WINNETKA TALK June 23, 1928 Advertisements Classified (Continued from page 57) 77 FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE--A REAL HOME IN WIN- netka, at actual cost. 7 rm. frame cot- tage style, 2 Sherman tub baths, an efficient and economical hot air furnace, 2 porches & large master's « bedroom. All completely re-decorated and painted, also garage. In popular S. W. section. Location and neighborhood the best. Lot 71x132 with beautiful shade trees and shrubs. Easy terms. P. W. Bradstreet & Son Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 1 Meyer's Bank Bldg., Phone 162 771T16-1tc FOR SALE, IN SPLENDID LOCATION IN S. W. Winnetka, near Indian Hill Club and Country Day sch., surrounded by fine homes, 7-rm. house, 4 bedrms.; large living porch and slpg. porch; heated by gas; fine trees and beautiful gar- den. Price $18,500. FRANK A. REID REALTOR 954 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Tel. Winn. 1300 TTLTN39-1tc 1518 Asbury WINNETKA A new 6 rm. fran.e with 3 bedrms., very large living rm.; lav. on 1st fl.; gar. in basement. Deep lot, beaut. shrubs. $16,500--$1,000 cash. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. REALTORS 460 Winnetka Ave. Tel. Winn. 1800 T7LTN39-1tc $25,000 y THIS CHARMING ENGLISH HOME has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths on 2nd fir. and a maid's rm. and bath on 1st fir.; heated sun room and breakfast room and open sleeping porch; hot water oil heat; weatherstripped and thoroughly insulated; 2-car garage; 75 ft. perfectly landscaped lot in choice northeast section. HEINSEN REALTY CO. REALTORS 720 Elm St., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 254 TTLTN39-1tc 78 FOR SALE--VACANT WINNETKA ACREAGE ESTATE VERY EXCLUSIVE, ADJOINS EQUAL- ly beautiful estates. Artistically land- scaped, wonderful gardens of shrubs and flowers and an abundance of trees. Really a natural park. Beautiful spa- cious home having 5 baths and separate servants' quarters. You can sell 2 or 3 estates and retain the original home at practically no cost. This is a safe investment and a de- lightful place to live while it is grow- ing into money. Liberal terms can be arranged. CROSBY & McKENDRY REALTORS Phone Winn. 2032 T8LTN39-1tc WINNETKA Business Frontage 160 FEET ON CENTER STREET AT $250 per foot. One block from Indian Hill depot. Owner anxious to sell. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. REALTORS Exclusive Agents 460 Winnetka Ave. Ph. Winnetka 1800 78LTN39-1tc AN UNUSUAL OFFER 75 FOOT BUSINESS FRONTAGE ON Main St., Wilmette, one block from depot at $175 per foot. Will divide. F. Coleman Burroughs & Co. REALTORS 1157 Wilmette Ave. 566 Center St. Phone Wil. 640 T8LTN39-1tc 78 FOR SALE--VACANT 100 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WILL BUILD HOME FOR RESPON- sible party in Deerfield, lot 60x136, 3 blocks to transp. Write Wilmette Life A-16. T8LTN12-tfc 82 SUMMER RESORTS WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. Hotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for light housekeeping, $35 per mo. Swim- ming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis, dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. L. P. Stitzer, Mgr. 82LTN33-14tp REAL ESTATE . REAL ESTATE IN HOMES AND VACANT LET MY 36 YEARS AS A RESIDENT of Winnetka assist you in selecting your home or home site. DUDLEY BRADSTREET 84 REALTOR 522 Center St. Ph. Winn. 806-875 84T16-1tc 90 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HSES. WANTED TO RENT--BY FAMILY OF two in Winnetka, Glencoe, Ravinia or Highland Park from August 1st, for nine months, modern seven or eight room furnished house. Would pay $200 a month. Address Frank K. Mann, 212 FOR SALE--OVERSTUFFED PLUM mohair bed-davenport and chair. Ph. Glencoe 1335. 100LTN39-1tc 101 WTD. TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD GDS. WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Ev- anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfe 102 FOR SALE--MISC. FANCY DUCKS AND CHICKENS, MILK fed. Fresh dressed. Delivered to your door on Fridays. 4-5 1b. spring ducks @ 1%-3 1b. spring chickens @ y 'White shell breakfast eggs @ ..50c doz. PAULSON BROS. POULTRY FARM Glenview Rd. Ph. Glenview 113J1 102LTN39-1tp ROUND OAK DINING ROOM TABLE, 4 leaves, 7 chairs; odd chairs; lin- oleum; ironing board, elect. irons; dishes; picture frames; baby's spring and mattress; carpet sweeper. Also lumber. Tel. Winn. 2256. 102LTN39-1tc PITTSBURGH GARBAGE INCINER- ator, automatic, used very little. Very cheap. 327 Leicester Rd., Kenilworth. 102LTN39-1tp NEVER USED $120 PORTABLE SING- er sewing machine, electric light for 'West Monroe Street. Main 2440. night sewing, $55. Ph. Winnetka 3037. 