May 5, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 19 New Trier Wins Over Des Plaines in Track Contest New Trier won a dual track meet at Des Plaines last Saturday. The Gray and Green tracksters ran up 72% points to their opponents' 58%. Funcksteiner of Maine and Milton Guy of New Trier fought it out for first place in every one of the dashes. Guy won out in the 50 yard dash, but Funcksteiner came in ahead in the 100 and 220. Tom Brown won third place for New Trier in the 50 and 220 yard dashes. Gray and Green runners copped the first two places in both the 880 and the mile. Burgess easily won the half mile and Windes was right behind him. ILff hit his stride for the first time this year and won the mile with a comfortable lead. Ferrman beat out Schraeder of Maine for second place. Bartholomew showed up very well in' the hurdles, winning the high hurdles and getting second in the lows. Dave Wanger won the low hurdles. Kingsley sprung a surprise by tieing for first place in the pole vault with Stevens of Maine at ten feet. This is much better than he has done in previous meets. ~The relay as usual was very excit- ing but its result was not as pleasant as it has been in most meets. New Trier had the lead until Funcksteiner took the baton for the Blue and White. He overhauled "Marty" Cas- sell, New Trier's anchor man, until he was abreast of him. Then he be- gan to fall back, for "Marty" put up a hard fight. He finally forged ahead through and hit the tape a foot ahead of Cassell. Funcksteiner, Maine's flashy sprint- er, was the star of the meet, winning twice as many points as any one else, 18 1-4. He won two dashes, got sec- ond place in another, tied with Dave Wanger for first in the broad jump and won the relay for his team. Dave Wanger was New Trier's high pomt man and Funcksteiner's nearest rival with 9 points. Bartholomew was close behind him with 8 points. Summaries : 50 yard dash--1, Guy (N. 7.9; 2, 7 ( unck- SiSiner (M.); 3, Brown (N. T.) i Time, 100 yard dash--1, Funcksteiner (M.) ; 2 (N. T.); 3, Kennicott (M.). Tire 220 yard dash--1, Funcksteiner (M.) ; 2 Suy (N. T.); 3, Brown (NT). Thane ) an a fers Cassell (N: IT.); y ine .); 3, tie between Anderso (M.) and Fisher (M.). Time, :55.9 Spson ); 880 yard run--I1, Burgess (N. T 2, Windes (N. T.); 3, Kleiner (M. Time, 2:10.9. ) i 3) Mile--1, Iliff (N. T.); 2, Ferrman (N. T.); 3, Schraeder (M.). Time, 5:00.6. 220 yard low hurdles--1, Wanger (N. T.); 2, Bartholomew (NT) ;173, -Me- Gregor (M.). Time, :28.4. 120 yard high hurdles--1, Bartholomew (N. T.); 2, Leach (N. T.); 3, Jordan (M.). Time, :17.8. High jump--1, Walsh (M.); 2, tie be- tween Hall (N. T.) and Mantiffel (M.). Height, 5 ft., 5 in. . Pole vault--1, tie between Kingsley (N. T.) and Stevens (M.); 3, tie between Kershaw (N. and Bate (M.). Height, 10 ft. Broad jump--1, tie between Funck- steiner (M.) anda Wanger (N. T.); 3, Hall (N. T.). Distance, 18 ft, 534 in. Discus throw--1, Sullivan NJ: EET ' 2, Korkora (M.); 3, Hall (N. T.). Dis- tance, 100 ft., 1 in. Shot put--1, Walsh (M.); 2, tie between Hall (N. T.) and Sullivan (N. T.). Dis- tance, 37 ft., 7 in. Javelin throw--1, Korkora (M.); 2, Kleiner (M.); 3, Kershaw (N. T.). Dis- tance, 137 ft. The Mary Virginia Ellet Cabell So- ciety of Children of the American Revolution is giving a benefit card party Saturday, May 5, at 2 o'clock, at the Sherwin hotel, Chicago. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell, Wilmette 2922. Motor to Indiana for Hike in Forest Preserve Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Gillson of 706 Forest avenue, Wilmette, Miss Mabelle A. Payton, teacher of English -and public speaking at New Trier . High school, and Miss Margery Stewart, teacher of chemistry at New Trier, left last Friday afternoon on an auto trip to the Turkey Run Forest preserves in Indiana, where they spent the week-end hiking in the preserves, studying wild flowers and birds, and observing nature's "multiform splen- dor." The Gillsons are great nature lovers, and it was they who planned the in- teresting trip to one of the country's best forest preserves. Miss Stewart is an authority on birds and flowers. The party returned Sunday evening. A meeting of the Mount Vernon Seminary society will be held May 8, at 11:30 o'clock, at the Chicago Wom- an's Athletic club. Luncheon will be served and Foster Krake, baritone, will give the program. 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