30 WINNETKA TALK April 28, 1928 April 28, 1928 WINNETKA TALK io AN ULLRICH Bw ROVNIAIN SQVARE EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 1024 WILMETTE 3700 Crepe de Chine Blouses with youthful Bramley Collars : $6.50 A simple, tailored blouse, with no trimming but a self-color applied decoration on the collar. All of white crepe de chine--and beautifully cut to fit! Unusually attractive, because of the exceptional quality of the material, and the obviously excellent tailoring. Radium blouses, too, at $6.50. Lord's--Second Floor Track Pants and Knit Shirts are smart underwear for men Allen-A make--which gives you a guarantee of quality and proper tailoring. The knit shirts---close-fitting, but made to give comfortably with every movement of your body-- are 75c. The track pants may be of white drill, at 75¢; or of white broadcloth, at $1. Or of white broad- cloth with bright stripes of blue, orange or lavender, at $1. Cut full, but fitted so as to avoid unnecessary bulk. And they tie at the sides for easy adjustment. Lord's--Men's Store-- First Floor Orrington Sewing Needs Corticelli Spool Silk, 100 yards, all colors, and black and white, 18¢ a spool. $1.98 a dozen. Dress Shields, covered with Jap- anese silk. Emblem Brand. Flesh tint. Size 2, 67c a pair, $7.35 a dozen; size 3, 73c a pair, $8 a dozen. Dress Shields, Kleinert"s Emblem Brand, size 2, 4oc pair, $4.40 a dozen; size 3, 44c¢ pair, $4.84 a dozen; size 4, 48c pair, $5.28 a dozen. Regular style. Wilsnap Fasteners, 1oc card. Black or white. Size 4/0 to 2. $1 a dozen cards--an economical way to buy them, even for the average home sewing. Lisle Elastic, 1oc yard. White or black, 14 inch wide. $1 a dozen yards. Bristol Bank Pins in half pound boxes, from size 3 to size 7, 45¢ to 75¢ a box. Not.ons--First Floor Let a Vogue Pattern be your guide when you sew They're cut by artists who know line! If you follow them ac- curately, you will avoid not only the more obvious mistakes, but those subtler ones of cutting and assembling that makes the difference between a professionally tailored garment and one that looks home- made. Complete assortment of Vogue patterns are here. Lord's--First Floor Soft Homespun for Ensembles A green-and-white interwoven pure wool--Ilight and warm--that looks as though it might have been woven by hand. Use it for a sports suit of coat and skirt. Make an ensemble of it--with the long coat lined with Mingtoy Crepe (50 shades; $2.50 yard; washable), and the dress of Mingtoy to match. It makes suit- able and comfortable suits and school frocks for children. And it is bound to wear satisfactorily! $4.50 a yard--s4 inches wide. Lord's--First Floor EEE---------- -- The Ensemble has an Important Place in the Wardrobe! ! It is a complete costume in itself--nothing remaigs but to match its color-harmonies in gloves, hat, shoes, hose and bag. It can be combined with other garments in various ways. If your ensemble consists of dress and long coat, both may be worn with other voats and other dresses. If it consists of suit-skirt, overblouse and three-quarter length coat, you may wear different blouses with the outfit--or wear the skirt with a sweater as a sports costume--or use the coat over a dress or a sport skirt of some bright pi color. 4 And the ensemble is not necessarily expensive. : You may buy a two piece ensemble of sturdy tweed for as little as $17.50. Very satisfactory ones--nicely tailored --are $35, $49.50 and $69.50. And a very handsome affair--from the famous house of Mangone--is of Lnsign blue crepelle, with the coat lin- ing and frock of a rich, heavy silk crepe, printed in bright colors, the blue and black predominating. Size 36, $125. Lord's--Second Floor The model illustrated \ is $69.50. Big Graceful -brimmed Hairbraid Hats veiled in shadow lace The graceful, asymmetrical dinner brim sways alluringly above the face this summer--and its trans- parency is veiled in patterned shadow lace. Often this is its only trimming--occasionally there is a cluster of lacquered flowers beneath the brim, or a simple band of lacquered ribbon around it. Priced from $15 to $25--in colors for every costume. Lord's--Second Floor French Block-Print Handkerchiefs 50c Finest of fine linens, with borders blocked on in color. Olive green, navy blue, pumpkin, French blue, rose and maroon. Wide borders, with sports scenes silhouetted upon them--and narrower solid-color band borders. Lord's--First Floor New Flowers at 50c Clusters of hyacinth--soft, velvety ones, each cluster of one color. Single gardenias, which are usually bought by twos and threes and fours, to wear grouped. Felt flowers in delicate spring colors. Wee bunches of forgetmenots in a host of bright blues and roses and browns and yellows. And many other kinds. First Floor ANULRICN fw! FOVNIAIN SQVARE EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 1024 WILMETTE 3700 From the Annual Sale of Oriental" Rugs: A few of the extraordinary values offered homemakers by this sale are noted here. Of course there are many more. If you need a rug--or can use one--or are going to want one any time within the next six months--don't overlook the advantages of buying now! Persian Irans, $32.50 Average size, 6-6x3-6. Values up to $60. A group of lustrous, thick Persian rugs, rose, blue and mulberry of soft coloring. Silky Lilihans, $22.50 Average size 4x2-6. $35 values. Beautiful Persian de- signs, of harmonious rose and blue shadings. Anatolian Prayer Rugs, $19.75 Average size, 5x3. $30 values. Natural bright colors, and each rug with the characteristic prayer niche. Persian Heriz, $295 Average size, 9x12. Values, $400. Heavy pile of very durable wool, with rose or blue predominating. Allover designs, suitable for dining room and living room. Hall Runners $65, $75 and $89 Values to $150. Natural shades of rose, blue, mulberry or tan. Heavy nap. Many Fine Individual 'Rugs-- many of them eAntiques of great rarity. See the Famous Antique Yezd Palace Carpet that took twelve years to weave. Price, $10,000. Lord's--Rugs--Second Fluor