90TN16-3tc 102LTN39-1te 3 ANTIQUES 1 MARSHALL FIELD SPECIAL BABY A SPECIAL SALE IN COLORED sandwich and Hitchcock chairs, maple teaster, bed currier and Ives prints. Cherry highboy and corner cupboard. 808 Washington St. 1 block south of Main St. 13% blocks east of Ridge Evanston : 99LTN39-1te 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GDS. HOUSEHOLD SALE 1024 CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE THE THINGS REMAINING FROM DR. Maude Sands' collection: 3 hand-carved Italian chairs beautifully upholstered ; 1 calendar oil painting, 3 other oil paintings, 2 val. etchings; rugs and draperies; Louis XV dining room set; twin 4-posted beds--mahogany, mahog- any bedroom set; Bohn refrigerator, gas stove, 3 ladder back chairs, Queen Ann table, cane davenport, for sale at once. Ph. Wilmette 1219. 100TN16-1tc LEAVING CITY, MUST SELL AT ONCE, complete household goods including fine walnut, mahog., white enamel, reed furniture; oriental rugs; fine Cauldon & Haviland china, glassware; lamps; andirons; kitchenware, washing ma- chine; girl's bicycle; Cadillac tour. car. All priced to sell. Tel. Winn. 433. 1195 Hamptondale road. 100LTN39-1tc BOHN SIPHON REFRIGERATOR; gas stove; 1 single, 2 double beds; 3 bureaus; 8 antique carved San Do- mingo mahog. chairs; antique mahog. side board. 590 Lincoln Ave. Tel. 'Winn. 818. 100TN16-1tc FOR SALE-OVERSTUFFED DAVEN- port and large chair to match, taupe mohair, $25; Simmons metal walnut bed without springs, $5; two mattresses, $3 and $5. Ph. Wilmette 4300. 100LTN39-1tp FOR SALE---4 POST MAHOG. COLON- ial bed; box springs; hair mattress. Reas. Also Vudor porch shades. 932 Euclid Ave. Tel. Winn. 1193. 100TN16-1tc COMPLETE BEDROOM SET, WHITE enamel, excellent cond. Single bed, dresser, desk, 2 chairs, $50. Winn. 1520. 100TN16-1tc MUST SACRIFICE BEAUTIFUL MA- son and Hamlin Grand Piano. Used only a short time. Write Wilmette Life A-20. 100LTN36-4tc FOR SALE--PORCH FURNITURE, rug, lamps, screen, dining room table. Bargains in rare antiques. Ph. Winn. 58. 100LTN39-1tc FOR SALE--HAND CARVED WALNUT table, 28 inch hexagonal top. Also ma- hogany vanity table. 221 Warwick Rd. Kenilworth 392. 100LTN39-1tc ALL METAL CHILD'S BED, MAT- tress & bedding. $8. Tel. Winn. 393. 100LTN39-1tc ICE BOX FOR SALE--CHEAP. TEL. 'Winn. 463. 100T16-1tc buggy; 1 bassinet. dan Rd., Winn. Call at 328 Sheri- 102L'TN39-1te 1 GENT"S SUIT, SLIGHTLY WORN, $10. Knickers for boy eight--7 pairs for $2.50. Call Kenil. 1212. 102LTN39-1te A MANGLE FOR SALE. IN PERFECT con. .Reas. Ph, "WIL 3500. 102L/TN39-1tp GIRL'S BICYCLE, REGULAR SIZE, AL- most new, $12. 327 Leicester Rd., Kenil- worth. 102LTN39-1tp 103 WTD. TO BUY--MISC. BEFORE YOU SELL MEN'S OLD CLOTHING & LADIES fur coats. Call a reliable dealer and get well paid for it. H. Gordon University 2990 103T15-4tp WANTED -- 2 STEAMER TRUNKS suitable for boys going to camp. Winnetka 2653. Ph. 103T16-1tc WANTED--CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 10c per 1b. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. 103LTN14-tfp VILLAGE OF WINNETKA NOTICE 'Winnetka, Ill, June 23, 1928. NOTICE 18S HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the construction of a local improvement in an easement thirty feet in width, to be known as WEST- MOOR TRAIL, the center line of which is the north line of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter Eighteen (18), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meredian, which said im- provement shall consist of: (1) A reinforced concrete pavement with integral curb from and connecting with the existing macadam pavement in Hibbard Road at a line 24 feet east of and parallel with the west line of said Hibbard Road; thence west in said West- moor Trail to a line 1,051 feet west of said west line of Hibbard Road, including a Y turnaround at the west end of said pavement. Said pavement shall be 18 feet in width except where a central park- way is to be constructed where two pave- ments each nine feet in width shall be constructed, the center lines of which shall follow lines 7% feet south of and parallel with the north line and 7% feet north of and parallel with the south line respectively of said Westmoor Trail; said pavements nine (9) feet in width shall be connected with said eighteen (18) foot pavement by reverse curved. (2) A six (6) inch cast iron water pipe extension from and connecting with the existing water pipe in Hibbard Road to a point 1,085 feet west of the west line of said Hibbard Road, including hydrants, valves and valve vaults. (3) An eight (8) inch tile pipe sanitary sewer beginning at a point eight (8) feet north of the south