16 WINNETKA TALK May 12, 1928 ROSENBERG'S Davis Street--Downtown Evanston 3 for $2.00 Mothex Cedarized Garment Bags Of heavy cedarized rope paper, these bags furnish maximum pro- tection for your garments. Moth- proof, dust-proof, damp-proof! White-paper lined. Everseen Bags, 98¢ Heavy rope paper treated with cedar, Celluloid window permits you to see the contents. 3 for $2.75. Slip-In Garment Bags, 31.75 Extra heavy rope paper, in box shape. 5 or 6 garment capacity. Cedar or tar. $1.75-$2.50. 12 Sheets of Pine Tar Paper, mothproofed, 69c Moth Balls or Naphthaline Flakes, 1b., 15¢; 2 lbs., 25¢c Japanese gum camphor, Ib., $1.39 Larvex, pint 89¢ Prevents moth damage by de- stroying eggs. With atomizer, $1.39. Enoz Sprayer and Liquid, set, 39¢ Liquid, pt., 79¢c, qt. $1.39 Sprayer, 35¢ First Floor KILLS MOTHS ; WiLL NOT STAIN Moths are working now! Kill them! Worms and eggs tool Just spray your clothing, rugs and furniture with ENOZ Moth Spray. It abso- lutely kills mothlife quickly and surely. It can be u safely on the finest materials. Dramatic Club Witnesses Play by Deerfield Group A meeting of the New Trier Dra- matic club was held Tuesday after school in the auditorium. The enter- tainment consisted of a play read by Gordon Van Kirk and a portion of a play presented by a Deerfield-Shields high school group. This presentation, an act from "To the Ladies," by Bar- rie, is entered in the Drama League contest, the preliminaries of which are being held this week-end at Hull House and the finals of which will be held at the Goodman theater. The New Trier Dramatic club has entered a one-act play, "The Scales and the Sword," in this contest. Mrs. Henry R. Hale, 761 Foxdale avenue, is visiting her daughter, Ethel 624 DAVIS STREET, Watch for Opening Date FROCKS Will Locate EVANSTON XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XXX XXX XXX XXX XT Quiet and Home-Like extravagance. tifully furnished kitchenettes. Home Comfort Without Extravagance This modern residential hotel, with its pleasant, home-like environment, effectively solves the problem of liv- ing carefree and comfortably without Here you can rest and relax, enjoy- ing a complete hotel service in beau- Immediate selection in a few very desirable apartments. UNIVERSITY 8000 Library Plaza ORRINGTON AVENUE Just South of Church Street Convenient Down-1 own Location at Elmira college, Elmira, N. Y. 1, 2 or 3 room PROFESSIONAL WOMEN IN ANNUAL MEETING State Convention of Business- Professional Women in Session at Evanston This Week Evanston will be host--or hostess, rather, for it is the women of that city who are having their day--to women leaders in business, arts and profes- sions throughout the state over this week-end during the seventh annual convention of the Illinois Federation of Business and Professional Women. Most notable of the outstanding women who are taking part in the pro- gram are Mrs. Erma Templeman of Springfield, state president; Miss Emily Kneubuhl, executive secretary, National Federation B. & P. W. C,, of New York, who will be representing the national federation; Miss Martha Connole of Fast St. Louis, attorney; Mrs. Mabel Reinecke of Chicago, col- lector of internal revenue; Mrs. Wil- liam Gary Brown of Chicago, state chairman of transportation; Mrs. May Wood Simons of Evanston, writer and sociologist. Mrs. Erma Templeman is presiding and the others are giving the main ad- dresses of the convention. Business is occupying a large part of the con- vention hours with reports made by the state chairmen of committees, discussions and the election of officers scheduled. Entertainment and the social side is interwoven with the business sessions, however, in a pattern de- signed to keep the enjoyment of the delegates at a high mark. Various musical programs have been arranged, stunts will be given by six of the char- ter clubs, a pageant of figurines will be presented and the delegates will en- gage in numerous song fests. One of the entertainment features planned is a drive through Evanston conducted by the Chamber of Commerce. High School P. T. A. to Elect Officers at Meeting Tuesday The Parent-Teacher association of New Trier High school will hold its annual election of officers at the High school next Tuesday. A musical program will be presented at the meeting by the Boys' Glee club of the school, a report from Mrs. James M. Sheldon of Glencoe, delegate to the State Conference of the Parent- Teacher association held at Waukegan, will be presented and the affiliation of the New Trier P. T. A. with the State and National associations will be an- nounced. Supt. Frederick E. Clerk will give the principal address of the meeting, speaking on the topic, "The Character- istics of High School Students." The following nominees for the various offices, selected by the present executive committee on April 10, will probably be elected: president, S. J. Duncan-Clark of Wilmette; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. W. J. McAllen of Glencoe; Senior chairman, Mrs. Gilbert Kelley of Kenilworth; Junior chairman, Mrs. J. D. Emrich of Glencoe; and Soph- omore chairman, Sidney Bartlett of Winnetka. The members of the present execu- tive committee, who will retire follow- ing the elections Tuesday, are: presi- dent, Mrs. A. E. Philbrick; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. T. E. Lannon; Senior chair- man, Mrs. J. M. Sheldon; Junior chairman, Mrs. B. Crowe; Sophomore chairman, Mrs. L. H. Roach; secre- tary and Freshman chairman, Mrs. F G. Kane.