March 3, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Housewarming Edition 0 ----00) 0) Cl Goa fi | Lh iil sii tlubin hres ENCHANTMENT! Exclusive correspondence papers, im- In this fascinating collection of papers, ported and domestic, lamp shade papers, which an untiring and successful quest of decorative papers, etc., etc. the beautiful enables us to offer for your delighted and enthusiastic approval, are STRATHMORE QUALITY PAPERS KEI PRODUCTS exemplified the haunting loveliness of a WARREN'S moonlit desert night, the brilliant radi- STANDARD PRINTING PAPERS 2 : 5 DIL SICOLLINE Co 5 PApThs ance of the northern sunset, the enchant- ing blue of Italian skies, the dashing colors the product of other : J : : ? : ne American manufacturers of note, . of romantic Spain, the elusive charm of papers from France, the delicate art of Japan, the sen- Japan, China, Korea, Italy, France, England, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, texture wrought by the masters of old Germany, India, Czecho- Slovakia into their matchless velvets and silks. suous beauty of the Orient and the soft QC, invite vou fo mspect Pos papers mn our des cerncl display room THE PAPER MILLS COMPANY 517:'SOUTH WELLS STREET CHICAGO TELEPHONES HARRISON 8000