68 WINNETKA TALK May 5. 1928 General Notice -- GLENCOE NEWS. Average of five words to the line. WINNETKA TALK and Friday CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or R t 15 cents a line in one paper. ates ~30 cents a line in all three papers. No black face type used. on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. ¥ : Classified advertisements Deadline f or Inser tions cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. be charged only 25 cents a line in any two papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. 10% discount will be ac- Thursday 5 o'clock for the 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS A USED Buick IS THE NEXT GREATEST VALUE TO A NEW BUICK 1927 Master Six Buick Sedan, Gold Seal Guarantee = 5.0 LWIA ,17 1927 Standard Country Club Coupe, rumble seat, Gold Seal Guarantee Fh QUES RTS 0. ao HR $1,025 1926 Two-door master Sedan $875 1925 Buick 7-passenger Sedan, big bar- gain, has 4 new General cord re 925 2-26 Packard Sport Phaeton, overhauled ond repainted, "only: =. .louol $750 LIBERAL TERMS North Shore Buick Company 1030 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5961 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 4LTN32-1tc 3 DEMO. SPECIALS 1928 ADVANCED SIX 2-DOOR SEDAN. * Has been driven only 1,500 miles. This car carries new-car guarantee and comes fully equipped. Cost new $1,560. Our price for a quick sale only $1,295. 1928 Special Six 2-door sedan, driven only 700 miles. This is practically a new car and can be had for only $1,195. 1928 Standard Six 2-door sedan. Very carefully driven. Only 1,200 miles. An exceptional buy at $750. USED CAR VALUES We have 8 or 10 very late closed models that are in excellent condition. These cars are being sold at our customary - low prices. You are sure to get the utmost satisfaction and real value when buying your cars from SUBURBAN NASH CO. 547 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winnetka 2707 4LTN32-1tc Real Bargains Dodge COMPO... cosmic isms wits ais $150 Tord Coupe xpi vv i voi in vsibans 125 Yord Medaniin ls. IROL 3. 0 125 Studebaker Touring ..... ..+.s5.. 150 Hupmobile Touring 75 Oldsmobile Sedan .... ee Eh oy Hupmobile 8 cyl. Sedan demonstrator LOT ONLY old ivi ws AES tel r iS 1,800 HANSON MOTOR CO. GRAHAM-PAIGE DEALER WINNETKA 4LTN32-1te THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS 223. 01dsmoblle: Couper i... ..... sisson $275 lat Pontiac Landau'... 000 550 226 Hudson Coach ili 29 LUA 80m, 375 '24 Studebaker Touring ............. 150 P20 DOAEE COUP. cia. is in» vivre es 300 '20 Oakland Coach ...1. 00" L.. 385 *3M Jewett Coach "01 20000 BAL 250 26 Oakland Four-Door .:............ '26 Dodge Four-Door Sedan ........ 375 '24 Nash 4-Door Sedan .............. All Cars Reconditioned Lake Shore Auto Sales 1010-16 Chicago Avenue 4LTN32-1tc UNEQUALED VALUES Podge Coube .....0 0. 0 ans. $450 Dodge Coupe. iret ai 350 Dodge Senior Sedan ..............:. 1,100 Buick Touring, Winter encl. ........ 325 1926: Ford Sedan: ........ ...... %. 175 1926" Chevrolet Coach =. ...:........ Convenient Terms Your present car accepted in partial pay- ment. C. M. McDONALD DODGE MOTOR + CARS 1019 Davis St. Evanston Phone Wilmette or University 224 41 TN32-1tc USED CARS BOUGHT FROM US ARE A SAFE IN- vestment. WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winnetka 165 4L'TN32-tfc BUICK MASTER SIX TOURING 1926, just repainted and conditioned, like new, wing shields. Price $650. Terms. Ph. 'Winnetka 2796. 