June 23, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 7 Northwestern Student Naval Officers Leave on Cruise to Halifax Fifty-five young men, student offic- ers of the Northwestern Naval unit, left Evanston at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, June 19, for Boston, Mass., for a two weeks' naval cruise. All expenses for the trip are paid by the Navy department. The students will board the battle- ship "Wyoming" at Boston and imme- diately proceed to Halifax," Nova Scotia. After a three day visit at that port they will proceed to Portland, Me., for a three day visit before re- turning to Boston on July 4. They will leave the "Wyoming" on July 5 when they will be furnished sufficient funds for the return trip to Evanston, which trip they will be allowed to make at their convenience. This cruise is in the nature of a re- ward for their work in the course of naval science and tactics during the past year, and will give them an op- portunity to observe in actual practice some of the things about which they have been studying. During the cruise they will be under the supervision of officers of the regular Navy and trained in the duties of junior officers. This training will include the opera- tion and actual firing of the 5-inch guns of the "Wyoming." Gains Honorable Mention for Swat-the-Fly Poster Elizabeth Epp, daughter of Mrs. Anna Epp, of Locust road, was given honorable mention in the recent Cook county health poster contest spon- sored by the Chicago Tuberculosis in- stitute. More than one hundred con- testants were entered in the contest, which was for seventh and eighth grade pupils in Cook county schools. The poster made by Elizabeth Epp had as its chief feature the picture of an enormous fly with the words "Swat! Swat! Swat!" in large letters under- neath. The poster was on display at the Chicago Tuberculosis offices at 360 N. Michigan avenue. Health Derby for Babes Feature at State Fair Arrangements have been completed for giving physical and mental exami- nations to a thousand babies at the Il- linois State fair in Springfield in Aug- ust, according to an announcement made by Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health director. Over $500 are offered in awards to high scoring children. Twins, triplets and families of six chil- dren are eligible to compete for special awards reserved for them alone. Re- gistration is open on a state-wide basis and a silver loving cup will be present- ed to the mother of the state's most healthy baby. FAVOR ROSEWOOD PROJECT At the meeting of the Winnetka Village council Tuesday evening an ordinance was introduced, upon the recommendation of the Village board of local improvements, providing for the resurfacing of Rosewood avenue from Vine to Oak streets and Locust, from Pine to Oak, by special tax. HOLD FINAL MEETING The final meeting of the Quadrangle Association of Northwestern univer- sity alumnae, for this season, was held Monday evening, June 11, at the home of the president, Mrs. Edson B. Fowler. In Wisconsin, school teachers are required to give thirty minutes in- struction a month to children on acci- dent prevention, reports the accident prevention department of the Chicago Motor club. 3,000,000 Tourists Will Motor to Canada Nearly 2,500,000 American motorists toured in Canada last year, reports the Chicago Motor club, and early season figures indicate that the total this year will be boosted to around 3,00,000. Last year 227,758 Canadian motorists toured in the United States. In 1928 this to- tal is expected to be lifted to half a million. Illinois electric light and power com- panies are serving 71.9 per cent more customers than they did in 1921. SUMMER SCHOOL Morning Sessions July 1 to September 1 During the Summer, in addition to our regular Stenographic and Commercial lines, we give short, intensive courses in Gregg Shorthand for high school and college students; also review and speed work for experienced stenographers. / Students enter any time; individual instruction ¥ eli! 4 The record of our school justifies us in solelting the patronage of those who are seeking the very best in business: training. A Watson Business School. / 528 Davis St. Telephone University 3806 'Evanston, II 1009 DAVIS ST. We Invite You to Visit the "NORTH SHORES" Most Extensive Showing of Armstrong's LINOLEUM 4 TELEPHONE GREENLEAF 1941 A Representative is at your service to furnish estimate without obligation. Consult our Contract Department Floor-o-leum Stores Just West of Viaduct EVANSTON