May 12, 1928 WINNET RA. TALK DYNAMITE AND OIL TO CHASE SKEETERS (Continued from Page 1) is no danger. Tony and his men have all been approved by the Dupont Pow- der company, understand thoroughly the dynamiting game in which they are engaged and their work cannot be ac- complished without a little noise re- sulting from the explosions, but there is absolutely no danger. "Be a little patient while the noise from the blasting is going on, keep- ing in mind that this is, in reality, the first and foundation step in real accomplishment of that for which the entire north shore for so many years has been clamoring, eradication of the mosquito menace. "The boards of trustees of the sev- eral villages, as well as the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district, ap- preciate the co-operation being given in this work by the Chicago Sanitary district." Superintendent Edwards regrets the District was late in getting started. The work should have been under way in April, he said, but the delay was due to the fact that the election creating the district, and providing the finances did not make the latter avail- able sooner. And, in the meantime, there was also a vast amount of pre- liminary work to be done in the way of organizing, laying out plans, and obtaining equipment. Villages Promise Help Practically all the towns have writ- ten to the Mosquito Abatement dis- trict assuring their support and co- operation in every way. Superintendent Edwards again urges all householders to do their part in seeing to it that no mosquito breed- ing places are permitted to exist about their premises. Should they know of such places they will confer a great favor to not only the Mosquito dis- trict organization, but to the entire community as well, Mosquito Abatement quarters, Glencoe 314. by district telephoning head- E. Jerome Ellison of 310 Walnut street, Winnetka, who is attending the University of Michigan and is a mem- ber of Zeta Psi fraternity, has been appointed to the editorial staff of the college paper known as the "Gargoyle." Senior Girls Decide Upon Dress for Graduation Day The girls of the Senior class of New Trier High school met Tuesday morn- ing, May 8, to discuss plans for gradu- ation. It was decided that the girls would wear white, and the chorus, which will be placed behind the gradu- ating girls, will wear pastel shades, which will make a lovely background for the white dresses of the other girls. It was also voted that white shoes be worn, but whether the stock- ings be white, flesh color, or any other light shade would not matter, it was decided. The flowers are to be cor- sages. The only restriction on dresses is that they have long sleeves. Most of these arrangements were approved by unanimous vote after some discus- sion. MOVES TAILOR SHOP George Gordon, the tailor, has moved from 569 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, to the Linden Manor building, Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods He is the first occupant of the stores in the new Linden Manor building. McGuire & | Orr negotiated the lease. PALACE MEAT MARKET Formerly Vollman's Market 796 ELM STREET WINNETKA PHONES 4 and 333 Headquarters for PEACOCK HAMS AND BACONS "The Finest in the Land' Wapsie Valley BUTTER Extra Quality, Ib. 46¢€ 6to71b. Fresh Little PIG HAMS aver., Ib. 175 ¢@ Milk Fed LEG OF VEAL b. 20s¢ Milk Fed Boneless VEAL ROAST b. 32¢ Tender, Juicy SIRLOIN STEAKS b. 45¢ We carry a full line of fresh and smoked fish every Thursday and Friday Boneless RIB ROAST b. 38¢C no bone, no waste Boneless LEG OF LAMB bh. 32¢ Choice Cut of POT ROAST b. 24¢ We sell the Famous Wapsie Valley Poultry STRAW HATS that "head" them all for style Black Banded SWISS YEDDOS $5.00 crown and brim are has black band. Its medium; * Club colors in bands are also good Square Crown PANAMAS $3.50 to $7.00 Its crown is square. The brim is wide and floppy. The band is narrow, and all black Telescoped LEGHORNS $3.00 to $6.00 Its color is a light brown. It has a medium brim--may be worn turned up, or down all around SPORT CAPS $2.00 Scotch tweed fabrics; swagger, easy styles medium peak FELL'S Your Clothier Hart, Schaffner 8 Marx Clothes Exclusively very with 786 Elm St. _13 S. St. Johns Ave. | Winnetka Highland Park Phone 307 Phone 307