41L/TN32-1tp 1927 MODEL 4 DOOR SEDAN CHEV- rolet, barg. Owner leaving city. Tel 'Winn. 2661 or call at 180 Linden ave. 20 GARDENING 44 SERVICE BUREAU . Briggs Employment Agency 7 AND PERSONAL SERVICE CAN FUR- Gardening nish help of all nationalities. We fur- nish the best of help only. Couples, THE SPRING PLANTING SEASON is passing rapidly. Have you any lawn or garden work yet to do? Gage & Jordan 2016 Central St Phone Greenleaf 2930 20LTN32-1tc ADAM SCOTT Landscape Gardener and Contractor Avoid worry. Have your place fixed up and taken care of by the month. Get my estimate on new places, also drive- ways. : Phone Winnetka 2482 20LTN32-1te A-1 BLACK DIRT NO GREENHOUSE OR SKOKIE DIRT, manure, sand and filling, also reseed- ing lawns, lawns by the month. P. N. BALMES 1115 Greenleaf Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2770 : 20LTN31-tfe Winnetka-Perennial Garden - Landscaping gardening Cut flowers and gladiolus bulbs for sale. Jerry Kucera Winnetka 329 1050 Oak Street 20LTN26-tfc GERMAN GARDENER, OLD COUN- try experience especially on flowers, wants work by wk., day, or hr. Best of work guaranteed. T. H. Hausman, 840 Spruce St. Tel. Winn. 230. 20LT32-1tp BLACK DIRT DEIIJVERED TO YOUR HOME. T. Jacque. Ph. Glenview 101-M. 20TNLTN9-1tp INTERIOR DECORATING 27 maids, butlers, chauffeurs, laundresses, governesses, and nurses. Reliable help only. Call Douglas 1500. 441 TN29-4tp WINDOW SHADES Garden & Beach Umbrellas Drapery Hardware Canopies Rented Awnings & Window Shades HaroldN.BlasiusCo. 26 Prouty Annex Winnetka 1125 Waukegan Office 302 S. Genesse St. Waukegan 2087 : 51LTN29-tfc 52 WINDOW WASHING THE VANDER SERVICE, EXPERT window washing and house cleaning by appointment only. Uniformed white workmen. Furnishing all materials. Standard rates. A-1 references. Univ. 7906-Wil. 666. : 52TN9-1te 55 LOST AND FOUND LOST--DIAMOND BAR PIN IN CENT. Part Winn. Finder call Mrs. Haskins, Winn. 385. Reward. 55T9-1te LOST -- BLACK COCKER SPANIEL puppy. Reward. Call Winnetka 1106. 55T9-1tc LOST--PEARL BEAD NECKLACE, last Wed., east of tracks. Tel. Winn. 1279. 55T9-1te LOST--PINK CAMEO PIN NEAR 330 Forest Ave., Winnetka. Ph. Winnetka 468. 55T9-1tc LOST--TAN COLLIE DOG. LICENSE No. 297. Ph. Winnetka 1475. 55T9-1tc PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER TO HARMONIZE wWIiTH YOUR HARRIS BROTHERS NORTH SIDE & EVANSTON BRANCH "Cellu-Seal" Lined Garages COTTAGES--HOMES RALPH WATTS, Mgr. 2047 HOWARD AVE. CHICAGO Between Clark and Ridge EVANSTON CHICAGO UNIVERSITY 8950 BRIARGATE 5126 11LTN23-tfc CARPENTER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR EF. J, Hacker Screens--Storm Sash Garages--Porches--Additions Expert Cabinet Work. 1752 Highland Ave., Wil. Ph. Wil. 1176 11LTN24-tfc 4T9-1te draperies or decorative scheme. Our creative artists achieve perfect results; HUDSON. COACH, 1923." IN GOOD vases wired. cond. Motormeter, bumpers and sp. ALAN-GOODRICH STUDIO tire. At bargain $150. Tel. Highland | 632 Church St. Carlson Bldg. Pl. 3142, 4T9-1tp 27L/TN32-1tc 11 BUILDING & CONTRACTING 30 LOANS MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECURED MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. McKENDRY REALTY CO. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston Univ. 8383 30LTN32-4tp PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO loan. First and second mortgages. Reasonable rate. Quick service. 801 Ridge Terr., Evanston. Ph. Greenleaf 1592. 