62 WINNETKA TALK March 17, 1928 Classified Advertisements (Contnued from Page 61) FOR SALE--HOUSES East Winnetka 7 ROOM HOME, 4 BEDROOMS, SUN room, sleeping porch, 2 lavs. Water heat, oil burner, 2-car heated garage, near schools and transp. Splendid buy. E.E.StultsRealty Ceo 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 TTLTN25-1te PARTITION SALE BRICK COLONIAL HOME 4 master bedrooms, 2 baths on 2nd floor, 3 servants' rooms and bath on 3rd. 2- car htd. garage, irregular shaped land- scaped lot in N. E. Winnetka's fine home district. $50,000 value, will entertain offer. An opportunity. TIGHE REALTY CO. REALTORS 1420 Sheridan Rd. Phone Wilmette 2671 TTLTN25-1tc Smart Spanish Residence IN VERY EXCLUSIVE NEIGHBOR- hood, large lot, tile roof, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room, dining room, sun room. 1st floor lavatory. Beauti- ful kitchen with ventilating system. H. W. heat, oil burner. An exceptional bargain at $24,000. Terms. Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 TTLTN25-1tc Open for Inspection NEW BRICK HOUSE WITH 2-CAR GA- rage, 5 large bedrooms, 3 baths (2 col- ored tile) toilet & lavatory on first floor. Breakfast nook and butler's pantry, sun porch; on large lot in best Hubbard Woods location. $24,000. FRANK A. REID 954 Linden Ave. Winnetka 1300 TTLTN25-1tc WILMETTE--CHARMING BUNGALOW on east side; "L," 2 elec. lines, 2 R. R. stations all within 5 blocks; grade and kindergarten school 2 blocks; living room 38x16; dining room 13x12; kitchen 12x10; sun room 13x11; roomy closets and bedrooms ; built-in book cases; most modern plumbing; H. W. heat; oil burner; Ruud H. W. supply; garage on paved alley; inquire 812 Oakwood Ave. TTLT24-tfc Kenilworth Home ATTRACT. 7 RM. COLONIAL HOME in choice East section. Lake 3% blocks, station 4 blocks. Large sunny rms. Excellent condition. Well worth in- spection. Reas. priced at $26,500. Own- er selling. Phone Kenilworth 2010. 77LT25-1tc BARGAIN BRICK, ENGLISH BUNGALOW. SIX rms. 1l-car gar. Beautifully landscaped. S. W. Glencoe. Occupancy May 1st. Terms. Write Wilmette Life B-610. 7TLTN24-tfp CHARMING WHITE COLONIAL, 9 LARGE SUNNY rooms, perfect condition, best neigh- borhood, near lake, well landscapéd grounds with tea house; 2-car garage. Wilmette 3740. TTILTN25-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT IN NORTH- brook, substantial 8 rm. home, 1 acre lawn, trees and shrubs. 2 car gar, near school and transp. $12,000 terms. Rent $65 per mo. Ph. Wilmette 1582. TTTN2-1tc 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE AT NORTH- brook; H. W. heat, 1 bath, l-car ga- rage, lot 50x140. $9,300, terms. Call at 1937 Wilmette Ave. TTLT25-1tc 78 FOR SALE--VACANT Sheridan Road Vacant LOT--82x160 NEAR NEW CLUB HOUSE, Bathing beach and "L." The last avail- able parcel of Sheridan Road frontare at bargain prices. Non-resident owner will consider any reasonable offer. SMITH & BROWN, INC. 834 Linden Ave. Wilmette 93 or 862 T8LTN25-1tc 78 FOR SALE--VACANT 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GDS. $20 PER FOOT 50 FOOT LOTS, 3 BLOCKS TO DEPOT and stores. Sewer, water in and paid for. WYATT & COONS Phone Glenview 81. T8L'TN25-1te 79 FOR SALE--ACREAGE Indian Hill Club Grounds WE OFFER A BEAUTIFUL ACRE homesite in the exclusive Club Grounds for immediate sale. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm Street Winnetka 2198 79T2-1te MOVING TO NEW YORK Will sacrifice for quick sale, furniture of 5 rm. apt. 12 pc. hand-carved dining set with tapestry cov. chairs. Beau. 4 pe. Karpen living rm. set, 7 pec. old ivory bedrm. set, 4 pc. mah. bedrm. set, 5 pe. upholstered sun rm. set, mah. tip table, Senora Console, art chairs, tables, ete. All in A-1 condition. Ph. Greenleaf 1705 for appointment to inspect. 100LTN25-1tc WALNUT TWIN BEDS, DRESSER, chest. Green enamel steel bed, twin size, spring and mattress complete. 'White enamel kitchen cabinet table. Andirons, fire screen, fire tools set. Silk spreads and drapes. Call evening, Sat. or Sunday, 1018 Ash st, Winn. 2091. 