March 3, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Kenilworth Officers Take Training Course With Chicago Police With "school days" over, Sergeant Victor Faulstick of the Kenilworth police department, is now back on the job after a three weeks' detail with the Chicago Detective Bureau. Under a program inaugurated in the Kenil- worth police department recently, in- tended to place the department in a position to handle any situation both from the standpoint of equipment and training, Sergeant Faulstick was de- tailed to the Chicago bureau on Febru- ary 2 for the purpose of working with each of the specialized squads and ob- serving their methods of handling their work. In the course of the three weeks, Sergeant Faulstick was associated with about five departments of the City De- tective Bureau. He was with the first detective squad to arrive on the scene in the Stockyards district following the battle royal in which several employes at the Stockyards were shot down by two negroes and two Chicago police officers, and the two negroes were killed in a gun battle in the hall of a building near by. He also studied the work of the stolen car details and bombing squads, the latter division handling all labor trouble and radical element strife. While Vic, as he is familiarly called by Kenilworth residents, is "instant poison" to violators of the Village ordinances and keeps a stern "look- out" for any infringements of menace to public safety, he is, contrary to what one might expect in the case of an officer who attends to his duties with precision, extremely well liked. In meting out justice, he is far from over-zealous and for that reason has earned a reputation with the motoring public for square treatment. Officer Edgar Fellows is at the pres- ent time with the Chicago force and, upon his return in a few days, other Kenilworth officers will be detailed for a like course. Expedite C. and N. W. Automatic Train Control The last stretch of Chicago & North Western's main-line automatic train control installation, extending from Chicago to Omaha, is scheduled to be complete and in service by May 1, ac- cording to an announcement by Presi- dent Fred W. Sargent. This outstanding factor of safety and railroad efficiency between these two cities, such as has been in operation on the Clinton-Omaha division since July 1, now mark what is said to be one of the longest stretches of contin- uous automatic train control in the country. With the completion of this vast im- provement, representing an outlay of $3,000,000, all Chicago North Western passenger and freight trains on the main line will pass under an invisible master control that is absolutely auto- matic. It holds the speed of all trains within proper limits independently of the engineer or train men at all times. Under any and all conditions of the weather, day or night, it safeguards the movements of all trains and pro- vides engineers with a constant check as to speed, and the condition of the right-of-way ahead entirely indepen- dent of block system signals which are often obscured by fog and thereby sac- rificing speed for safety. BUYS INGRISH HOME George Cyrus of George J. Cyrus and company, Evanston real estate brok- ers, recently purchased from John Ingrish the house at 1605 Walnut street, Wilmette, for $14,500, Mr. In- grish took as part payment 100 feet of vacant property on Pitner avenue south of Dempster street. Arthur H. Held of Smart and Golee was the New Trier Mardi Gras to be held March 24 Owing to the many activities, the date of the Mardi Gras, which has been postponed several times, has been finally set for Saturday, March 24. Tickets are now ready for pur- chase and may be obtained from mem- bers of the New Trier French club. Everybody is welcome. There is to be a good orchestra and interesting entertainment. The Mess Hall will be decorated beyond recog- nition so that one can easily imagine oneself at the Mardi Gras in New Orleans, it is stated. Prize Contest Started by North Shore Board What Does Your Membership in the North Shore Real Estate Board Mean to You? The membership committee will give three prizes for the three best letters in answer to this question as follows :--One prize for the best letter from an Active Member; One prize for the best letter from an Active Association member; One prize for the best letter from an Affiliated Member. The contest closes at 12 o'clock mid- night, March 12. F. Coleman Bur- roughs of Wilmette will receive the answers. BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR HOME A birthday party and entertainment was given Friday, February 24, at the Presbyterian Old People's home for those living there. Mrs. Herbert Weld of 315 Sunset road, Winnetka had charge of the delightful affair. A pro- gram consisting of talent from the Sherwood School of Music was pre- sented. Refreshments were served. ISSUE REPORT CARDS Report cards at New Trier High school will be issued for the period just over sometime next week. | March Special All Children Smile for Bernie Six Bernie Special Portraits $5 Regular $10 Value On May 1 we will move to our new studio, 1623 Sherman avenue, opposite Postoffice. BERNIE'S 1623 Orrington Ave. Tel. University 8998 Down Buys an Underwood, Corona, Remington or Royal portable. It will mean the conservation of time and energy. It will be an asset to members of the family. A real convenience for $5.00 down; $5.00 a month. Come in and inspect the new machines. They come in red, blue, ivory, green, and black. : ey 1 Miscellaneous Office Equipment Desks -- Chairs -- Adding Machines -- Files Chandler's Fountain Square Univ. 123 EVANSTON 630 Davis St. Funeral Director of the North Shore We ARE TOLD that Our Service is unsurpassed. We KNOW that Our limousine equipment is the best that can be had. It is A FACT that Our chapel arrangements can be suited to meet all re- quirements. Do YOU KNOW that Our Super-De Luxe invalid coach or ambulance is lo- cated in Wilmette and we serve you personally. REMEMBER Our show room stock is complete. No extra charge for night calls. Fredrick E. Lewis Co. Lady attendant Parlor phone: Wil. 3552 Mrs. Lewis Residence: Wil. 3552