June 9, 1928 WINNETKA TALK SCHOOLS SUFFER HEAVY LOSSES IN LIBRARIES Shelves Depleted by Promiscuous Borrowing and Failure to Return Volumes By Nelle A. Olson (Public School Librarian) During the past few months the libraries in all the lower grade school buildings in Winnetka have been re- organized and put in excellent condi- tion to serve the schools much better than they have ever done before. How- ever, this inventory has revealed a situation that is really appalling. Literally hundreds of school reading books have disappeared, leaving no trace behind them. Many fine new books, purchased as recently as a year or two ago, are missing from the room libraries of every building. Where Are the Books? Where are these books? There can be but one answer, they must be in Winnetka homes. Children must have taken them home to read, often with- out advising the teacher, put them in their own bookcases and forgotten all about them. The books have not worn out, teachers have not taken them, they are not in the school buildings, they must be in the homes. Skokie school has suffered also, the * most serious loss being a volume of a new encyclopedia purchased last fall Volume eighteen of the new edition of the Book of Knowledge was taken while the set was in the library on trial before it had been purchased and stamped with the school stamp of own- ership. It is impossible to replace single volumes; only the purchase of an entire set will make good the loss of this volume, containing especially helpful material for the social studies work; and the school has had to do without it all winter. You May Have One Will not parents of all Winnetka school children and those also who have had children in the schools in recent years join in a drive to return all this missing school property? Will you not go through all the bookcases in your homes, looking for the school ownership stamp? You may say, "Oh, there are none in our home," but will you please look just the same? You may be surprised at what you find. One home sent in ten such missing books, when packing to move away, and about seventy public school books were sent in by generous citizens to be sold at a recent rummage sale held in Winnetka. 2 First Scandinavian Ev. 886 Elm street Roy A. Thompson, pastor 809 Chestnut street (Winn. 2304) Sunday, June 10 9:30 A. M. Sunday school 11:00 A. M. Morning worship 5:00. M.. Y.P. S. 7:45 P. M. Gospel service Thursday, June 14 8 P. M. Mid-week prayer Studies in Philippians. Friday, June 15 8 P. M. Ladies' Aid at the church, en- tertained by Mrs. Newhagen. "The sac- rifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise" (Psa. 51: 17). SILENT-AUTOMATIC (] THE NOISELESS OIL BURNER meeting. Buy now, start payments Sept. 1, 1928, and enjoy Automatic heat cool eve- nings with no disadvantage to your bank account. 1620 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 700 DIAMOND DATES The Winnetka baseball team de- feated the South Side Sportsmen 13 to 2, last Sunday. The team is play- ing good ball and the attendance is increasing each Sunday. The nine has the following games scheduled, at Playfield, for the next four Sun- days: June 10--Waukegan K. of I. (North Shore champs.) June 17--North Chicago A. C. June 24--Waukegan All Nations. July 1--Chicago North Shores. Christian Fellowship Church (Svenska Missionskyrken) John Bengtson, Pastor Sundayischool ou. 0. coe 10 A. M. XN. Paservice .....o0 an 0 4:30 P. M. English service, social hour ..... 8. P.M. Next Sunday, June 10, Kim and Nyland, two famous gospel singers, will have charge of both the Young People's and Evening services. Saturday, June 9, Men's "Silent" club meets at Carl Anderson's, 1014 Ash street, at § P. M. All men cordially invited. Wednesday, Swedish, 8 P. M. Business meeting following. "If we confess our sins he is faith- ful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Mrs. Lyman Proctor, 860 Spruce street, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Wilmette on a ten-day motor trip into northern Michigan. They have spent most of their time in Lans- ing, where the Smiths have their sum- mer home. They left June 1. --_--0-- Mr. and Mrs. George Prest of 965 Spruce street and their family, are leaving shortly to make their new home in St. Paul, where Mr. Prest's business interests are. --0-- Miss Elizabeth Sanford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sanford, 245 Ridge avenue, entertained sixteen north shore girls at a luncheon and bridge given at her home last Saturday. Ro Mr. and Mrs. George Rettie and their little son, 984 Spruce street, re- turned this week after a visit in Cana- da with a sister of Mrs. Rettie. FROCKS? Golf and other outdoor pleasures! FASCINATING SUMMER DRESSES Smart Dresses you can wear for many occasions. One and two piece models, with long or short sleeves. Tailored and beautifully trimmed, in styles that are approved for warm weather. ALL THE NEW SHADES Washable Silks, Beautiful Prints, Flat Crepe, Taffeta Crepe de Chine Open Saturday Evenings Have you noticed our SPORTS Just the Outfit for MILLINERY, TOO! In large and small head sizes. Summertime Sand Pails Just the thing for the beach. Wheelbarrows A PAY (ome "Th IN. 7 4 fo le, PLEASED 70 FIND --- WEALWAYS) HAVE OUR \ WORK / RR (IN MIND} gi = oe E'VE got work on the brain . , . that's how we find so much enjoy- ment in life--in being of service to folks who want what's best in plumbing. Are we going to hear from you? Phone 874 ~ 464 S.J. STEFFENS 703 OAK ST. WINNETKA, ILL. Is Playtime for the Kiddies With the warm summer days coming along, the kiddies will be wanting to be out of doors, more and more. Why not come in and glance over the many toys that we have to make their play more fun? For Instance: Sand Sets Another beach toy that will be greatly enjoyed 25¢ and 50c Sprinkling Cans Let your child help you sprinkle with one of these colored cans. They're 25c¢ : Toy Mowers What child wouldn't like one of these toy lawn mowers? 10c and 25¢ A sturdy toy barrow to help dad. $1 and $1.50 -__ BIRD BATH and SPRINKLER. Here's a combination that is both ornamental and useful. A metal bath and sprinkler (that really sprinkles) can readily be moved about the lawn, °° : Priced right at ORNAMENTAL BIRD BATHS In a variety of designs made of cement $5 to $15 Lawn Mowers -- 'Hodes -- Sprinklers -- Hose Racks and all other Lawn Accessories j Brace up your Flowers and Shrubs with Bamboo sticks and Raffia. We have the sticks in 2, 3 and 4 {t. lengths. : k LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Eckart Hardware Co. 735 ELM ST. WINNETKA Phones: Winn. 843-844