100LTN25-1tc 84 REAL ESTATE J. H.. Schaefer & Co, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 809 Ridge Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 364 84LTN25-1te 85 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--ROOM IN EXCHANGE FOR staying 3 evenings a week with chil- FOR SALE--3 PC. BLUE VELOUR LIV- ing room set, baby buggy and nursery chair and high chair. Call Winnetka 2236. 100LTN25-1tc FOR SALE--GAS STOVE, $10; PIANO bench, rug, etc. Ph. Winnetka 2645. 100L/T25-1tc FOR SALE--DOUBLE BRASS BED with hair mattress. Ph. Winnetka 2095. 100T2-1te WILL SACRIFICE 'A $300 8 PIECE dining room set. Call Sunday at 1151 2889 before noon. 88TN2-1tp 89 WTD. TO RENT--HOUSES WE HAVE A CLIENT FOR A FUR- nished house for the summer in Win- netka or Highland Park. At least 9 rms. and 3 baths and this must be a house with individuality and charm. Will pay $500 a month for a really fine home. Unusually good references. Mrs. Fuller, Homes 518-26 Davis St. Univ. 6860 89T2-1tc WANTED TO RENT IN WILMETTE, KENILWORTH, WIN- netka, Hubbard Woods, or Glencoe, 6 or 7 room home for immediate occupancy. Write Wilmette Life B-631. 89LTN25-1tc 9 ROOMS OR MORE. 2 OR 3 BATHS. Garage. Strictly modern. In desirable location. Occupancy after April 1. Sheldrake 4666, or write Mrs. R. J. Rich, 1133 North Shore Ave., Chicago. 89TN2-1te FOR RENT--8 RM. STUCCO HOUSE, sleeping and dining porches. Att. gar. Hot water heat--oil burner. Conv. to transp. and school. Ph. Wilmette 1468. 89LTN25-1tc WANTED TO RENT--MODERN HOME Wilmette or north. 1 or 2 yr. lease. Best of refs. Ph. Wilmette 1650 eve- nings. 89LTN25-1te WANTED--MODERN, WITH 5 SLEEP- ing rooms, 3 baths, not over $300 per mo. Write Wilmette Life B-635. 89TN2-1te WANTED MAY 1ST, HOUSE WITH ¢ sleeping rms. must be reasonable, will take 2 yrs. lease. Write Wilmette Life B-636. 89TN2-1te 90 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HSES. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED house from April or May 1st through summer. 3 in family, call Winnetka 1623. 90T2-1tc 97 WTD. TO BUY--VACANT PRIVATE PARTY WOULD LIKE TO buy direct from owner, vacant, on Sun- dren. Call Winn. 920 between 8 and 12. Chatfield rd., Hubbard Woods, 1st apt. 85LTN25-1te Tel. Winn, 2263. 100TN2-1te 88 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. APTS. ROUND OAK DINING TABLE AND leaves. 4 chairs, buffet, $25. Painted FAMILY OF 4 GROWN PEOPLE WISH bed, springs, and mattress, $10. Tel furnished apt. April 1. Phone Winn. Winn. 1319. 100TN2-1tc FOR SALE --- MAHOGANY UPRIGHT piano. Cheap. Phone Glencoe 348. 100FN2-1te 8 PIECE OAK DINING ROOM SET, in good cond. Winn. i 100TN2-1tc BLUE TAUPE KLEARFLAX RUG, 9x9; coal hot water heater; wicker settee. Tel. Winn. 2358. 100TN2-1tp FUMED OAK DIN. RM. SET--TABLE, chairs, and server. William and Mary style. $45. Winn. 2185. 100LTN25-1tc FOR SALE--WALNUT DINING TABLE and buffet. Ph. Glencoe 1485. 100LTN25-1tc --.--_--, 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GDS. WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evans- ton, III "Ph Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfe 102 ¥OR SALE--MISC. FOR SALE--MEMBERSHIP IN BEAU- tiful Bonnie-Brook Country Club just west of Waukegan. Wonderful 18-hole golf course. Have membership in local club is reason for selling. Will take anything in trade. Call F. N. Wooley at Winnetka 2707. 102LTN25-1tc HOOKED RUGS UNUSUAL ASSORTMENT, WONDER- ful colorings. Reas. priced. Ph. Glen- view 203. Warren, Glenview borders, Glenview. 102L'TN24-2tc FOR SALE OR EXCHG. FOR SUN- parlor set. Bush and Gerts upright piano and bench. Reas. Must be seen to be appreciated. 515 11th St. Ph. Wilmette 1977. 102L.T25-1te FINEST BLACK DIRT APPROX. 3 CU. YDS. DELIVERED $7 North Shore Garden Service Ph. Glenview 80-R or 141-J. 102LTN25-4tc FOR SALE--5 FOOT ROLL TOP DESK. 556 Center St.- C. T. Northrop. Tel. Winn. 1467. 102TN2-1tc LADY'S SPRING COAT, SIZE 36 - 38. SPECIAL SALE BEGINNING MONDAY, Mar. 19th. 60 rare old hooked rugs, en- tire collection offered below wholesale prices. Many as low as $15. For ap- pointment phone Highland Park 2847. 99LTN25-1te SPECIAL TWO WEEKS' SALE ON antiques beginning Monday. Don't miss it. Most pieces have been restored. 808 Oak st.. Winn. 145. 