, where, according to the report of Officer H. C. Lewis, Charles Ould of 16 Vine street, Lake Forest, stopped, preparatory to turning west on Tower, when an approaching car hit his car head-on, the impact breaking the front axle of Ould's car. The driver of the other car, it is said, backed out of the wreck and hastened on his way, with- out stopping to ascertain the extent of the damage, and before Ould could get his car license number. Truck, Avoiding a Truck, Smashes Into Another Car A car driven by Mrs. H. Schmidt, of Happ road, Northfield, was dam- aged when hit by a truck driven by Steve Gerdodian, of 2118 Central avenue, Evanston, at church and Hill roads, Winnetka, Monday evéning at 6:30. Mrs. Schmidt had stopped, prepar- atory to turning west on Hill road. Gerdodian, in cutting in to avoid hit- ting another truck which was stand- ing on Hill road, preparatory to turn- ing north on Church, ran his truck into Mrs. Schmidt's car, as a result of which both car and truck were con- siderably damaged, according to the report of Patrolman Harold Lewis. ENTERTAIN POET Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dickinson of 1228 Scott avenue entertained Carl Sandburg, the poet, writer, and lectur- er, at their home, Sunday afternoon, February 26. Mr. Dickinson and Mr. Sandburg were college friends in Lom- bard college, Galesburg, Ill. the Dickinson home. Mr. Sandburg autographed his books for Mr. Dick- inson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Fulton of 884 Hill road, and their daughter, Helen, have returned from Miami, Fla. where they stayed at the Miami Bilt- more at Coral Gables. --_0-- Mrs. Ira J. Wilson, 325 Ridge ave- nue, entertained a group of her neigh- bors a week ago last Thursday after- noon. The guests brought their sew- ing with them. --_--Q-- Mrs. A. Fletcher Marsh of 645 Hill road is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Lawrence N. Murray of Pittsburgh. Mrs. Murray arrived February 27, ond expects to remain about ten days. While in|. : __ AJ Elna 565 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka End of Season | CLEARANCE SALE Winter Merchandise Greatly Reduced Dresses Silks -- Jerseys A few at Others at $10.75 $16.75 to $25 Formerly Formerly up to $25 $29.75 to $65 Children's Sweaters In various styles Sports Suits 2 and 3 pc. knitted $12.75 to $16.75 $1.95 to $5 Formerly Formerly $25 to $35 $3 to $7.95 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Special Spinach -- peck 19¢ GREEN PEAS, pound ARTICHOKES, 15¢ ET ER BRUSSELS SPROUTS, bunch =. 2. i... BABY CARROTS, bunch 5 a ® es 8 es es es tae eee LT rr ® se eo see es esse esos aries' ew v's ale vs a sinsir.e oka WISCONSIN POTATOES, 39¢ peck " 000 MONTANA POTATOES, 49c peck DE ER COSMAS BROTHERS STRAWBERRIES, 69 quart oT C RHUBARB, 15¢ 25 Ui NCES Sr Sh he C Jdozen .... . ... Bi srw $1.00 CALIFORNIA ORANGES, 5 large. ne dots il vin iit nis A 1 C JONATH APPLES, wounds 7. ..0. coool... $1.00 COOKING APPLES, 5 Svounds t,o. ee 2 C PINEAPPLES, (from Cuba) Fresh Green Onions, Water Cress, Parsley, Radishes At Extremely Reasonable Prices 1143 Wilmette Avenue Opposite Post Office box SWEET CELERY, Phones Wil. 2693-2694.823 Four Deliveries Daily