Housewarming Edition WINNETKA:TALK March 3, 1928 HOUSES AND VACANT ON THE NORTH SHORE EDDINGTON & ALLEN, Inc. Renting Insurance Loans 410 Linden Ave. End of "L" Phones Wilmette 407-408 EAL EsTAT KENILWORTH GARDENS Three blocks directly west of the Kenilworth Depots, on Kenilworth Avenue just over the Ridge, lies a tract of land which is being rapidly developed. Many improve- ments are already in--the balance are now being installed. Three new, exceptionally well-built houses have been com- pleted, are ready to move into, and are open to offer. Six other homes are under construction in this well- restricted subdivision. Some very desirable vacant property is still available at remarkably reasonable prices. For full particulars and with no further obligation on your part, communicate with our Wilmette office. MOUAT & FLAHERTY Incorporated DOWNTOWN NORTH SHORE OFFICE OFFICE 35 NO. DEARBORN 1177 WILMETTE AVE. CHICAGO WILMETTE CENTRAL 7870 WILMETTE 273-4 Heads R. E. Chapter F. Coleman Burroughs Quinlan and Tyson Open a New Office on Linden Avenue Quinlan & Tyson, Inc., announce the opening of a new office at 424 Linden avenue, Wilmette, in the Linden Crest Apartment building. They have taken over the management of this building which contains 56 apartments and 4 stores. Mrs. McDowell, who was formerly with E. E. Stults & Co., is now asso- ciated with them in this office. She will specialize in the sale of property in Wilmette and other North Shore towns. Dean Dodson who for the past three years has been in the Renting Department of the Evanston office of Quinlan & Tyson, Inc, will represent the Renting Department in the man- agement of the Linden Crest and will also specialize in the sale of property in Wilmette and other north shore towns. The office is located on Linden ave., a block west of the terminal of the elevated line. OLEWINE SELLS RESIDENCE Charles E. Olewine reports that he has sold the English residence at 445 Oakdale avenue, Glencoe. AT VERY L (\) A N S LOWEST RATES On Vacant and 2nd Mortgages P. W. Bradstreet & Son 788 Elm St. Winnetka 162 COMPLETE PLANS FOR NEW CENTER STREET (Continued from preceding page) now underway at the southwest cor- ner of Center street and Tower road, have also been planned with a view of the proposed widening of Center street here, and here also will be a well rounded corner where it enters the busy Tower road. Center street from Pine street north, now has a twenty-five foot pavement. The new plans call for forty feet. Pine Street Crossing In the profile section of the accom- panying sketch, is shown a compari- son between the new grade and the old grade at Pine street, where it crosses the tracks of the Northwest- ern Railroad company. The present is a 5.5 percent grade. The new plans call for only a 2 percent grade, by which this dangerous crossing ap- proach will be reduced approximately from six feet to two feet in one hun- dred feet. In other words, it will change a grade which is now similar to the Oak street hill, to practically a level grade. This is made possible by providing a long, easy approach of Center street, north and south of Pine street, with a very light incline, not over ten inches in one hundred feet, in Center street. This not only makes the improvement at Pine street possible, but it is along the best lines of highway planning and engineering, it is said. : A public hearing on the foregoing plans has been set for the third Tues- day evening in March, the date of the regular village council meeting. Tornado-Stricken Area Experiencing Big Boom The tornado which swept an area of St. Louis, September 29, has increased land values appreciably in the district devastated, according to William W. Butts, of the Red Cross Tornado Re- lief Committee, retiring president of the St. Louis Real Estate exchange. Countless instances have come to the attention of the committee of increase in land values from the opportunity given to erect modern substantial structures in place of the ones destroy- ed, Mr. Butts states. Property worth $100 and $125 a foot (as for example the corner of McPherson avenue and Sarah street) is now having offers of $300 a front foot. The St. Louis Real Estate exchange has adopted a resolution advising that members of the exchange in the future insist, when they are negotiating loans on property, that the owner provide coverage in tornado as well as fire in- surance to at least the full extent of the loan. The board further recommended that bombing, explosion, riot and civil com- motion insurance be placed on all construction loans. 513 Fourth St. of of of of oF ob oo oF ode oe oF of of ode oF ode oo oF ob oF oF ob obo ob ob ob ob oR BoB ROB RoR of oF ogo oe oF oo oe oe ov oe oF oo oe oF cdo oo of oo oF oo oo oo oe bo ode of oe oe oF oF oF oF oF Bo oe oo ode oe oe odo 30 oe oo fo of oo oo oo oe fo ogee Property Managed Insurance--Loans Sales--Rentals FohofeodhRob hobo bobohhdoh db dd Rebbe bbb bbb RRR RRR EIRP RRR RRR Phone 192-193 oF ou ode ods obs os of of ob deo ood oBeo ood ob ob ob odd obo dood ob do dob dood