May 12, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 61 [Ask Expression of EE STN Oronon om Movies| "SA8'E0,°%2 97 | [1 O AN'S cations, Wilmette Voters' Advisory Com- mittee Warns Candidate Against Compromise Move That he must take a determined stand against compromise and un- equivocably in favor of the proposition to "divorce politics from crime" if he expects to retain New Trier support in the fall election, is the essence of a communication directed to Louis L. Emmerson, the Republican guberna- torial nominee, under date of May 10, 1928, by the Wilmette Voters' Advisory committee appointed in a Better Gov- ernment sponsored by the various Wil- mette church and civic groups prior to the Primary election campaign this spring. The letter, which is self-explanatory, reads as follows: "The Wilmette Voters' Advisory committee, made up of members ap- pointed by the various clubs, civic bodies and churches of Wilmette, is one of the agencies in New Trier township on the north shore that aided in piling up a vote of 20 to 1 in your favor against Governor Small, and 14 | to 1 in favor of Attorney General Carlstrom. "The issue backed by Senator Deneen and Judge Swanson, then and now, in New Trier township and in Cook county, was and is the "divorce of politics from crime." Want Prompt Statement "As your friends, we ask that you promptly make an unequivocal state- ment of your position on the para- mount issue in Cook county, free from any suspicion of lack of sincerity. "This issue is more important to you, to us, and to the public than your election as governor or the success of the party. "If you compromise with the dis- credited machine of Cook county to secure the support of the criminal ele- ment, it will cost you New Trier town- ship, which, though heavily Republi- can, went Democratic for Governor four years ago and heavily Democratic for County Judge two years ago--both times on the issue, "Divorce Politics from Crime." Principle Supersedes Party "If you compromise, you will admit the enemy into your camp for a pos- sible 50,000 criminal and payroll vote, and lose 200,000 Republican votes in Cook county, by failure to drive out and fight openly the criminals in and out of public office who mask under the Republican cloak, but belong to no party and to whom the defeat of the Republican candidates of the Deneen group is vital. "No public step has as yet been taken by the Attorney General to punish political murders and election frauds. ~ Unpunished murder and a reign of terror continue here, resisted only by a reorganized and valiant Crime commission, the Bar association, and other private agencies, who must fight judges subservient to the dis- credited machine, in the face of threat- ened contempt proceedings for their disclosures. "Copies of this letter are being mailed to Senator Deneen, Judge Swanson, Attorney General Carlstrom, Otis F. Glenn, to Republican leaders n all north shore towns, to leading Re- publicans in Cook county, and to the press, and we are assured many will join in making "Divorce Politics from Crime" above and more important than party. Respectfully, Ralph H. Rice, Mrs. C. P. Evans, Fred- erick J. Newey, Milton E. Reid, Mrs. I. E. Colvin, Geocge Turner, Frederic B. Crossley, Thomas F. Cook, Lloyd Hol- lister, William Taylor, Hoyt King, Thos. S. S. Hardwick, Mrs. Willard H. Thayer, Mrs. T. Earl Almdale, Irene I. Strickler, Mrs. Allen Rossman, Harry C. Kinne, C. M. McDonald, Dr. N. P. Colwell. Post cards, accompanied by a letter, were addressed to all citizens of Wil- mette this week, calling for a general expression on the question : "Shall Wil- mette have a village theater and if so, shall it be permitted to open on Sun- days after 1:30 P. M.?" This request for an expression of opinion from the citizens of the vil- lage grew out of a mass meeting held February 7, 1928--shortly following the closing of the Village theater--and which was called at the instance of valuable and desperately-needed use by disabled veterans in the Great Lakes hospital. Donations of suits and other men's clothing may be sent to Mrs. Harry W. Hopp, 225 Linden avenue, Wil- mette, who, acting through the Wilmette American Legion Auxil- iary, will see that the apparel reaches the men at the hospital. |, On Desirable Homes and Apartment Buildings John Hancock Mutual Life Insur- ance Company A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loan Agent 112 W. Adams St., Chicago hundreds of residents who indicated a desire to have steps taken to provide a theater for the village. $1%% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice im- roved North Shore Suburban res- dence property at 51% % interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 of health. sunlight. courage, unselfishness and good fellowship. "My Children Enjoy Living in Deere Park Because they are developing strong bodies, tanned, and with a glow They are playing unrestrainedly, filling their lungs with pure air, swelling their chests, and learning to laugh at a fall. They are swimming in clean waters, and basking in the warm With their dog, and with their chosen playmates they are learning They enjoy Deere Park now. Some day they will thank me for having made it possible for them to live there." A Deere Park Resident. BAIRD & WARNER DIVISION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JN HIGHLAND PARK -- 646 N. Michigan Avenue Superior 1855 Sheridan Road (Route 42) to North Boundary of Glencoe--at the Lake |