May 5, 1928 WINNETKA TALK The Only Newspaper : of Its Kind ~~ In the World The Christian Science Monitor An International Daily Newspaper. "No intelligent, forward looking individual who wishes to be truly informed on vital issues of the day and age can afford to be without THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR." 4 A University President. "I am sure there can be no paper or magazine which can bring the world closer to one's door than THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, for its news is assembled from all parts of the world. In its columns one often reads of things and events which do not appear even in one's home paper." A Traveler. "What a blessing the postman brings to our home each day in THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR! I am pleased with the "Daily adie ibictleihiliotin liane) subacute cae thebeats ddd tetectinccienly Features" Section. The "Word a Day' is .interesting and helpful. Our six-year-old loves the '"'Sun Dial" quite as much as the 'Children's Page." A Mother. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One Year ©... $9.00 Three- Months... . 2... $2.25 Six Months... .... 4.50 One-Month: oo os 45 Single Copy . =...» 5 Cents The Christian Science Monitor Boston, Massachusetts bastions attire ~ "Motorists Wise-Simoniz" == OUR LUBRICATING SERVICE Let us lubricate your car today ~ --See how it's done --then you'll come back when your car needs it again--after 500 miles ELM ST. GARAGE At Arbor Vitae Washing -- Simonizing -- Lubricating Phone Winn. 2246 P. J. PETERSEN, Jr., Prop. ee ee a ee Ee eas ooo oa oo So Sole ae Se ae a ae a a a SS a ee ae a od dh dh A A A POD DOOD DODD DD ODDODDO OOOO OODP ODT D OOOO OO OOOO OOO WW WG a = = -- -- pe BE a. a a in i dn dh 0 0 Sh ab oS Sh Aaa a a a a a as Sd "100% Alemite" sev AAA AAA A ALAS AAAADSAMDDDASSS The Lowest Price ever placed on an automobile with-- BODY BY FISHER! J/CHEVROLET Ell] he coach $585 724 Elm Street a= $495 Toa $673 Le. $595 [Te $665 Richardson' s Garage Phone Winnetka 25 RE Pp