June 23, 1928 WINNETKA "TALK Call for Bids for New Deerfield Grade School The board of directors of school dis- trict number 109 at Deerfield is calling for bids for the construction of the new grade school there. The bids must be in the hands of the secretary of the board by Monday night, July 2. Bids will be opened in the office of the board of directors, it was an- nounced this week, and the board re- serves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid. Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Wilson, 760 Bryant avenue, and their children, left yesterday for Westbrook, Conn., where they will remain until the first of Au- gust. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bush of Chicago will occupy the Wilson home during their absence. --_Q-- Mrs E. C. Andrews of 785 Willow road gave a small luncheon at Indian Hill last Tuesday for Miss Elizabeth |g Tuttle and some of her Vassar friends. Miss Tuttle formerly lived in Highland Park and is now a resident of New York city. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Kohlsaat of Evanston, formerly of Winnetka, left Friday morning for Milwaukee to join Mrs. Robert McMynn and motor with her from there to her summer home on Lake Leelanau, at Leland, Mich. They will spend the entire summer there. 5 William S. Miller, 647 Spruce street, was the speaker on the program of the Association of Chicago Bank Women at its monthly dinner meeting last Thursday at the Union League club. Mr. Miller's subject was "Trusts." Rll Ml Mrs. Maurice Lieber, 468 Ridge ave- nue, was the speaker Wednesday at the last meeting of the Roosevelt High school Parent-Teacher associa- tion for this semester. Her subject was "Citizen Responsibility." --_0-- E. W. Beech of 532 Oak street, who underwent a serious operation ten days ago at the Presbyterian hospital, is reported as holding his own with a slight improvement in his condition. --_0-- Edwin Price, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Price, 920 Hill road, is giving a small dancing party at his home this evening, "Look Your Best" HEALTH and REDUCING BATHS | MARIA Beauty Culture Permanent Waving Elm Street and Chestnut Second Floor Telephone 762 Winnetka TO SPEND YEAR IN EUROPE Miss Louisa May Greeley, who is head of the girls' department of phy- sical education at the North Shore Country Day school, sails June 30 on the Arabic for Europe, to be gone over a year. Before leaving this coun- try Miss Greeley will attend her re- union at Wellesley college and visit her brother, Sidney Greeley, at Fram- ingham, Mass. She will also visit her sister, Mrs. Walter F. Stiles, Jr. at Fitchburg. Mr. and Mrs. Stiles will accompany Miss Greeley to New York to see her off on her extended trip. Miss Mary McGivern, daughter of Mrs. Bartholomew McGivern, 865 Pine street, accompanied by her aunt, Miss Rose Murphy, left Sunday evening, June 17, for the east for a stay of several weeks. She will spend some time with relatives in Binghampton, N., Y. and then go on to New York city for the remainder of her stay. Upholstering Cabinet Shop Antiques Drapery and Upholstery Fabrics We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order H. G. LINDWALL Highest Grade Upholstering Established 1895 808 Oak Street Ph. Winnetka 145 GOING CAMPING? The season to "get out of doors" is here . .. and, as in years past, we are ready to serve you, one and all, with the needs that are so necessary in the great north woods. Your pleasure will be doubled if you go properly equipped. Let us help you. FISHERMAN'S SUPPLIES Rods -- Reels -- Tackle Minnow Pails -- Tackle Boxes Bamboo Poles -- Dip Nets Artificial Bait CAMPERS' SUPPLIES Thermos Jugs and Bottles Flashlights -- Hunting Knives Camp Stoves -- Scout Axes Camp Stools PICNIC KIT A brand new Picnic Kit, far superior to anything of its kind. It is most complete in every detail, very strong in construction . . . and very convenient to carry. It contains... Two--2 Quart Thermos Bottles. ... Two Metal Food Containers A Picnic Pack Consisting of Li Paper Plates, Spoons, Forks and Napkins (complete)... Eckart Hardware Co. 735 ELM STREET | Phones: Winnetka 843-844 WINNETKA