June 23, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 13 Postmasters Cite ounces. For example, if the postage | 3 --_-- Cm -- x, BY New Mailing Rates Effective July 1 Uncle Sam is revising his postal rates, many of them, at least, and mak- ing numerous other changes in regula- tions, etc., all of which will become effective July 1. A few of the rates are being revised downward. Postmasters are diligently studying all the new provisions, that they may readily acquaint the public with them. The Lake County and North Shore Postmasters' association will hold a special meeting at North Chicago, June 28, to discuss the new postage rates. The rate on private mailing cards (post cards), which was raised to two cents sometime ago, will go back to one cent. Mail which could formerly be regis- tered up to one hundred dollars only, can be registered up to one thousand dollars under the new regulations. The rates on such registration will range from fifteen cents to one dollar. The new regulation in regard to mail with postage due reads as follows: "An added charge of one cent for each ounce shall be collected on first class matter reaching the office of address short paid more than one rate, or two cents; that is, if a letter is short paid only two cents that amount shall be collected as postage due on delivery, but if a letter or other first class mat- ter is short paid more than two cents, then the deficient postage and an ad- ditional charge of one cent for each ounce or fraction thereof shall be col- lected on delivery." The rate on second class matter for re-mailing will be cut in half when the new regulations go into effect. This rate was formerly two cents for each two ounces or fraction thereof. After July 1 it will be one cent for each two for mailing the WinNErkA TALK was eight cents under the old ruling, it will be only four cents after this month. According to the new regulations the two cent service charge on parcel post applies only to the first three zones. For the other zones it will be only one cent, or a decrease of fifty per cent, Mail for dispatch by airplane will be accepted for registration upon pre- payment by postage stamp affixed of the required registration fee in addi- tion to the airplane postage. Glencoe Student Wins High Honors at Smith Elizabeth Wilder of Ravinia, Il, is one of sixteen girls to receive her A. B. degree magna cum laude at the Commencement exercises of Smith college this week. Miss Wilder also received Departmental Honors in Eng- lish. Gertrude Parker Smith of Glencoe was one of sixteen girls who studied under the Special Honors system, working in the department of music, and was one of four to receive her degree with highest honors. Four hundred and nineteen Bachelor's de- grees were conferred by President William Allan Neilson. Three students received their degrees summa cum laude; sixteen magna cum laude; eigh- ty-four cum laude. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ward have recently moved to their new home at 519 Greenleaf avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ward moved here from their residence in Chicago the latter part of May. Illinois public utility generating sta- tions produced 534,482,000 kilowatt- hours of electricity during April, 1928 --an increase of 4 per cent over April, 1927--the U. S. Geological Survey re- ports. Opening Our Second Shop in Evanston E HAVE just acquired possession of the newly opened shop of Mme. Linda, located in the new Hahn Building, 1609 Sherman Avenue, Second Floor, Suite 200, where we will be pleased to serve all branches of beauty culture. We are equipped to give Permanent Waves in all the acknowledged, proved methods. EuropEAN REALISTIC WEHNER EUGENE AMERICAN Mr. DeGraff will conduct the Georgian Hotel Beauty Shop in connection with his new Shop. Lorraine Wilcox will have per- sonal supervision of the new shop. GUARANTEED PERMANENT WAVE We guarantee each Wave six months, re- gardless of texture of hair, also that you can finger wave your hair yourself. American and European Haircutting. The DeGraff Hair Shops 1609 SHERMAN: AVE. GEeorGIAN HOTEL Greenleaf 173 Greenleaf 4100 SUMMER Select your clothes for the warm days, where the importance of color, pattern and line is understood. Beautiful plain and printed chiffons, that cannot be purchased over any counter, are used in these distinctive frocks, thereby assuring you of an ex- clusive appearance. The well dressed woman does not want a gown of material easily procured at any department. store. These beautifully designed daytime and evening gowns are specially priced--$29.50. $39.50 and upwards. Tennis dresses of silk and pique $16.50 and $25.00. Golf dresses of silk jersey, machine and hand knitted, $16.50 to $110.00. Special showing of travel coats. We can supply appropriate hats to match all of the above mentioned outfits. N. A. HANNA and CO. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS 1168 Wilmette Ave. 912 Spanish Court Wilmette 467 Kenilworth 4085 'rms cue