48 WINNETKA TALK June 9, 1928 Executives of State Garden Club to Meet The executive committee of the Gar- den Club of Illinois will hold its reg- ular monthly meeting Monday, June 11, at the Hotel Sherman, at 10 o'clock. Luncheon will be served at the closz of the morning session. At present this group consists of eight members: the five officers of the Bluff, a member of the Glencoe Gar- den club, president; Mrs. Ernest C. Hoefer of Riverside, vice-president; Mrs. Charles D. Ewer of Wilmette, recording secretary; Mrs. Frank W. Kingsley of Evanston, corresponding secretary; Mrs. George M. Kendall of Glen Ellyn, treasurer; and Mrs. V. K. Spicer of Kenilworth, member of the Lake Forest Garden club, Mrs Fred club, Mrs. Frederick Fisher of Lake Court of West Chicago, and Mrs. John A. Grier of Oak Park. In addition to the executive board, there is a board of directors made up of fifteen members, that meets once a year. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wilson of Port Arthur, Canada, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Sommer, 425 Provident avenue. Mrs. Sommer is entertaining in their honor this evening at a dinner dance at her home. Evanston Showroom 1620 SHERMAN AVE. Where coal was used no Janitor services were figured in or ash removal expenses. THIS TELLS PART OF THE STORY WHY UTOMATIC THE NOISELESS OIL BURNER = IS OUTSELLING ALL OTHER OIL BURNERS Name Address Prev. Used Silent Dr. M. R. Broman, 2614 Park PL, Evanston 3,800 Gal. 2,846 Gal. B. Crawl, 904 Colfax, Evanston 3,886 Gal. 2,692 Gal. L. Carrithers, 810 Lincoln, Evanston Coal $250.00 $242.15 Geo. T. Steen, 1406 Gregory, Wilmette 3,750 Gal. 1.947 Gal J. L. Wilds, 244 Oxford, Kenilworth 3,000 Gal. 2,600 Gal. Arthur Bonnett, 157 Robsart, Kenilworth Says less than soft coal H. V. Mesick, 331 Essex, Kenilworth Coal $425.00 $225.00 F. W. Henkel, 635 Walden, Winnetka Coal $450.00 $375.00 John Rygel, 811 Foxdale, Winnetka Says coal more than oil G. A. Peterson, 722 Elm, Winnetka Says less than soft coal Send for To use Oil in the form of Gas you should consider nothing but SILENT AUTOMATIC ne additional list of users' names and letters. GREENLEAF 700 ET EEE TT U need never go out of UPTOWN CHICAGO Business Men-- Uptown Chicago welcomes new bus- inesses, and is do- ing more than any other Chicago com- munity to assure the success of every enterprise within the Uptown Chi- cago area. Weurge you to investigate the possibilities here for substan- tial success. 9 Jor a single thing has to offer today. Fine stores provide every service and desired article, from exquisite imports and Paris fashions to household necessities. Perfectly appointed hotels, apartments, restaurants, schools, libraries and churches assure all home developing advantages. A beautiful lake front playground fosters athletic diver- sions, such as swimming, boating, tennis, golf, horseback, skating, and numerous other sports. Theatres, dance pavilions, and con- certs afford year 'round entertainment that attracts thousands. Whatever you want, look to Uptown Chi- cago for it first. You'll find it more reason- ably priced there than elsewhere. When you plan to travel, use the Railroad Union Ticket Office--buy your ticket, reserve our Pullman and check your baggage at the ptown Station. Phone Longbeach 7454. UPTOWN CHICAGO Shopping Center of a Million People One of a series of advertisements for Up- town Chicago sponsored by the Central Uptown Chicago Association and paid for co-operatively by Uptown Chicago's busi- ness men. rams ssrsE------ PTOWN Chicago dwellers have, right at home, any modern convenienceand luxurythe world ~w (ol Cl LLL NNW (RW RAL eed OL ANNE AEAE a a Gal Cl Ll [ARGYLE CLARK ANY IHL MONTROSE J Kenilworth Pupil Wins Third Prize for Home Poster Earl Moss, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Moss, 316 Cumnor road, Kenil- worth, has won third place in a state- wide ideal home poster contest for pupils of the seventh and eighth grades and the first year high school students in Illinois public schools. The contest was sponsored by the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs as an incentive to interest citizens in a campaign for well equipped homes now being conducted by the federation. Farl is in the seventh grade at the Joseph Sears school at Kenilworth and placed third among a field of hun- dreds of contestants from schools in all parts of Illinois. The poster which won him the prize will be on exhibit at the annual Joseph Sears exhibit to be held at the school tonight. The poster was also on exhibition at the American Home Exposition held at the Stevens hotel in connection with the state convention of the Illinois Federa- tion of Women's clubs from May 14 to 19. Prizes were awarded on the basis of originality and general neatness of the posters submitted. The judges were Mrs. Constant C. Hopkins, chair- man of the department of the American home; Mrs. Clarence C. Goodwin, chairman of the convention exposition committee; and Keith Spade, director of the public service speakers' bureau. Posters were of both exterior and interior design, showing either a house and grounds or a living room, kitchen or laundry. The poster made by Earl Moss was an exterior design. List Gardens Public to View in June and July Under the auspices of the Lake Forest Garden club, tours have been arranged and gardens of the following will be opened to the public on Satur- day, June 9, from 11 to 7 o'clock: Mrs. Charles H. Schweppe, Mrs. A. A. Car- penter, Mrs. C. Morse Ely; and Mrs. Kersey C. Reed. On Saturday, June 23, the following will open their gardens: Mrs. Clyde M. Carr, Mrs. Alfred T. Carton, Mrs. William H, Mitchell and Edward H. Bennett. On Saturday, June 30, Mrs. Edward L. Ryerson, Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick, Mrs. D. Mark Cummings, and Mrs. Kent S. Clow, will have their gardens open to the public. On Satur- day, July 7, Mrs. R. Harvey McElwee, Mrs. William E. Clow and Mrs. James H. Douglas will have their gardens on view, and on Saturday, July 14, the gardens of Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelly, Mrs. Edward L. Hasler, Mrs. George D. McLaughlin, and Mrs. Robert Mc- Gann will be open. Again Chosen President of Oberlin Woman's Club Mrs. George Mark Clark was re- elected president of the North Shore Oberlin's Woman's club at the annual meeting held Monday afternoon, May 28, at the home of Mrs. F. E. Smith in Evanston. Other officers chosen to serve during the ensuing year are Mrs. F. E. Smith, vice-president; Miss Ethel M. Cain, secretary; Mrs. Frank -H. T. Potter, treasurer; Mrs. Marshall Galloway, program chairman. All of the officers are residents of Evanston. Following the business session a musical program was given by Mrs. R. N. Sullivan, 'cellist, with Mrs. Warren G. Waterman as accompanist. Alpha Phi sorority is holding an alumnae reunion at the sorority house June 9.