30 WINNETKA TALK March 10, 1928 Miss Jane Meist, 1104 Sheridan road, is entertaining some of her friends at Extend Photo Contest of a dinner and.theatre party on Fridayd March 9. Although previously announced that Eight per cent of urban population | test would close on March 1, it was of the United States is in Illinois. decided that since so few entrants had | said. been submitted, it would not be worth New Trier's Lens Club while to judge the pictures for the prizes. It was therefore decided to ; continue the contest, but unless quite --O0-- the New Trier Lens Club photo con-|a few more pictures are submitted there will be no award of prizes, it is i Now is the time for your winter vacation. Why not Arizona? Or California? Better still, a combination tour including both THE EGYPT OF AMERICA | ~~ Flooded with sunshine--invested with romance--ruins and monuments of America's ancient peoples--quaint and bizarre-- gorgeous scenery -- strange and unique --and, above all, the charm of the desert--just this _ sideof the orange groves, poppy fields and purple moun- | tains of California. : oli Luxurious hotels at Phoenix, Chandler, Tucson, I ? + Palm Springs, Indio and other resorts--ranches-- | atmosphere of the Old West. : Right through this land of enchantment passes the main line of the Golden State Route-- shortest, most direct to San Diego. = Famous Golden State Limited : «ni. service--quickest by 7 or more hours to the Apache twit Trail region. See Arizona first; then California; diverse toute, circle tours without extra cost. Ww "a For descriptive literature or 'personal travel service, mail this coupon nt ue Rock Island Vacation Travel Service Bureau, 723 La Salle St. Station, Phone Wabash 3200. Chicago Ill. Please send me free literature descriptive of Arizona, California and i | the Golden State Route and quote fare 10 . «ov vuueenvnie starve. none . advising fully regarding diverse routes returning. Go esn fo TEE OR BT GORE REG § + I Bes (hE JAGdress Lf FLEE... och a aE al i * 149 : -- 8d nth Be dh Bnd BABB bP mL mn oy yet am Th 40 nf hod aie ve Ol hm 0 LL OF UNUSUAL SERVICE or | By i= fl ©. > w) | Southern California | ANNA WILMARTH ICKES LAUNCHES VOTE DRIVE Candidate for Seat in State Assembly Begins Speaking Campaign in West Suburbs A plea for a bigger vote at the primaries and for legislative help for the Cook county communities outside Chicago in solving their financial prob- lems, was urged by Anna Wilmarth Ickes of Winnetka, candidate for the Republican nomination for representa- tive, General Assembly, from the Seventh district, in opening her cam- paign in the west suburban towns this week. Mrs. Ickes spoke at a meeting of Maywood women in the Maywood Congregational church on March 7. The Republican primary is scheduled for Tuesday, April 10. "Our aim," Mrs. Ickes said, "should be to go to the primaries and select candidates who will bring good gov- ernment, honest government, and im- partial government to our very doors. Vote for these officials and when they get into office, follow their work. If they take a position you don't under- stand, write and ask them why. If they don't measure up to their prom- ises, see to it that they are not re- elected. If the promises are fulfilled, see to it that their makers are put back into office again." Represents "Home" In speaking of her own attitude, Mrs. Ickes said that she sought first of all to represent the home and its interests. This, she pointed out, meant better educational facilities, adequate bonding power for the small Cook county communities in order that they may install adequate improvements for their rapidly increasing populations, and protection for the home against all influences which menace its welfare. Both Mrs. Ickes and her husband, Harold L. Ickes, are well known to north shore residents while the Ickes' dahlia garden, ffonting on Tower road in Winnetka, is known to every mo- torist and pedestrian who 'has passed during the late summer and autumn when these flowers are at their best. One of the Ickes seedlings, the "Anna Wilmarth Ickes," has been awarded a certificate of merit by the American Dahlia society. Residents Here 12 Years The Ickes family has lived in Win- netka since 1916. Mrs. Ickes is a past president of the Chicago Woman's club, a member of the Winnetka Wo- man's club and of the Fortnightly, and made her debut as a public official four years ago when she was elected a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on the Re- publican ticket. Mrs. Ickes is also on the Board of Managers of the Chicago Regional Planning association, and for several years was secretary of the Chicago Home for the Friendless. North Shore Students in N. U. Scholarship Sorority Ro Ku Va, honorary sorority at Northwestern university with member- ship eligibility based upon high scho- lastic averages, announces the follow- ing north shore students among its thirteen new members: Katherine Hamilton, 412 Walnut street, Wint netka; Marie Wecker, 1611 Central avenue, Wilmette. These girls will be initiated this week. Catherine Moore, 1203 Ashland ave- nue, Wilmette, is social chairman of the sorority. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT "Substance" will be. the subject 'at the services of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Winnetka Sunday morning, March 11, at 11 o'clock.