WINNETKA TALK March 24, 1928 Hubbard Woods East 7-ROOM BRICK Studio Living Room; 4 Bedrooms; 2 baths-- hot water heat. 100 by 168 feet. Glencoe Northeast Northwest corner Vacant, Sheridan Road and Franklin Road. 175 by 425 feet. On Ravine. Suitable for three homes. MURRAY & TERRY 40 No. Dearborn Central 4625 J. Newhall Glencoe 267 Let us indicate to you what can be done to beautify your grounds. We can supply any quantity of choice Nursery Stock . . . beautiful Evergreen, Shade Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Record Bearing Fruit Trees, Everblooming Roses, etc. Quality Guaranteed . . . . . Moderately Priced FOR YOUR LAWN Creeping Bent--Blue Grass-- Evergreen and Shady Spot Mixtures also, Creeping Bent Stolons for Vegetative Lawnmaking Expert Advice and Individually Designed Landscape Plans FREE for Our Customers TERMS ARRANGED E 1020 Spruce St. Tel. Winn. 2235 North Shore Rep. for STARK BROS. America's Oldest and Largest Nursery Subdivisions Parks CATALOGUE ON REQUEST C. BRODERICK Landscape Architect Home Grounds Cemeteries Major E.M. Skinner Appointed 'Skeeter District Engineer Major E. M. Skinner, formerly as- sociated with the Gorgas Memorial in- stitution, was engaged as the district engineer for the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district at a special meeting of the board of trustees of the district held at the Wilmette Village hall last Tuesday. The appointment of Major Skinner followed closely the refusal of the con- tract by Frank [. Miller of New Bruns- wick, N. J., who was named as en- gineer on February 29 but declined to accept it on a one year basis, as pro- vided for by law. Major Skinner has accepted the appointment on a basis of two days a week at a fee of $2,500: a year. He will start at once on pre- liminary surveys and will submit a re- port to the trustees at their next meet- ing. It was also decided to appoint a superintendent for the district and plans for the immediate starting of work were discussed. Preliminary preparations are being made and it is anticipated that actual work will be started next month. Hub Describes Springtime Garb for "Beau Brummel" Positive evidence of the arrival of spring is found in the interesting an- nouncements of what the well dressed man will wear this season, made by Henry C. Lytton and Sons, "The Hub," Evanston store. Ensembles will be prevalent in men's wear. With a suit of grey as the basis, for instance, one should select a shirt of solid or striped green, with cravat, hose and hat to match, Tweeds will be the vogue in topcoats with this combination. With tan suitings, one learns, the 1928 Beau Brummel will match with solid or striped tan shirt, cravat of orange hue, hose in heather mixtures, tan shoes, hat and topcoat. George Young Injured When Struck by Auto George Young, residing at 1625 Cen- tral avenue, Wilmette, was struck by a vampire car in Evanston on Tuesday of this week and sustained injuries which necessitated his being taken to the Evanston hospital, it was reported to the Wilmette Police department by the Evanston police. Mr. Young was riding his bicycle on an Evanston street when he was run down by the car, which did not stop. H. C. of L. Spreads to Election Judges, Clerks Judges and clerks in the coming township election are to receive $8.00 for the day's work in place of $6.00, as heretofore, it is said, this being the rate which has been paid for some time in Chicago. In cases where town- ship and village elections are held on the same day and the same officials preside, it is said there will be a slight reduction in the township rate. MUSIC AS A VOCATION Mrs. Marion Cotton, director of mu- sic at New Trier High school, spoke to the Juniors last Wednesday morn- ing on the subject "Music as a Voca- tion or an Avocation." The talk was arranged as one of the vocational guid- ance series being given under the di- rection of the faculty advisors of the Juniors. ENJOY "EXILES" "Standing Room Only" signs marked the opening, last week, of James Joyce's "Exiles" at The Theater club, 1358 North Clark street, Chicago, H. Miller, director. Robert English, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. English, 375 Hawthorn lane, who is now attending Prince- ton university, was elected to the Tower club of Princeton recently. =O A. A. Beebe, Miss Katherine Beebe, and Mrs. M. K. Valentine will return to their home at 25 Indian Hill road on March 30, after having spent the winter in Pasadena. AG Im NT A, TI OI AMPLE FUNDS TO LOAN 524% --6% CONSTRUCTION -- REFINANCING RESIDENCES, STORES, APARTMENTS KUHNS, DITTUS & KUHNS Safeguarded Investments 11 South La Salle Street, Chicago--Central 2990 Highland Park Address R. F. Kuhns, 827 Lincoln Ave.,, H. P. 1860 SAFEGUARDED INVESTMENTS KUKNS DITTUS 8 HUHN Ef AT DOVENMUEHLE, Inc. 73 Years of Safety - Phone Central 6393 e interest for loans on homes 5,10 and 15 year plans, straight or with pre-payment privileges Our loans are purchased by 2 UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE €O. of Cincinnati BANKERS LIFE CO. of Des Moines Combined Assets $330,000,000