Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 28 Apr 1928, p. 56

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April 28, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 57 - 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 67 FOR RENT--APTS. 169 FOR RENT--HOUSES WANTED--SOMEONE 0 TAKE | EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS FOR RENT--DEMPSTER STREET LOVELY NEW HOME, 6 RMS, 2 ELDERLY INVALID LADY INTO work by the day. Ph. Winnetka 2764. '"L" TERMINAL, NILES CENTER baths, 2-car garage. Or will sell on OWN HOME AND CARE FOR HER 60T8-1tc easy terms. Tel. Winn. 1921. WHILE FAMILY IS AWAY FOR SUMMER MONTHS. NETKA 290. PH. WIN- T8-1te COMP. WHITE SECOND MAID WILL- ing to assist with children. Must have exp. and ref. 37 Indian Hill Rd. Ph. Winnetka 2671. 56TN8-1tc GIRL OR WOMAN, CARE OF TWO children, other help kept, stay nights, good home. 318 Oak Circle.. Ph. Wil- mette 4292. 56LTN31-1tc WANTED--GIRL TO WORK IN STORE. Porter's Electric Shop, 797 Elm St. 56TN8-1tc WHITE COOK, SM. FAMILY; MUST he exp.; nurse employed Tel. Winn. 1254. 56TN8-1tc WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO help with baby from 2 to 6. Ph. Win- netka 1402. 56T8-1tc YOUNG WHITE GIRL OVER 18%, some second work and assist with 2 children. Ph. Winnetka 1133. 56TN8-1tc 4 A GOOD PLACE FOR GIRL, EXP. IN gen. hswk., small family. Ph. Winnetka 530-J. 56T8-1tc WANTED--NURSE TO TAKE CARE OF baby afternoons. Ref. req. Ph. Win- netka 2798. 56TN8-1tc 57 HELP WANTED--MALE SALESMAN WANTED---21-30 YRS. OF age. Must be clean cut, ambitious young man desiring a perm. connec- tion with old est. firm. ' Experience un- necessary, will teach business to right party. Apply Wersted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln Ave., Winn. 57T8-1tc WOMAN WISHES GEN. HSWK. OR cooking and downstairs work. Exp. cook. Tel. Greenleaf 4788. 60LTN31-1tp EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WASHING to take home, will call for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 60LTN31-1tp FINNISH GIRL WANTS GEN. HSWK. Tel. Buckingham 5445. 60LTN31-1tp 61 SITUATION WTD.--MALE LICENSED GERMAN CHAUFFEUR, single, desires pos. in priv. fam. Perfect in hse. and garden work. Tel. Win- netka 2468. 61LTN31-1tp MAN FOR HOUSECLEANING AND odd jobs. Tel. Wilmette 911-J. 61LTN31-1tp CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN,, etc. Drive, wash cars, garden work. Winn. 1552. 61T48-tfc EXP. GARDENER WANTS WORK, day or week. Ph. Winnetka 2864. 61TNS8-1tc HAVE YOUR PIPES AND BOILERS covered. Call Winn. 1774. 61L/TN29-4tc CHAUFFEUR--12 YRS." EXP. ON HIGH grade cars. A-1 ref. Univ. 4074. Thomas. 61LTN31-1tp BOY 18 YRS. WOULD LIKE WORK AS helper in store or garage. Ph. Wil- mette 3600-Y-4. 61LT31-1tc SIT. WID.-- MALE & FEMALE YOUNG COLORED COUPLE DESIRE permanent position as second maid and chauffeur. Ref. Ph. Tr niversity 5806. 62TN8-1tp f 62 WANTED--WHITE MAN AS CHAUF- feur, gardener, assist in house. Priv. rm. & bath on main fl. Tel. Winn. 964. 57T8-1tc YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE DELIVERY truck.. Inquire at 735 Elm St. 5TLTN31-1te 58 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE EXPERIENCED WHITE COUPLE, cook, houseman, and chauffeur. Ref. required. Ph. Kenilworth 2032. 