A ---------- a. {cu - March 17, 1928 WINNETKA TALK . a1 Great Negro Educator to Speak at Uptown Forum Uptown Chicago and the north shore is to have an unusual oppor- tunity to hear one of the leading spokesmen of the colored people of America and of the world. Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois of New York will speak at the Uptown Forum Sun- day evening, March 18, on "The Negro's Effect on American Civiliza- tion"--a frank, scientific analysis of what the negro has done for himself and for the community at large. Dr. Du Bois is a graduate of Har- vard university and the University of Berlin, has been a professor in Atlan- ta university, and is now editor of "The Crisis," the journal of the As- sociation for Advancement of the Col- ored People. He is the author of a number of notable books, particular- ly "Dark Water" and "The Souls of Black Folks." The Uptown Forum meets in the People's church, 941 Lawrence ave- nue, Chicago, Sunday evening, at 8 o'clock. GIVE "KID" PARTY Members of the freshman class at Northwestern university gave their an- nual "kid" party last Wednesday eve- ning at Patten gymnasium. Miss Dorothy Enquist and Miss Virginia Eagles, social chairman and treasurer of the class, respectively, were in charge of arrangements. Prizes do- nated by Evanston merchants were given to those having the best cos- tumes. Kenilworth Women to Be Active in Flower Show Duing the Garden and Flower show held the last of this month and the first of April at the Hotel Sherman, Chicago, a number of Kenilworth gar- den enthuiasts are to take an active part, Both Kenilworth Garden clubs will be represented in the flower ex- hibits, the miniature house and garden exhibits, flower arrangements and table decorations. Mrs. John Lind is prepar- ing a house garden model, Mrs. Hugh Foresman will set a table and also arrange a shadow box showing flowers in vase or bowl and a number of women will serve in the tea room which is to be conducted during the show. The animal protection committee of the Woman's City club of Chicago will hold a dinner and open meeting Tues- day, March 29, at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Duane McNabb is chairman of the committee, which is the largest and one of the most popular in the club, it is announced. The discussion will center on the new city Dog Pound. Repre- sentatives from Chicago have been in- vited as honor guests. --_--Q-- Members of the Chicago Association of Commerce Glee club who appeared in the musicale given Tuesday evening as a benefit for the Woman's club of Wilmette, were entertained at dinner at Shawnee Country club preceding the concert. \ Cod Madame Irene Duosette in bro- caded silk and surgical elastic. Priced at $18. Presenting the Most Desirable of the New Models Corsets that restrain the figure and yet prove wonderfully comfort- able to wear. Expert fit- ters will mold and alter the garments to suit in- dividual requirements. Included are Frances corsets, priced from $7.50 to $29.50, and Madame Irene corsets from $5 to $50. EDGAR A. STEVENS, Inc. | Zl } 1624 Orrington Avenue |! EVANSTON =13 >€ £13 43 CORSETS FOR EVERY TYPE OF FIGURE il ! ) LTT Td DANCING NYMPHS get thirsty, likewise do they eat. Folks who feel this cosmic urge know where to find a treat; and of course it's at the "PANTRY" in Evanston, at 524 Davis St. Soda, Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner and late evening Refreshment. Open at 11 A. M. Sundays 4 P. M. A delicious full course Dinner at $1.25 served 5:30 to 8 P. M. on week days. M6 No QA OK ¢ CFoster "Campus" Shoes 7 Expressing * The Usgue of Youth" ON THE 2nd FLOOR at Wabash Avenue and the Foster Community Shops Om Co rl <> -- -- Cfoster «campus Shoes 7200 produced mn "Covert Beige" Suede g the new color originated by Gf oster A tront strap Suede Lizard Calfis used as Slipper of smart a"trimming'" for this design in the new Afternoon Pump of "Covert Beige' shade "(overt Beige" Suede priced $ 7 2 50 priced § 7 25 o Added distinction is given to the youthful «cAMPUS" modes by the new "(Covert Beige" Suede. TE Foster & Company G Orrington Avenue Corner Church Street C E V 'A. N-+8,5aT. 0 N J, AC NON