W ININET KAA" TALK Published weekly by Lloyd Hollister, Inc., 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka, Illinois. March 8, 1912, at the post office at Winnetka, Illinois, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Entered as second class matrer Subscription price $2.00 a year. VOL. XVII, NO. 14 WINNETKA, ILLINOIS, JUNE 9, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS BOYS OFF TO CAMP AT HAMLIN JUNE 18 "Chief" Davies to Welcome Youthful Campers; A Few Reservations Still Open Monday afternoon, June 18, the boys who are to go to Dr. J. W. F. ("Chief") Davies' summer camp will leave, "bag and baggage," for Indian Hill camp, and for eighteen days in the open under the blue skies of northern Michigan. Going by boat from Mil- waukee, they arrive in Ludington, Mich., early the following morning, and will be driven to Hamlin lake, where a launch brings them to the camp pier across the lake. A group of counselors will be in charge of the party. "Chief" Davies will be waiting for them there. He is planning to leave the first of this coming week for the camp to make everything in readiness for their arrival. The cooks also will be there several days ahead of the boys, and a good breakfast (the first of many fine meals) will be awaiting their arrival. Three Weeks of Joy For nearly three weeks these young- sters will know the joy of the out-of- doors, the freedom of the great open spaces, the mystery of the northern forests. They will have the fun of work and play together, of happy com- panionship with other boys, and of a close touch with an experienced direc- tor and counselors. Good food, long hours of rest in the pine-laden air, hikes, swimming and sports will send them back home sturdy and tanned. This of itself is worth-while, but this particular camp offers more than that. Through a carefully directed program and close companionship, the emphasis is put on character and leadership, on initiative and resourcefulness. "Chief" Davies' interest in boys and his ability as their leader is well known. The counselors who are to assist in the camp are Dr. George Eisenbrand and Robert Doepel, Scoutmasters; the Rev. Paul Reynolds, Ayres Boal, Jr. and one other, to be announced later. A Few Reservations Open In order to carry on the type of program planned and to give the boys the individual attention which he de- sires, Dr. Davies has always been obliged to limit the number of boys taken. This year there are a few places still open for boys between the ages of 11 and 16 years, It is not too late for parents to register their boys. En- rollment may be made now at the office of Community House, or by call- ing the assistant to the director, Mrs. Wortley, at Winnetka 538. The boys arrive home from camp Saturday morning, July 7. The girl campers leave for camp Monday, July 9. LECTURES ON ART Miss Julia Krenwinkel's sixth grade pupils at the Horace Mann school gave a slide lecture on Renaissance art for the fifth grade pupils of the school yesterday. Miss Krenwinkel's pupils have been studying Renaissance art in connection with their classroom projects. Announce Hearing on New Residence Zoning Suggestion Winnetka now has only one class of zoning for single family residences. In this "A" Residential zoné an area of not less than one-sixth of an acre is required for each single family resi- dence. A survey was recently made to show the size of lots upon which single family residences are now built in Winnetka. This survey shows that there are a number of areas in which the prevailing size of lot is one-half acre per residence area or over. The sec- tion east of Sheridan road is, of course, one of those in this class. Another section' lies in the northeast corner of Winnetka. Another is along Hibbard road. Still another is in the Indian Hill section. The Commission on Zoning is of the opinion that the people of Winnetka should consider whether it would be advisable to create a new "AA" Resi- dential zone area requirement per residence would be one-half acre. A public hearing to consider this possible re-zoning will be held at 8 P. M. Monday, June 11, in the Coun- cil chamber of the Village hall. All those interested in this matter are re- quested to be present to give the com- mission the benefit of their views. IN NEW LOCATION Rudolph Wagner, veteran Winnetka shoe rebuilder, has moved his shop from No. 18 Prouty Annex, where he had been located several years, to a new location at No. 3 Carlton build- ing. FAREWELL LUNCHEON The Hubbard Woods school teachers are giving a farewell luncheon at the Winnetka beach Monday for Miss Mona Graham, fourth grade teacher, who will not return to Hubbard Woods next year. If you set out to get the best PRINTING you can find, economy is pretty sure to take care of itself LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. Winnetka 2000 in which the minimum | Prohibit Fireworks in Winnetka, Says Tenney In accordance with an ordinance recently passed by the Village council, the sale and use of all forms of fireworks within the limits of Winnetka is absolutely