WINNET KA 'TALK June 16, 1923 TEACHES AT HARVARD H. P. Clarke, physical education in- structor at Skokie school, will again teach summer classes in physical edu- cation at Harvard university. Mr. Clarke has done similar work for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Wilson of 475 Orchard lane sail today to spend the summer in France, Italy, Switzer- land, Germany, Holland, England, and Scotland. They expect to return about September 15, by way of Montreal and Quebec. Fireworks Prohibited in Winnetka, Says Tenney In accordance with an ordinance recently passed by the Village council, the sale and use of all forms of fireworks within the limits of THOMAS Tree Surgeons The North Shore's Largest and Best Equipped Tree Surgery Organization Pruning - Pneumatic Cavity Machines GLENCOE 514 Tree Surgery Power Sprayers Phones J. LYNCH - Spraying WINNETKA 1294 Winnetka is absolutely prohibited. The Police department has been in- structed to rigidly enforce the pro- visions of this ordinance, particular- ly with reference to the public sale of fireworks in the village and the use of all forms of fireworks, in- cluding sparklers on the public streets, parks, and other public places. In view of the fact that the use of fireworks, even under the most favorable conditions, seriously jeop- ardizes human life, and has resulted in the death of at least one child in the Village of Winnetka within re- cent years, it is to be hoped that all citizens will cheerfully co-operate in observing the law of the state of Illinois and of this Village. June 9, 1928: Henry F. Tenney, Pres. Village of Winnetka. SAVE on MEATS High quality Meats are what all your friends are buying . . . and they're doing their marketing at the Palace, where high quality and moderate prices go "hand in hand." SPECIALS--SATURDAY ONLY! BUTTER, Fresh DUCKS, Fresh Dressed STEWING HENS, Creamery, Long Island, 5 Fresh Dressed, mE 46¢c | i 3 C Br 3c BACON, Sliced, BROILERS, VEAL ROAST, the best, $ Fresh Dressed, Boneless, 3.0bs. 0 ll 1 TE A 49c thy eh is 33¢c PIG HAMS, Fresh, ROCQUEFORT BEEF TENDERLOINS, Little, 1 CHEESE, Best Prime, 5 Be 17zc Imported, Ib. 49¢ Se 9c RIB ROAST BEEF, CALIFORNIA HAMS, 1 6th-7th Rib, Ib. ........ 33c Smoked, Ib. .......... 17 2C PALACE MEAT MARKET COME TO THE PALACE! Better Meats 796 ELM STREET Formerly Vollman's Market Clea WINNETKA ner Meats PHONES 4 and 333 Winnetka Pianist to Be Soloist at German Festival Harriet Mason, brilliant 15-year-old Hubbard Woods pianist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mason of 224 Scott avenue, has been accorded the distinguished role of pianiste in the first concert of a series to be given on the occasion of the Tenth Annual Bundes-Saengerfest sponsored by the Arbeiter-Saengerbund of America. The concert is to be given in Medinah temple, Cass and Ohio streets, Chi- cagq, Friday evening, June 22 at 8:15 o'clock. Miss Mason appears on the program of the Friday concert with such other notable artists as Mabel Gittelson, so- prano, and Lillian Rethberg, cellist. The Saengerfest will present a com- bined chorus of 1,500 singers repre- senting singing groups from points in the middle west extending as far east as Pittsburgh and west to Kansas City. Forty-five members of the Chicago Symphony orchestra will accompany the chorus. Carl Reckzeh, celebrated conductor, will direct the concert. Miss Mason is to appear as piano soloist with the orchestra, playing the Concerto in A Minor, by Grieg. The program of Friday's concert will be a3 follows: Orchestra: Ouverture "Zampa'" ..Herold Male Chorus a cappella: "Kront den Tag' ........ 58 Kurz "Die neue Zeft)l i... ...... io Bose Soprano Solo and Orchestra: "Dich teure Halle'? ....:... ok 'Wagner 'Women's Chorus: "Proletarier Wiegenleid" ..... Uthmann «Wilde iRose'? id n= Er Speiser Orchestra : "Age's Death'lei i... oie Grieg "Arnitra's. Danee"' .;.... rita Grieg Male Chorus and Orchestra: "Leuchtend wie Flammenschein" a ae AN a Sn ry eroff Piano Solo and Orchestra: Concerto, in A Minor... .... Lod Grieg Women's Chorus and Orchestra: SWaldkonzert' hfs SE sib EREm Muhlert Orchestra : "Moment Musicale" ........... Schubert CHUMOTesSqUe' hh, jain s pias «vies Dvorak Male Chorus a cappella: "Das stille Thal" £4 5h boi Reinhold "So viel Stern' am Himmel stehen" RANI Ao BONAR SL Engelsherg Cello Solo and Orchestra: Variations Symphonique ... Boellmann Mixed Chorus and Orchestra: "Die Macht der Musik" ...Reckzeh Other concerts in the 10th Bundes- Saengerfest will be on Saturday eve- ning, June 23, held at the North Side Turner hall, and Sunday afternoon, June 24, at Riverview park. Two Winnetka Teachers To Become Brides Soon Miss Florence Fake and Miss Eva Cox, two teachers at the Hubbard Woods school who are to be June brides soon, were feted this week by mothers of the children in their grades, the second and fifth respec- tively. Mrs. Benjamin S. Pfeiffer, 1500 Tower road, gave a tea for Miss Fake Monday afternoon. The mothers of children in Miss Fake's room were present to give her a solid silver ser- vice. On Tuesday morning more mothers visited the room of Miss Cox and pre- sented her with a green leather suit- case and hat box. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard IL. Smith of Kalamazoo arrived yesterday to be the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pollard, 1437 Edgewood lane, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Smith came to attend the Christiansen-Huettmann wedding, which takes place at Christ church this afternoon at 4 o'clock. DORCAS SOCIETY MEETS The Dorcas society of Winnetka will meet next Tuesday night, June 19, at 902 Ash street. Mrs. A. Paulson and Miss Anna Edoe will be the hostesses.