March 3, 1928 WINNETKA TALK LIGHT BIG FEATURE OF HOLLISTER BUILDING Tyler, Hippach Company Installs More Than 5,000 Square Feet of Glass in Windows, Doors ¢J] ET there be light" That's the thought that persisted when the architects drew the plans for the new publishing plant of Lloyd Hollister Inc. And the result is a building admitting as much sunlight as is possible. On all four elevations, south, north, east and west, there are windows, not here and there, but everywhere. That description, of necessity, brings us quickly to the matter of glazing and here we find most interesting data. First we'll cite figures which tell an interesting story--there are more than 5000 square feet of glass of all types. That's a lot of glass. Second and also important in the fact that the glass, which was furnished by the Tyler Hippach company of Chi- cago, is of the highest grade, a big percentage 'is 'fire retarding, while Solite--which means a glass that gives the highest percentage of daylight and at the same time destroys the sun's glare forms an essential feature of the glazing. The types of glass vary, but all is of one quarter inch in thickness. There is fire retarding wire glass and polished wire glass and polished plate glass of double strength. Glass one quarter inch thick serves to keep the heat in and the sound out. That is im- portant in a publishing plant. All the glass in the Hollister Inc. building is made in America. The Ty- ler Hippach company has two factor- jes, one in Streator, Ill., the other in Stirling, Ind. Roy Gardner on Job to Give Job Work Service In the press room Roy Gardner may be found industriously looking after the job work. He is in charge of the Gordons which handle all of the job work. He is kept so busy that four feeders are employed to keep the work moving at a speedy pace. Kurth and O'Brien Hold Important Press Jobs Lawrence Kurth and Frank O'Brien are two men who look after the im- portant press operation. Kurth is in charge of the day shift while O'Brien is on the job at night. Between the two everything runs smoothly. Among other things they see that quality and quantity production results. Skylight Provides for More Sunshine; Is Made from Steel HE construction of the Lloyd Hol- lister Inc. building called for a sky- light and this will be found in the one story portion of the building. The Blaski Manufacturing company of Chi- cago which furnished this skylight which measures ten by forty feet im- parts the information that it is the most modern and the best that can be produced. The skylight is of galvanized 18 gauge copper bearing steel and has steel operators with steel trusses. It is of the ventilating type and may easily be opened. Counting, we discovered that there are seventy-two glass lights. These lights are one quarter inch in thick- ness and are of wire glass. C. H. Sherer Has Big Job as Superintendent of Plant Charles H. Sherer has mechanical skill, is alert and aggressive, which ex- plains why he is superintendent of the big plant. Mr. Sherer knows all about the big presses, the linotypes, in fact, all the mechanism that plays a part in grinding out the papers and it is his duty to see that all equipment is kept up to a high standard of perfec- tion at all times. He does that. His staff consists of forty-six men, these being employed in the press and com- posing rooms and the bindery. new plant with Printers' Rollers FLEXO PAD GLUE must be heated for use. GLU-ZIT PAD GLUE can be applied cold. MAKE READY PASTE ALLROUND PASTE LIBRARY, PASTE WEB PASTE for splicing web on Rotary Presses. QUAD GLUE for guides on Platen Presses. American Printers' Roller Co. Mohawk 1000-1001-1002-1003 1332-1342 N. Halsted St. at Rees Street Chicago, Ill. For the Sun Room and Sleeping Porch Open wide the windows. The shade admits volumes of fresh cool air without the slightest draft. The blinding rays of the sun are checked by the attractively lacquered wood panels and reflected into the room in a soft mellow glow of light. The furthest cor- ners are as perfectly lighted as the areas under the windows, and your room is fully 10 degrees cooler than out-of- doors temperature. 3 Fabricated with the utmost care in basswood panels: of satiny luster, these shades will fit in with the furnishings of the finest homes. A wide range of colors permits a selection to, harmonize with any decora- tive scheme. In the aristocratic sections of the East where fine homes are plentiful, RATOX VENETIAN BLINDS are considered essential to supreme comfort. FOR OFFICES AND SCHOOLS The Lloyd Hol- lister publications have equipped Write for complete their wonderful information Ratox shades. Be sure to inspect them when going through the build- ing. Hough Shade Corporation 138 N. LaSalle Street Chicago Hardware for - DISTINCTIVE HOMES James Swanson and Son 128 N. Clinton Street "Chicago, Illinois Phone Randolph 5275 We helped build it! Chas. E. Welter Plastering oY Contractor Plain and Ornamental Plastering Exterior Stucco Work a Specialty 115 Fifth Street Wilmette, Illinois - Phone Wilmette 2151 Housewarming E dition