EY WINNETKA "TALK March 24, 1928 SLL LLL LL EEE TEE EEE TET Xs FROCKS of Utmost Chic EASTER FROCKS Simple and elaborate ver- sions--form a delightful dis- play here. You'll revel in the smart styles and lovely fabrics -- flat crepes, printed silks, figured georgettes, pat- terned chiffons. Ensembles of New Beauty Dressy types of Ensembles desirable for the Easter promenade . . . the peak of the new modes the model you want awaits you here . . . and you will be especially pleased with the reasonable price. a Cie Hats That Tuypify the Easter Mode Stunning Hats in styles that will be worn until late spring and summer, --_--0-- Lingerie Costume Slips --0-- The Pauline Shop 917 LINDEN AVE. HUBBARD WOODS LL LET LEX LL EL TELL ELEL TTY A LLL LL LLL LL LTT TL LL aA ededododidod dod op EEE EER RR oR oR loko od BF od Robo dd BoB oboe BoB oR od eB ool of oo ob ol Bolo of of oo of oo oe oo fo go of oe oe ole of ob eof of feof Be od oB ob Bol oo leo oR BoB ob odo le ole ob oe oe ode oB ede oe cB ode cB Bod ol oR eo oF BoB BB ob BB Officials Confer on R. R. Turn-table and Round-house Problem J. S. Pole, engineer for the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Co., at- tended the public hearing before the Board of local improvements Tuesday evening on the proposed Center street improvement. Following the regular session of the board a conference was held by the village officials and the railroad official to consider the relocation or abandonment of the turn-table and round house which is now in the path of the proposed widened Center street. Loren Massey, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bragg Massey of 705 Sheridan road, has returned home from Cornell to spend his spring vacation with his parents. His brother, George, Jr. is expected to return home {from Yale sometime in the near future. --0-- Mrs. LeRoy Hammond of 1427 Scott avenue, on Saturday afternoon, March 17, entertained twelve friends at a St. Patrick's day luncheon and bridge. Mrs. Kenneth Forest McLain of 1076 Pine street, assisted the hostess. -_Q-- Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Aldrich of 394 Chestnut street expect their daughter, Helen, home next Friday from Ferry hall, for her Faster vacation. CARD OF THANKS The children of Mrs. Lydia A. West wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their assistance after her death. Lawrence Henri, Pianist, to Give Concert at Skokie Lawrence Henri, a concert pianist of note and also a distinguished teach- er of the piano, will be the artist in the ninth concert to be presented this year for pupils of the Skokie school in connection with their music appre- ciation work. The concert will be given on Thursday, March 29, at 3 o'clock. Mr, Henri is an experienced ac- companist as well as a concert pianist. He is the accompanist for Miss Vera Mirova, well known ballet dancer, and has toured with the solo 'cellist of the Detroit Symphony orchestra. Quite a number of parents and visi- tors have attended the concerts which have been given for the pupils and have greatly enjoyed them as in every case the artists have been outstand- ing. The programs are presented with- out cost to the pupils and visitors. COMPLETES COURSE Rev. James Austin Richards' Tues- day morning lecture on "Religious Life and Psychology" complete his course. He will try to review con- siderably and he will also try to in- terpret what has been said in the light of this last lecture, "The Divine Otherness" or "Sources of Help." Miss Mary Hill and Fred Hill, who attend Carleton college at Northfield, Minn., come home next Saturday for a ten day vacation with their mother, Mrs. Frank Ferry of 391 Sheridan road. Ready with the Newest Spring Styles Hart-Schaffner 1 & Marx Suits and Topcoats For Well-dressed Men and Young Men 2-Pants Suits $35 e Lopcoats More style, more value, finer fabrics. More skilled tailoring, more wear and Those are some of more satisfaction. the things we offer. You'll things for yourself, too. Boys 2-Pants Suits for Our stock includes Boys' 2-Pants Suits of "Boy Youth" brand. $22.50 Only Nationally Known Merchandise HART-SCHAFENER 8 MARX CLOTHES Exclusively Wilson Bros. Haberdashery-Stetson Hats S. FELL Your Clothier 786 Elm Street Winnetka Phones 307 Highland Park : These are truly the smartest of the season. see these Easter 786 Elm Street Winnetka Phones 307 Highland Park Not a Failure in 2 Years Among N.T. Grads at College Information compiled at New Trier High school from reports returned by eastern colleges, Northwestern univer- sity, and the Universities of Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan, shows that not one graduate of New Trier High school entering any of these institu- tions has "flunked" out of school dur- ing the past two years. In addition, the executive heads of three of the larger institutions have stated that the scholastic records established by New Trier grdauates have excelled those achieved by students from large east- ern preparatory schools. As there are more than 100 New Trier graduates now enrolled in eastern schools and several hundred more in the four uni- versities mentioned, the record is con- sidered as exceptionally good. Supt. Frederick E. Clerk has just re- turned from a trip in the east, during which he visited eight of the largest eastern schools, including Yale an- Harvard Universities and Smith, Wil- liams and Emerson colleges. At each of the eight institutions the heads commented on the record being made at college by New Trier graduates. Considerable interest was also ex- pressed, Mr. Clerk states, in graduates of New Trier as candidates for admis- sion to these schools. Several letters have been received by Mr. Clerk from deans of various institutions in regard to the brilliant records being made by graduates of the local high school. A communica- tion from Oberlin college states that Miss Adelle Savage, who graduated last year, ranks second in scholastic average in her class of 300 students. Another letter, from Cornell Univer- ity, congratulates the school on the ex- cellent record made by Edward Schei- denhelm of Wilmette. A letter from Antioch college reports that Wm. Lloyd "is making an exceptional record." The Play Reading group will meet as usual in the Scout room of Com- munity House Tuesday evening, March 27, at 8 o'clock. A large group, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Karnopp, will read a very delightful modern play. --O0-- : Louis H. Northrop of 707 Hill road, returned Monday, March 19, after a few days with his wife in New York City. Mrs. Northrop, who has been in New York the last two weeks, the guest of Mrs. Charles F. Adams, is expected to return today. -- Miss Edwina Cadmus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cadmus of 1163 Tower road, is entertaining some of her friends at a dance to be given at her home Saturday, April 14. Upright in every transaction Downright Dependable Winn. 304 pu?" ers and Dyérs Your home town cleaning plant.