58LTN31-1tc WAITING. HAVE DESIRABLE POS. Must have A-1 ref. Lindgren Employ- ment Agency. 799 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1047. 58T8-4te WANTED--A COUPLE, WHITE, MAN as gardener and assist in hse. Wife as cook & houseworker. Tel. Winn. 2711. 58TN8-1tc 58 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE WANTED--REAL ESTATE SALESMAN or Saleswoman with car, who has to earn a living. If you want to get into an office where commissions are paid promptly and cheerfully, see me. F. COLEMAN BURROUGHS, 1157 Wil- mette Avenue, Phone Wilmette 640. 58LTN31-1te 60 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE WANTED--BY EXPERIENCED LAUN- dress, laundry work to do at home, will call for and deliver. Phone Wilmette 2623. 60LT31-3tc WANTED BY COMPETENT WOMAN, care of children, cook and serve meals or cleaning. Ph. Wilmette 4288. ; 60LT31-1tc 63 BOARD AND ROOM WANTED--BOARDER AND ROOMER. Pleasant room, good meals, near transp. 1023 Main St., Wilmette. 63LT31-1tp 30 Minutes to Loop North Shore and "L" 4 large light rooms--roll-a-way beds, 2 blocks from New School, near public golf course and riding academy. $60 M. J. FAHERTY Bronx Office 1 blk. east of "L'" ter. Ph. Niles Center 93 67LTN31-1tp NEW APARTMENTS Concessions Reasonable Rentals 2 and 3 rooms Lg. light rms. All have bedrms. Rolla- 'way bed in liv. rms. Good closet space and elec. refrig. furnished. SMITH & BROWN 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142 : 67T8-tfc FOR RENT--HUBBARD WOODS, 5 RM. apt.,, H. W. heat, {70 per mo. Large rm.--suitable for dancing school-- with private office and kitchenette. 7. rm. house, 4 bedrms., sunparlor, 2-car gar., large lot, $135. FRANK A REID 954 Linden Ave. Hub. Wds. Winn. 1300 3 67TTN8-1tc FOR RENT--3 AND 5 RM. MODERN apts. Genuine Frigidaire, best location, reas. rent. Inquire at FRANKLIN BLDG. 526 Center St. Ph. Winnetka 382 67LTN28-tfc 69LTN31-1tp FOR RENT OR FOR SALE--5 ROOMS and bath. Garage, modern improve- ments. Ph. Glencoe 1090. 69LTN31-1tc FOR RENT--6 RM. HOUSE IN GOOD location in Hubbard Woods, $90. Write Winnetka Talk B-683. 69T8-1tc FOR RENT OR FOR SALE--8 RM. hse.; 2 baths; 3 porches; rent reas. Tel. Winn. 1852. 69T8-1tp FOR RENT--5 RM. BUNGALOW, AL- most new. $90 per mo. Ph. Wilmette 1665. 69LTN31-1tc 70 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES TO RENT--FURNISHED, MAY 15-OCT. or shorter period. 8 rms., large screened porch ; Sars beaut. grounds; 2 blks. C. & N. W. or North Shore Elec.; nr. beach. 174 Woodland Ave. Winn. 1595. 70T8-1tp ATTRACTIVE, FURNISHED 6 RM. house, sleeping porch, sunparlor, near transp. and golf course. Rent from May 15th or June 1st to Sept. 15th. Ph. Winnetka 1267. 70T8-1te FOR RENT--FROM JULY 1-SEPT. 1. 7 rm. hse. near lake; 4 bedrms., lg. sleeping porch; garage; nice grounds. $300 per month. Tel. Winn. 1194. T0LTN31-1tp FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE SIX ROOM house, furnished.. Sun porch and sleep. pch. "Gar. Winn. 1781. 70T1-tfc 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT--SHOPS AND OFFICES. G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 62. T3LTN8-tfc FOR RENT--AT A SACRIFICE RATE, home-like kitchenette apartment in Or- rington Hotel. 3 large closets, com- plete hotel service. West exposure. Ap- ply hotel, University 8700 or tenant evenings, Greenleaf 4660. 