April 7, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 17 Students to Study Newspaper Methods in European Cities Newspapering in Europe for college students, teachers and writers, an edu- cational experiment originated last year by Director H. F. Harrington of the Medill School of Journalism of Northwestern university, will this sum- mer become a pilgrimage to the Inter- national Press exhibition at Cologne, Germany, to Bruges, Belgium, where in 1475 Caxton printed the first book in English, and to other foreign liter- ary and journalistic shrines, it is an- nounced. The party, limited to 25 members, will be called the Blue Pencil Club Abroad. It is to be directed by Prof. Leland D. Case, formerly of the staff of the Paris Herald; Professor Law- rence Martin, editorial writer, The Evanston News-Index, and Harry Hill- man of Wilmette, former editor of the Inland Printer. The group will leave Montreal June 29, returning to New York August 24. : Foreign methods of news gathering and newspaper production will be studied, and lectures by European newspapermen on economic and polit- ical situations abroad are being ar- ranged. Visits will be made to "The Scotsman" at Edinburgh, the London "Daily Mail" and "Le Matin" and over- seas editions of the New York "Her- ald Tribune" and Chicago "Tribune" in Paris. Training in feature writing will be given enroute. A miniature daily newspaper will be issuzd on board ship, and ideas for magazine articles will be collected to be written up later. Sev- eral of the party, it is expected, will correspond for American papers, writ- ing series of tales of little adventures abroad. Numerous features are being ar- ranged to enable members to mingle in the life abroad. An eight-day motor tour to literary monuments in Scotland and England has been announced. - It will include Abbotsford, Sir Walter Scott's home; Morningside, home of Robert Louis Stevenson; Words- worth's Dove Cottage, Stratford-on- the-Avon, and Dickens' "Olde Curi- osity Shop." Local Teachers to Attend Waukegan Division Parley The annual meeting of the Lake Shore division of the Illinois State Teachers' association will be held on Monday, April 16, at Waukegan, Ill. Two general sessions will be held during the day. The rest of the meeting will be sectional and will include separate ses- sions of teachers from the High schools, and primary, art and music departments. It is expected that many local teachers will attend. A separate meeting of the Parent- Teacher representatives will also be held. Dr. Alexander Mieklejohn of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin will be the speaker at the luncheon meeting and will talk on "Problems of the School Curriculum." RETURN FROM CUBA Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Hamburger, 502 Willow road, Winnetka, returned last Sunday from a trip to Cuba. Mr. and Mrs. Hamburger went first to Nash- ville where their daughter, Ruth, joined them. They then went on to Florida, Cuba, and returned by way of New Orleans. Last Saturday they left Ruth at Ward Belmont, Nashville, Tenn., where she is a freshman, and returned to the north shore. Mrs. Lawrence BeBout, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Fulton, 884 Hill road, Winnetka, formerly Miss Marion Fulton, arrived last Thursday from her home in Laudonville, Ohio, to spend about ten days with her parents. | Feting Elaine Burgess, Kenilworth Bride-Elect Miss Elaine Burgess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Burgess of Kenilworth, is to be the guest of honor at numerous parties before her wedding on April 21, to Norwood Burch of Evanston. Mrs. Thomas Wolfe, Jr.,, and Mrs. Harold Anderson, both of Evanston, are giving a linen shower this Satur- day afternoon at Mrs. Wolfe's home. In the evening Mrs. Paul Newey of Evanston will give a bridge party at the home of her mother, Mrs. William E. Burch of Evanston. Mrs. William White of Highland Park is to give a bridge party next Tuesday evening. Wednesday afternoon Miss Lida Ray- mond, one of the bridesmaids, will give a shower and bridge at her home, 874 Hill road. The following afternoon another bridesmaid, Miss Marion Kawin, will have a luncheon and handkerchief shower at her home in Evanston. Next Friday evening Henry Penfield of 660 Bluff street, Glencoe, and his fiancée, Miss Henri- etta Calkins, will give a bridge party. Praises Efficiency of Our Townshio Officials The faithful and efficient service of New . Trier township officials received deserved recognition at the annual Town meeting held at Community House in Winnetka, Tuesday after- noon at 2 o'clock, in an appropriate expression voiced by Benjamin F. Langworthy. These officials, in the performance of the routine duties of their respective offices, do not come in for the usual share of public recognition so often showered upon office holders. The annual Town meetings seldom attract a "corporal's guard," and, naturally, the Township officials ap- preciated the commendation expressed by Mr. Langworthy, who said that he, on behalf of the citizens of the town- ship, wished to congratulate the offi- cials for the efficient manner in which the affairs of the township govern- men* were conducted the past year. Florida Claims Former Residents of Winnetka The many old friends of Marshal Shoenthaler, a former resident of Indian Hill road, were much pleased to see him again on his recent visit to Chicago after a two years' absence in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Schoenthaler have taken up their permanent resi- dence in Winter Haven, Fla. where they have built a charming Spanish house. Mr. Schoenthaler is the Florida representative of the Container Corpo- ration of America. In this delightful locality, which is in the center part of the state, are also the Norman Streets and the Percy Manchesters, formerly of Winnetka. who are enjoying the ownership of a large citrus grove. Alfred McCordic spent part of the season in Winter Haven. Mrs. Frederic Ullmann, with her son. Frederic, and Miss Margaret Ullmann. returns early next week to her home. 335 Ridge avenue, after having been in California and Chicago for some time. --_0-- Miss Elizabeth Babcock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Babcock, 566 Ash street, returned last Tuesday to Smith college where she is a sopho- more. Miss Babcock has been home for about ten days for spring vacation. ---- Miss Florence Burnham, dauchter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rurnham. 1407 Tower road. returned home for the spring vacation on Tuesdav of this week, from the University of Wiscon- sin. \ Zp innetka Congregational Church A | Za EASTER SUNDAY Morning-- 7:00 Sun Rise Service for Young People. 9:30 Special service of worship for boys and girls from the 4th grades through the first year 9:30 and 11:00 Identical Services of Easter Morn- On the beach at the home of Geo. B. Massey. High School. Kindergarten and Primary meet as usual ing Worship. Sermon, "The Remaking of Thomas." Richards. Afternoon-- 3:30 Special service of baptism. 5:00 Vespers. No meeting of the Winnetka Sunday Evening Mr. Goodwin. Club. No meeting of the Young People's Club. Sermon, "Realizing Immortality." © The Smart Woman 541 Chestnut Street She is the one who understands the value of perfect grooming. There- fore, she appreciates our exclusive Dry Cleaning Service, where each dainty garment receives individual personal attention. We specialize in cleaning those articles of wearing apparel, tapestries, silks, etc. that one ordinarily hesitates to send to a commercial cleaner. Acquaint yourself with "the woman who knows" ELSIE LE COMTE Phone Winnetka 410