March 3, 1928 "WINNETKA TALK Joyriders Learn Winnetka Police Labor All Night When three Chicago youths, accom- panied by two of their girl friends persuaded an employe in a garage on Lawrence avenue to loan them a pa- tron's car in which to take a "joy ride," they were not aware, as they headed the car towards Winnetka, that there are two such individuals as Sergeant Ed Cummings and Patrolman Frank Rayburn patroling the streets of that village all night long. The joy-riders stopped their car on Spruce street, between Birch and Prospect, where they were laughing and talking loudly when the Winnetka police squad car, with Cummings and Rayburn aboard, came that way. At the station the young men ex- plained how they came in possession of the car, and from the license num- ber, the officers learned the name of the owner. The boys were locked up, and the girls taken to their homes by Policewoman, Mrs. G. M. Thurston. The owner of the car, Odin Helsing, came out Thursday afternoon, settled with the young men for $25 for dam- age to the car, and preferred a charge of disorderly conduct against each of them, for which, upon pleas of guilty before Police Magistrate C T. North- rup, each paid a fine of $5 and costs. They gave their names as Melvin Baranoff, 4838 North Sawyer 'avenue; R. Strauss, 4939 North Kedzie ave. nue; N. Galler, 4516 North Troy street. RETURNS HOME Mrs. Dudley K. French, 503 Haw- thorne lane, recently returned from Grand Rapids, Mich., where she spent a week with her mother, Mrs, JN. Nind. She left a few days ago with her mother for New York to visit her aunt, Mrs. L. J. Boynton. In Guild Drama Mrs. William D. Sidley of 180 Lin- den avenue, Winnetka, will have the role of "Rita" in the forthcoming North Shore Theater Guild play, "Lit- tle Eyolf" which is to tour the north shore towns during the next two weeks. Mrs. Sidley shares the lead with Guy Stuart Bailey, accomplished actor-director, who was one of the or- ganizers of the Theater Guild: Miss Sarah Ellen Gallagher of Madison, Wis.,, was the houseguest the first part of the week of Mrs. Ceylon R. Cady of 1005 Greenwood avenue. Miss Natalie Hurd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hurd, 518 Sunset road, left Friday to spend the week-end at the University of Wisconsin with her cousin, Miss® Polly Barker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Barker, 557 Orchard lane. Mrs. W. P. J. Dinsmoor, formerly of Winnetka and now of Boston, arrives today to be the guest of Mrs. Barret Conway of 387 Linden avenue. Mrs. Conway has just returned from a visit with her daughter, Louise, at Welles- ley, Mass. Mother of Winnetkan Dies at Residence in Chicago Mrs. Susan A. Philbrick, mother of Allen E. Philbrick of 982 Elm street, died last Saturday, February 25, in Chicago. Services were held on Feb- ruary 27, with interment at Rosehill. Mrs. Philbrick, who was 70 years old at the time of her death, is survived by her husband, A. F. Philbrick, and four children, Stacy, Marion, and Mrs. Dorothy Smith, all of Chicago, and Allen Philbrick of Winnetka. Hair Dressers Association Chestnut Sts. "Look Your Best" reer 1 Maria Beauty Culture Member--Chicago and Illinois TOILET PREPARATIONS We offer for sale the following cosmetics: ] it COTY"S -- HOUBIGANT'S -- HUDNUT'S There is only one "MARIA BEAUTY CULTURE" It parlor in Winnetka and it is located on the second floor in the Humphty Building on the corner of Elm and PHONE WINNETKA 762 Phones Winnetka 522 Gente? = 1869--1870 ® Yimsl 1871--1872 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, Leg of Spring Lamb, Ib. Ib. Miller & Hart's Bacon, Sliced, 3 Ibs. Spare Ribs, Fresh, 1b. Pork Loin Roast, lb. ..... Stewing Chickens, fresh dressed, Sirloin Steak, the Best, lb. Rib Roast of Beef, Ib. .... :; 2. BREAD a day Three slices of BASY MARCH 3rd ashi 29c Shoulder Lamb Roast, 1b. ......25¢ EERE 17c , Basy Bread Sugar, Pure Cane, 10 Ibs. ........65¢c 2 FAT is fough 35 N feces rig Elgin Creamery Butter, Ib. ...... 49c sien oie C torts all th CURVESo Spinach, Fresh, Peck ........... 25¢ $1 EXTERNAL : ay 5 comeliness. Eggs, Strictly Fresh, doz. ........35¢c .R. T BASY i BREAD -- the Mushrooms, Fresh, 1b. ......... 49c Tat? 3, Z<, delicious, safe 17 SEAT 12Y/5c ¥" food. Peas, Fresh, 1b. ..... i504 anni. 0 idle ; 2" helps RE~ --= DUCE your } weight in Na- Specials, Monday, March 5 Specials, Wednesday, March 7 ture's way. American Family Soap, 10 Bars ..59¢ Salt Beef Tongues, Ib. ........... 29¢ Box of 80 Bars ............ $4.65 i : Boneless Beef Stew, 1b. ......... 24c TOR ie ssc | Specials, Tuesday, March 6 Campbell Tomato Soup, 12 Cans, $1.00 Peacock Silver Polish, 2 Bottles ..39c Pillsbury, Ceresota or Gold Medal Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, 8 Cans ...$1.00 Flour, 241, lb. Sacks ....... $1.04 ? y Large Ivory Flakes, 2 pkgs. ....45¢ | Flows 208 br S08 «oo 3 | Playfair Cut Gr. Beans, 6 Cans ..$1.00 Kingsford Gloss Starch, 6 Ib. Box, 85¢c | Corn Flakes, pkg. ............... 9c Scotch Belle Toilet Tissue, American Family Flakes, Medium Shredded Wheat, Phe, RRR Be 10 Rolls. 2.000. MA $1.00 Pg. 2 Hor 1 us vias int 45¢ Cream a Lf BEE 12. | Alola Peeled Apricots, No. 21; Tin, . y Las Bam ba : Lifebuoy Soap, 3 Bars .......... 29c Quaker Oats, pkg. .............. 10¢ 3Cans ... Bs ic inn, $1.00 Best Veal Stew, 1h. .. ~~... 7. 29¢ Best Lamb Stew, Ib. ............ 29c Prunes, Regular 25¢ Seller, 5 lbs. $1.00