30L/TN24-tfc PAINTING & DECORATING 38 Painting-Decorating PAPER HANGING, WOOD FINISHING, floor scraping and general remodeling. C. FRANKEL Phone Wilmette 3104 38L/TN24-tfc 17 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING GOWNS AND COATS 'A SPECIALTY. Remodeling. Curtains and drapes. Children's clothes. Also fur coats re- modeled. Tel. Winn. 1687. Mrs. Sig- rid Bengston. 385 Rosewood Ave. 17T9-tfe DRESSMAKING--REMODELING, AL- terations, sports and children's clothes. 898 Linden Ave., Apt. 19. 17LTN32-1tc GARDENING LANDSCAPE GARDENING, SEEDING, planting, black dirt, manure. Frank 20 'W. Kares, Winnetka Ave. Tel. Wil 891-Y-1. 20L/T32-1tp Run your Want Ad in Evanston, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 fami- lies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. .on Tuesdays. Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 LET BRANDT DO YOUR PAINTING and decorating. Tel. Winn. 185 or Pal- isade 10481. 38TN9-tfe 42 RADIOS RADIO EQUIP. COSTING AS FOL- lows: Radio set, $150; tubes, $25; loud speaker, $55; B. Eliminator, $42; "A" Battery, $15; charger, $15. Will sell for $65 complete. 1009 Chestnut Ave. Wilmette. S 421. TN32-1tc RADIO SPECIALIST DAY "AND NIGHT SERVICE. RE- pair service and construction. 962 Pine St. Winn. 1892. 42T49--tfe 2A ir RADIATOR COVERS RADIATOR COVERS, CABINETS AND shields. reasonably priced. High grade workmanship & finish; time payment if desired. Mr, Wetzel, Ph. Wilmette 2616. 42A-LTN25-tfe REPAIRING & REFINISHING PEOPLE WHO KNOW AND AP- PRECIATE EXPERT CRAFTS- MANSHIP, SEND THEIR FURNI- TURE TO US TO BE REPAIRED AND REFINISHED BY OUR EX- PERTS. CALL US AT UNIVER- SITY 6300. 431. TN28-tfc 3 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE REAL ESTATE SALESLADIES Part or full time, with or without ex- perience. For the finest development on the North Shore. We furnish cars for prospects, and help in every respect. Call Glenview 224 between 9 and 5 P. M. H. F. Ritter. 56 LTN32-1tc LAUNDRESS, WHITE OVER 30 YRS, thoroughly exp. Washing machine, mangle and dryer. Must have A-1 refs. Mondays only, permanent. 379 Ridge Ave. Ph. Winnetka 1379 56LT32-1tc REFINED GERMAN CHILDREN'S nurse. KExp. 40 yrs. old, for walking children. Will do upstairs work. Best ref. $20-$25. Tel. Kildare 5663. 56T9-1tp WANTED--REGULAR National Tea Co., 1191 Wil- Ph. Wilmette 1294. 56LTN32-1tp RELIABLE WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST with cooking and gen. hswk. Ref. req., no washing. Ph. Kenil. 1974. 56LT32-1te WANTED--EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR general housework. No washing. Ph. Wilmette 1430. 56LTN32-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE cook. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 176. i 56LT32-1tc WANTED--MOTHER'S HELPER, WILL- ing to learn. Other help in hse. Tel Winn. 167. 56L/TN32-1tc EXP. WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. in family of two. Winn. 2133 or Winn. 239. 56 LTN32-1tc GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. CLEAN, willing worker. Must like children. Tel. Winn. 2149. 56 LL TN32-1tc WANTED--EXP. WHITE MAID FOR gen. hswk. and to assist with child. Tel. Winn. 3083. 56LT32-1tc WTD--WHITE GIRL OVER 18 FOR general housework. 1034 Cherry St, Ph. Winnetka 2374. 56T9-1tc MAID FOR GEN. HSWK., GOOD PLAIN cook. 7 rm. hse., 4 in fam., no laundry. Tel. Winn. 2981. 56TN9-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR COOKING AND downstairs work. Lrge. fam., pleas. home. Tel. Winn. 1261. 56T9-1tc MAID--WHITE FOR COOKING AND 1st floor work. Ph. Glencoe 1039. 56TN9-1tc WANTED--COMP. WHITE MAID FOR gen. hswk. Small hse., 3 in family. Tel Winn. 1403. 56TNY-1tc SALESLADIES and extra. mette Ave.