-- March 24, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 49 OUR 1928 of LLOYD LOOM WOVEN Baby Carriages and Furniture. We have just unpacked two car loads and placed on our floor for inspection an attractive array of LLOYD BABY CARRIAGES and LOOM WOVEN FURNITURE. We want you to visit our LLOYD sec- tion. The new Fabrics, Styles and Colors -- so inexpensive -- will amaze you. LUTTE H ChE) W Zn NO Gat NN LE TET TTC ERT E EEE A AAA 4 ; 3 \ MEH 7) h) WN Hi Y hy, 1) A v / oo i. 7; _ ab IA RR --_ I 10] We have been extremely fortunate in obtaining the choic- est selection of Lloyd strollers for this season's selling. They are built roomy and durable for the toddler of one or over and mothers will find them unusually easy to handle. The model pictured here is just one of many we have on our floor. A goodwvalve ac .............. . i $19.50 Comfort, Beauty and Quality Creations Moderately Priced Thursday and Saturday Evenings Why not drop in tomorrow and see | Our Beautiful Floor Display TTI: E ll LETTE NLD ELVEN ERATED TORE ERROR OREO ATER DRED ERROR REO RVD OD OD ORO ERODED ROR RRND ORDERED VRE EET OREO ERROR EEE ETT Ee COMPANY, Inc. EVANSTON, ILL. 5228 North Clark Street With color in the home the vogue today, women are turn- ing to Lloyd Loom. furniture as an economical and artistic way to create that touch of color needed in the home. Let us show you how beautiful effects are possible and explain how color can be effectively introduced into the home atmosphere. This suite is specially pricedintioue i idl Bdsm, as $69 00 ES i A ------ : se ---- AR .