67LTN30-tfc PLEASANT ROOMS AND BOARD NR. transp. 554 Center St. Tel. Winn. 2420. - 63LTN31-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT QUTSIDE 66 rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 66LT8-tfc FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED room suitable for married couple. Kitchen priv. if desired. Ph. Glencoe 976. 66TN8-1tc FURN. ROOM 1 BLOCK FROM INDI- an Hill, east, overlooking park. All conv's., Limited trains, etc. Tel. Winn. 769. 66TN8-1tc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. 1% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN46-tfc FURN. ROOM FOR RENT. 1 BLOCK to transp. Call after 6 P. M. at 1006 Chatfield road. Tel. Winn. 2481. 66T8-1tc FOR RENT--2 ROOMS FURNISHED or unfurnished, with bath -and private porch. Ph. Wilmette 3082. 66LTN31-1tc ROOMS NEWLY DECORATED, COME and see. 731 10th St., Wilmette. 66LT30-2tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS BY week or month. Phone Wilmette 2399 or 3345. 66LTN20-tfc WORK WANTED--WASHING, IRON- ing and cleaning by the day by Swed- ish woman. Ph. Wilmette 481. 60LT31-1tp WHITE WOMAN DESIRES DAY WORK, cleaning and laundry. Call evenings. Ph. Wilmette 2398. 60LT31-1tp DAY WORK WANTED FOR WED. Thurs. and Sat. by experienced white Ph. Winnetka 1167. 60TNS8-1tc WANTED--BLANKETS, CURTAINS & other laundry work to do. 886 Willow , Ph. Winn. 1924. 60T6-5tc EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK Tues. and Wed. Tel. Glencoe 647. 60TN8-1tp WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK TO DO at home, called for and delivered. Ph. Glencoe 616. 60TN8-1tc POSITION WANTED AS GEN. MAID either by day or permanent. Ref. Tel. Glencoe 791. 60TN8-1tp woman. LARGE, LIGHT, WELL-FURNISHED room, near transp. Gar. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 66LLTN31-1tc FOR RENT--2 CHOICE FRONT ROOMS, convenient location, east side. Ph. Wil- mette 1940. 66LT31-1tc FOR RENT--VERY NICE FRONT room, reas. Ph. Wilmette 3206. 66LT31-1tp ROOM WITH TWIN BEDS FOR 2 gentlemen. 840 Spruce St. Tel. Winn. 230. 66TS-t tfc FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT. FOR Ty 1 bl. from transp. Tel. Winn. 2258. 66T8-1tc LOVELY LARGE RM. BATH, NR. transp. Call Sunday, Winn. 1877. 66TN8-1tc FOR RENT--2 ROOMS & BATH, LARGE porch. 892 Ash St. 66T8-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 67 DESIRABLE LARGE 4 ROOM. H. W. heat. 2nd floor Near transportation. Ice box. $70 per month. 840 Center St. Phone Winn. 265. 67LTN30-tfc 6 ROOMS, 2 BATHS. ALL OUTSIDE light. $160 a month. Mrs. F. D. Smith, 321 Kedzie St., Evanston. Tel. Green- leaf 4475. 67LTN28-tfc ow RMS., SLEEPING PORCH AND bath. Near transp. Hot water and heat furnished. 1400 Washington Ave., Wil- mette. 67LTN31-1tc DESIRABLE LARGE 4 ROOM. H. W. heat. 2nd floor, rear deck porch, rent reas. Near transportation. 840 Center St. Phone Winn. 265. 67TTNS8-tfc FOR RENT--NICE LITTLE FLAT with H. 'W. & heat for May 1st. 851 Spruce St., Winnetka. 67T8-1tc ATTRACTIVE MOD. APARTMENT, 4 rms. nr. transp. Mod. rent. Tel. Winn. 1124 or 323. 67T8-1tc FOR RENT--4 ROOM APT. HEATED, janitor service. Ph. Wilmette 2399. 67TLTN27-tfc SUB-LEASE REASONABLE. 4 RMS. and Roll-a-way. Tile bath. 930 Judson, Evans. Ph. Greenleaf 4646. 