March 10, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Women Voters The Winnetka League of Women Voters has been fortunate in secur- ing Dr. A. R. Hatton, a member of the Political Science department of Northwestern University, to appear on the program for the conference on "Federal Measures" on Monday, March 2 BR Hatton, who will speak on "Fed- eral Aid" at this meeting, has not only a deep knowledge of the science of politics but has also had experience in the practical side. In 1912 he wrote the Constitutional Amendment of Home Rules for the State of Ohio, which revolutionized ernment in the United States. After having drafted the new charter for the city of Cleveland and having suc- ceeded against bitter opposition in hav- ing it adopted, Dr. Hatton served on the city council for four years to aid in making this experiment in an ad- vanced form of government success- ful. Dr. Hatton is a most interesting speaker and his experience in both the theory and practice of politics makes him an independent, fearless guide to- ward bettering our government. Plans are going ahead for the candi- dates' meeting to be held Monday eve- ning, March 26, in Rudolph Matz hall at Community House, under the auspices of the Winnetka League. Acceptances have been received this week from Mrs. Harold Ickes of Hub- bard Woods, Lewis B. Springer of Wilmette, Leroy Zaleski of Des Plaines and James O. Korntz of Calu- met City, all of whom are candidates for the State Legislature from the Seventh district. Arrangements are being made for the National convention of the League of Women Voters, which will be held irom April 23 to 28 at the Palmer House in Chicago. Mrs. William G. Hibbard is a mem- ber of the Convention committee on Local Arrangements and Mrs. Walter municipal gov- | I. Benson is treasurer of that com- mittee. Printing and badges will be handled by Mrs. John N. Vander Vries and music by Mrs. Benson. Mrs. A. J. Boynton was the official representative of the Winnetka league at the Conference of the Forum of the League of Women Voters and the As- sociation for Peace Education, which was held today at the Congress hotel. Many north shore girls from Na- tional Kindergarten college are plan- ning to attend the athletic dance to be given in the alumni room of the school on Friday, March 16. ---- Henry H. Adams of Minneapolis, Minn., will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. Harry Waidner of 206 Scott avenue, Winnetka, over the week-end of March 10 and 11. We carry Johnson's Paste, Powdered and Liquid Wax . . . . but recommend the latter, because . . . . It cleans as it polishes, is quicker to apply and easier to polish. Phone for the half gallon size for your next floor treatment. E. B. Taylor Co. Hardware 546 CENTER ST. Baird and Warner report the sale of the eight-room stucco house at 1041 Ridge avenue and the 50x185 lot by Warle S. Nelson to Charles E. Barrows and the eight-room brick at 2039 Orrington and 60x185 foot lot by Victor Carlson to Andrew H. Phelps. MARTHA A. LEONARD DIES Funeral services for Mrs, Martha A. Leonard, 415 Provident road, who passed away on March 1, were held in Petersburg, Ind, on Friday of last week. Peters' 734 Elm Street FRESH FISH RECEIVED DAILY! Our Prices are Always Low Meats of Quality For Lent-- A Delectable Dish! i Delicious Fish items. Creamed or fried in drawn butter, they provide an irresistible dish at moderate cost. Marke Phones 920-21-22 Spring Fashions Appear on the Scene The new silhouettes have resolved on their outlines. themes in the springtime are now in harmonious ensemble. The new And all of the new modes for spring, you will find quite the loveliest here. The selection is varied and embraces models from the simple cloth tailored frock to the fluffiest daytime gowns. Each is new and of the spring mode. . .one and two piece models, of course. the glorious new spring colors. upwards. And all in Ranging in prices from $22.50 The Pauline Shop 917 LINDEN AVENUE HUBBARD WOODS