May 5, 1928 WINNETKA TALK The ONLY Dealers from whom you can purchase Quaker State Products in the Wilmette, Kenilworth, Win- netka, and Glencoe territory are the following: WILMETTE Braun Bros. Service Station Wilmette Ave. at Ridge Miller & Miller 732 12th Street There's aii extra quart in every gallon Wilmette Motor Sales 515 4th Street A sweeping claim, but easily proved. For, at the point where the refining of ordinary motor oil stops, Quaker State Medium Motor Oil is run through an additional, exclusive, super-refining process which takes out the non-viscous content present in ordinary oils--more than 25% of the whole. That's why there's an extra quart of lubricant in every gallon of Quaker State Medium Motor Oil. KENILWORTH NO DEALERS WINNETKA Abel Battery & Ignition Service 716 Elm Street Braun Bros. Service Station 723 Oak Street Quaker State Medium Motor Oil is all lubricant--100%. That's why it has made such remarkable performance records, and won the recommendation of the makers of our best-known cars, among others, Franklin, Wills Ste. Claire, and Rolls-Royce. Hubbard Woods Service Station 1010 Tower Road Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Avenue GLENCOE Glencoe Auto Laundry 332 Park Avenue (rear) 09:3 3 QUAKER STary TRADE MARR SS. OlLs = creASES ---- rp Oe pe eyivanlt Permit No. 50 BRAUN BROS. OIL CO. Distributors of Quaker State Products from Wilmette to Lake Bluff Inclusive ES ess 725 Oak Street, Winnetka General Office: Phones Winnetka 3020-21-22