67T8-1tp 68 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. FOR RENT -- PARTLY FURNISHED kitchen, bedroom and large private bath, gas. light and heat, $35 per mo., also gar. space for rent, near 17th and Walnut. Ph. Wilmette 8$24-W. 68LTN31-1tc FOR RENT--4 NICELY FURNISHED rooms with bath and Kitchenette. Near stores and transp. Garage space if desired. Ph. Wilmette 300. 68LTN31-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED FLAT FOR the summer suitable for employed couple or 2- ladies. Ph. Wilmette 2535. 68LTN31-1tc FURNISHED 3 RM. KITCH. APT.; also 1 rm. Kkitch. Tel. Wil. 992-M or Greenleaf 3688. 68LT31-1tc 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--FURN. OR UNFURN. AT- 77 FOR SALE--HOUSES Kenilworth A REALLY BEAUTIFUL NEW BRICK 7 room, 3 bath residence. Attached garage, slate roof, 80 ft. lot, steel case- ment windows, breakfast room; in the center of the new Kenilworth Com- -~ munity Development, close to all trans- portation. Dollar for dollar value at $35,000. Holkanson & Jenks 513 Davis St. Greenleaf 1617 T7LT31-1tc FOR SALE--1537 WASHINGTON AVE, cor. 16th St.. Wilmette. 9 rm. frame house, steam heat, all improvements, 3 car brick garage, lot 50x160. Place enclosed with cyclone fence, fine lawn, shade trees, shrubs, fruit trees, garden, all assessments in and paid for, re- cently refinanced, terms to responsible people. Price $17,000. 50 ft. lot adjoin- ing, for sale clear price $5,000. Might "exchange one or both for smaller house. Owner on premises. TTLTN31-3tp NORTH EAST GLENCOE AN ATTRACTIVE 3 STORY ' BRICK Colonial house of hollow tile construec- tion. consisting of 8 rms., 5 bedrooms, sleeping porch, 2 baths, hot water heat, Hardinge Oil Burner, garage attached and heated. Lot 6214x170. Priced for quick action. $26,500 WALTER P. SMITH & CO. 332 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 " TTLTN31-1tc IDEAL HOME 6 BEDROOMS, 3 BATHS, DELIGHT- ful sun room; large sleeping porch; servants' dining room. Huge living room, Newport heat, stair carpeting, Frigidaire. and Hot water heater in- cluded. Almost % acre in choicest Fast section. $40.000. HEINSEN REALTY CO. 720 Elm St. Phone Winn. 254 TTLTN31-1te Georgian Colonial NOW UNDER CONSTR. BEST LOC. in east Winn. nr. schocls and lake. 7 rms., living, dining & breakfast rms.; butler's pantry, kitchen, toilet & lav., tractive log cabin, 6 1rms., 3 glazed 4 bedrms., 3 baths, 2 of them colored tile. and screened porches, 2 baths, double Appeals to anyone wishing a well-built garage. Ht. water ht. Ph. Winn. 146. home. 484 Orchard Lane. Tel. Winn. 69T7-tfc | 1517. 77T8-1tp MAY 1ST. 4 ROOMS, BATH AND |6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE AT NORTH- porch, H. W. heat. Tel. Winn. 819. 69LTN31-1tc WANTED--WASHING TO TAKE HOME. Will: call for and deliver. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 1391. 60T8-2tp FOR RENT----APT. OCT. 1ST OR LONG- er. 1410 Gregory Ave. Ph. Wilmette 866-M. 67TLTN31-1tc COMFY LOWER 5 RMS. AND GA- rage. Hast side, beaut. corner. Reas. Tel. Winn. 1630. 69LTN31-1tc brook; H. W. heat, 1 bath, l-car ga- rage, lot 50x140. $9,300, terms. Call at 1937 Wilmette Ave. or phone Wil, 3774. TTLTN31-1tp MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 58

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