June 23, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 37 And Now - - - COOLEY'S NEW PICARDY ROOM at 1511 Chicago Avenue Evanston In the Chaumont Building The two shops nearest Davis St. on the East side of Chicago Avenue. Just Two Blocks from Fountain Square A two minute walk from Fountain Square--just far enough off the beaten path to make the surroundings a bit more quiet and restful. A delightfully convenient interior arrangement, and a charming decorative scheme suggestive of quaint Picardy. Through the three years of their existence, the fame and popularity ill gi t lcome famil CR Coss Coban tos cheats It will give us great pleasure to welco you, your family Cirmnd Rot ve fot pa and your friends. The newest Cupboard will strive to uphold can dietter' $irve. 'our: patrons | by the standards of food and service already established by its adding another branch at 1511 predecessors. Here you will find a wide variety of light or sub- Chicago Avenue. The same high quality of food and service will prevail. It gives me great pleasure to invite you to visit our new stantial, wholesome and delicious foods at prices not excessive. Cupboard. 2 THREE TO SERVE YOU! Downtown South Raymond Evanston Evanston Park 1632 ORRINGTON AVE. 520 Main St. 1511 CHicaco AVE.