52 WINNETKA TALK March 10, 1928 What Interests a Depositor!? HETHER a depositor has a Savings, Check- ing or Business Account, there are five qualifications which he should demand from his Bank: SAFETY CONVENIENCE EXPERIENCE RESOURCES CO-OPERATION The facts of our growth are sound evidence, we believe, of the greater capacity of this Bank to serve. We invite the opportunity of showing you why this 1s a good Bank in which to deposit your money. Banking Hours: 8 to 3; Saturdays 8 to 12:30 Monday Evenings 7 to 8 A State Bank The Call WINNETKA'S HEARTH FIRE Community House, we hear your call, Our hearts respond, as you enthrall Our youths, our matrons, sires, with pride, In strength you've risen like a tide. You've been our pride since cradle days, When first a youth with winning ways Forecast your deeds with thoughts divine, Then nursed and watched your tendrils climb. Until her wondrous vine, each strand Now's bearing fruit in every land; From every walk in life they come-- Because--God welcomes everyone. "Tis sweet to hear your voice each day Thru different members--hear them say A word of praise (and smile with joy) Referring to--"My girl," "My Boy." The inspiration they have caught From contact with a noble thought. Enthusiasm fills their work Where once before they'd want to shirk. Who'll say, our wholesome youth 'just growed"? They have; but with the love you've sowed, 'While now for help we hear your call, Our answer'll ring with gifts from all. There always is a better side, Winnetka's Hearth Fire's been our pride, With gratitude we'll feed the flame That lights with hope and love, her name. --Uncle Frank. To--the young man who forecast the possibilities of Community House many years ago--J. W. F. Davies. The Reading circle, which meets every Monday afternoon in the Church library, is now reading Morrison's "Outlawry of War." (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the condition of Winnetka Trust & Savings Bank located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 28th day of February, 1928, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES Cash, Other Cash Resources and Due from Banks (1-2-3) $256,200.58 U. S. Government Invest- ments (4)... 0 50,000.00 Other Bonds and Securities By eh 900,186.72 Loans on Collateral Security (6a) ....:....... 164,201.85 Other Loans (6b) ~.....:...\ 133,121.96 Loans on Real Estate (6c) .. 63,150.00 Overdrafts (7) ............ 403.10 Banking House, Furniture and. Fivtures (9) ........ 20,519.74 Total Resources ...... $1,587,783.95 LIABILITIES Capital Stock (I) ........:.. 75,000.00 Surphisy (2) 4a iit enn 50,000.00 Undivided Profits (Net) (3) 10.496.85 Reserve Accounts (4) ...... 3,856.88 Demand Deposits (5a) .... 709,465.05 Time Deposits (5b) ........ 738,965.17 Total Liabilities <viv.. $1,587,783.95 I, Allen T. Weinstock, Cashier of Tickets on Sale for North Shore Cage Tournament Tickets have been placed on sale for the North Shore Amateur Basketball tournament to be held at New Trier High school next week and which is sponsored by the Wilmette State Bank. Proceeds from the tournament will go into the coffers of the Arden Shore Rest Camp at Lake Bluff. Teams entered in the tournament in- clude: Fell's Clothiers, Winnetka, Highland Park and Kenilworth; Wil- mette State Bank; Wilmette Presby- terian church; Knights of Columbus; Central State Savings Bank; St. Luke's church; Public Service company; Y-Nots; Illinois Bell Telephone, and Evanstons. Tickets may be procured at the fol- lowing places: Swanson pharmacy, Glencoe; Roche's North Shore = pharmacy, Hubbard Woods; Adams and Community pharmacies, Winnetka; Indian Hill pharmacy; Kenilworth pharmacy; Renneckar Drug company, Snider- Cazel Drug company, Wilmette; Chandler's, Evanston. MRS. EUGENE HATCH DIES Mrs. Eugene A. Hatch, a former resident of Wilmette, died suddenly at her home in East Orange, N. J. on February 4. Mrs. Hatch was the eldest daughter of the late Mrs. Mary B. Barry and a sister of Mrs. John A. MacLean of Wilmette, and of Dr. George F. Barry of Evanston. She is survived by her husband and three children, Loren E. Hatch of New York, Kenneth B. Hatch of Harrisburg, and Mrs. Frederick Meeder of East Orange. DORCAS BOARD MEETING The next meeting of 'the board of directors of Dorcas held at the home of Mrs. Henry Smith; 710 Bluff street, Glencoe; at 2 o'clock next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Forest of 485 Willow road left Saturday for Bermu- da, where they will stay for five weeks. eX , | Beautiful Artistic Lamp Shades Hand Painted Screens We draw and paint pictures on any subject on parchment lamp shades, Home will be . = WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK the Winnetka Trust and Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above cor- respond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Au- ditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. ALLEN T. WEINSTOCK, Cashier. at very reasonable prices, consider- ing the high quality of the work. Lamp Shade Studios C. GRAY Proprietor Heraldic Artist : nol 17 Rapp Building 3 Elm Street & 2 at Center x Lhd ss. Winnetka, Ill. SEES TI ® JI ® Hid PEN SECLEY LYLE LIE Subscribed and sworn to before me : ue END Rk this 7th day of March, 1928. Inspection of Studio Invited B. T. BRADSTREET, Notary Public a ee (Seal)