99L/TN25-1tc set Rd., Winnetka. Name lowest cash Prgsses Cate JM, topoont: Duk ice. i i tte Life B-630. , , . v price. Write Wilmette Li itn GIANG nls, B03 0S Nh. a= GOOD BARGAINS. FUR JACQUETTE, 2 ANTIQUES silk dresses. All sizes 38-40. Winn. 607. 102TN2-1te FOR SALE--CHEAP--UPRIGHT SOLID mah. player piano. Winn. 2071. 102LTN25-1te ELECTRIC DISH-WASHER. MANDO- lin. Guitar. Very cheap. Glencoe 1484. 102LTN25-1tc 103 WANTED TO BUY---MISC. 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GDS. FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture. Ph. Kenilworth 3950. 100LT25-1tc ICE-BOX, 100-LB. CAPACITY. GOOD cond. 597 Oak. Tel. Winn. 139. WANTED--MINK OR SABLE CHOK- er. Also gentleman's wardrobe trunk. Must be reasonable. Address Talk B- 632. 103TN2-1tp WANTED--CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. 103LTN14-tfp Young People Are Told It Is Deeds that Count The Rev. R. R. Malcolm Ward of Christ church addressed the Young People's meeting last Sunday. He emphasized particularly the point that it is deeds, and not mere thinking and words, that lead to success. The meeting this Sunday is expected to be an interesting one, "Chief" Davies will lead. The subject for discussion will be "What Can the Young People Do with the Eleven Meetings Left of This Year?" It is hoped that all the members will con- sider the question beforehand. and come prepared to express their own deas and suggestions. RAISE CHAPTER HOUSE FUNDS The Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae are busy these days raising funds for the new chapter house at Northwestern. A large sum was raised at a rummage sale held in Evanston last Saturday. Mrs. Herbert Bartling of 116 Fuller lane had charge for Winnetka. The next benefit affair will be a card party on April 16, at the Evanston Country club. Mrs. I. E. Mitten of 562 Hill terrace, president of the alumnae, is in charge of the party. A regular monthly business and social meeting will be held next Wednesday with Mrs. Edwin Blomquist of 2808 Grant street, Evanston. J. W. F. Davies, 652 Lincoln avenue, recently returned from Philadelphia where he attended a convention of the Religious Education association. Thursday evening, March 8, he spoke at the banquet. is Miss Marjory Meeker, daughter of A. A. Meeker of 941 Oak street, will arrive home next Saturday to spend about ten days with her father before returning to St. Mary's school at Knoxville. ---- The New Trier debating team made trips to different schools to hear their debating teams, during the last week. They went to Morton for the Morton- Austin debate, and to Waukegan to hear the Waukegan-Austin debate. VILLAGE OF WINNETKA. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 471,369. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED, that the Vil- lage of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered that a local improvement be made, consisting of the eonstruction of a six (6) inch internal diameter cast iron water pipe in the easterly parkway of Ridge Avenue (sometimes known as Ridge Road) from and connecting with the existing water pipe in the north park- way of Winnetka Avenue, southeasterly to and connecting with the existing water pipe in said Ridge Avenue at its inter- section with Meadow Road, including fire hydrant, water gate valves, connections to existing water pipes, fittings, trench- ing, pipe laying, backfilling, testing, re- moval of all surplus materials, all within the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ardinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said Village having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improvement according to the benefits, and a special assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, General Number 471,369, the final hearing thereon will be held on the second day of April, A. D. 1928, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day, and-may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in eight (8) annual installments, with in- terest thereon at the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, March 16, A. D. 1928. HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the Presi- dent of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make said special assessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T2-2te