prohibited. The Police department has been in- structed to rigidly enforce the pro- visions of this ordinance, particular- ly with reference to the public sale of fireworks in the village and the use of all forms of fire works, in- cluding sparklers on the public streets, parks, and other public places. In view of the fact that the use of fireworks, even under the most favorable conditions, seriously jeop- ardizes human life, and has resulted in the death of at least one child in the Village of Winnetka within re- cent years, it is to be hoped that all citizens will cheerfully co-operate in observing the law of the state of Illinois and of this Village. June 9, 1928 Henry F. Tenney, Pres. Village of Winnetka Honors Dinsmore Ely by Placing Wreath in Grave Morris Leigh, who placed a wreath on the grave of Dinsmore Ely, Win- netka gold star hero, at Versailles, France, on Easter Sunday in the name of Winnetka Post No. 10 of the American Legion, gave a talk Monday night at the Legion meeting. Dinsmore Ely was a member of the Lafayette Esquadrille and fought with the French in the days prior to Amer- ica's entry into the war. He is the only American soldier buried in this cemetery. Mr. Leigh also told of placing a wreath on the grave of the unknown soldier in the same cemetery. Mr. Leigh gave an interesting ac- count of how French soldiers who were wounded during the war are ad- mitted free to the Central opera house in Paris through a special door which is for their use exclusively. A combined pleasure and business trip to Europe and the Near East was the occasion of Mr. Leigh's visit to Paris. Appropriation Bill Now Before Village Council The appropriation ordinance for the vear 1928 was introduced at the meet- ing of the Village council Tuesday evening, on recommendation of the Finance committee, of which Walter A. Strong is chairman. The annual appropriation for cor- porate purposes is based on the gen- eral fund budget, which was presented with the annual report of Village Manager H. L. Woolhiser, in May, and also approved by that council on the recommendation of the Finance committee at the meeting this week. This report has previously been printed in full in WINNETKA TALK. GIVE SCHUBERT MUSICAL A Schubert musical program was given at the Hubbard Woods school assembly yesterday morning. The program which was under the direc- tion of Mrs. Paul Starr, musical ap- preciation supervisor, included violin and piano music. 148 WINNETKA PUPILS GRADUATE WEDNESDAY Summer School Sessions to Be Held in Horace Mann School Begin Monday, June 18 One hundred and forty-eight pupils of the Winnetka Public schools will receive their diplomas at the gradua- tion exercises to be held Wednesday evening, June 13. The winter term will end officially on Thursday, June 14. The summer session is scheduled to open the following Monday, June 18, and will be held at the Horace Mann school for a period of four weeks. Miss LaReina Bubbett of the Skokie school will supervise the sum- mer school. Small Tuition Fee Registration for the summer ses- sion will be completed on June 11, and it has been announced that no regis- tration will be accepted for less than the full term. A small tuition fee will be charged. The summer school classes will be held each morning from 9 to 12 o'clock. Fundamental subjects will be taught to all students from the first to the eighth grades. List Summer Instructors Teachers for the summer school have been announced. They are: Mrs. Frieda Barnett from the Hubbard Woods school, Miss Millicent Ander- son and Miss Mildred Julian from the Horace Mann school, and Miss Emily Nelson, Miss Anna Nechak and Mrs. May Herrick from the Greeley school. The list of this year's graduates was printed in last week's issue of WiIN- NETKA TALK. Confer D.D. Degree on Rev. Paul R. Reynolds Tuesday evening, the degree of Doc- tor of Divinity was conferred upon the Rev. Paul R. Reynolds of the Win- netka Congregational church by the Chicago Theological seminary. Dr. Ozora Davis, before he gave the formal statement, spoke in very per- sonal terms about Mr. Reynolds. Then he gave the following: "Paul Russell Reynolds, follower of a great missionary, you have been also the definer of still greater policies and explorer of vaster areas, uniting the calm judgment of the seasoned worker with the dash and adventure of youth, in pride in your development and in confidence of your greater resources, the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Theological seminary confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Divinity." Winnetka Day is Topic at C. of C. Discussion The season is drawing near to make preparations for Winnetka day, pro- viding that annual event is to be ob- served in the village this summer. The Winnetka Chamber of Commerce, which has heretofore sponsored Win- netka day, at its meeting next Monday evening will have as one of its sub- jects for discussion, "Shall Winnetka day be held this year?" There are a number of other important matters to be brought up at this time, and a large attendance of the members is desired.