line of Westmoor Trail and 170 feet west of the west line of Hibbard Road, thence west parallel with the south line of said Westmoor Trail, 927 feet, including manholes and connections to the intercepting sewer of the Sanitary District of Chicago. (4) An eight (8) inch tile pipe storm sewer beginning at a point 120 feet west of Section of the west line of Hibbard Road and five (5) feet south of the north line of Westmoor Trail, thence west along a line parallel with and five (5) feet south of the north line of said Westmoor Trail, 180 feet; also a ten (10) inch tile pipe storm sewer from and connecting with the west end of said eight (8) inch storm sewer, thence west parallel with the north line of said Westmoor Trail 750 feet, in- cluding manholes and catchbasins. (5) A concrete sidewalk three (3) feet in width, to be constructed along the south curb of said above mentioned con- crete pavement. (6) An electric street lighting system and a conduit system, complete with manholes and laterals for telephone, electric lighting and power, in said West- moor Trail, from the west line of said Hibbard Road west to a point approxi- mately 1,020 feet west of the west line of said Hibbard Road. Including all clearing, grubbing, exca- vating, filling, trenching, grading and preparing the subgrade for the concrete pavement, backfilling the trenches with earth, flushing and compacting said back- fill, draining, moving trees, cutting down and removing trees, constructing concrete manhole catchbasins and concrete catch- basins and concrete manholes and con- crete valve vaults, constructing a sani- tary sewer, with connections to the exist- ing manhole of the intercepting sewer of the Sanitary District of Chicago, grading parkways, constructihg a reinforced con- crete pavement eight (8) inches thick with integral curb, constructing an electric street lighting system and a con- duit system complete with manholes and laterals for telephones, electric light and power, constructing concrete sidewalk, constructing hydrants, valves and valve vaults, all within the Village of Win- netka, County of Cook and State of Illi- nois, said improvement and assessment being otherwise known as Wilmette Special Assessment No. 477,412, in ac- cordance with the ordinance heretofore passed therefor, will be received by the Board of Local Improvements of the Vil- lage of Winnetka by or before eight o'clock P. M., on Tuesday, the third day of July, A. D. 1928, at which hour all bids will be opened at a meeting to be held in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall, in the said Village of Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois. The specifications of said improvement are on file in the office of the Clerk of said Village of Winnetka. Contractors will be paid in bonds bear- ing interest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum for all estimates ap- proved by the Board of Local Improve- ments in the sum of One Hundred Dol- lars ($100.00) and over and when the amount of balance due on any estimate is less than the sum of One Hundred Dol- lars ($100.00), the same will be paid by time warrants. In addition to the usual bond for construction and maintenance in the sum equal to one-third of the amount of the bid accepted by said Board, the successful bidder will be re- quired to furnish an indemnity and de- fense policy in some reliable company, indemnifying the Village of Winnetka against loss for liability for damages on account of injury or death suffered by any person or persons, by reason of the performance of the work required to be performed by the said contractor, by any person or persons, including such liability imposed under the employers' liability and workmen's compensation law of the State of Illinois, and the amendments thereof, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars. ($10,000.00) for injury or death to any one person, nor less than Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) for injury or death to more than one person in any one accident. HENRY F. TENNY, President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T16-1te NOTICE Every property owner in New Trier Township is notified to cut his thistles. Any person not heeding this warning and allowing thistles to go to seed will be prosecuted and fined. JOHN BALMES, Thistle Commissioner. Miss Jane Ashman, formerly of Win- netka, and now of Deerfield, Miss Natalie Hurd and Miss Nellie Louise Weil, both of Winnetka, entertained a group of north shore girls at a lunch- eon and bridge given at Briargate Country club on Friday, June 15. --0-- Mrs. Earl Green, 315 Warwick road, Kenilworth entertained the members of her reading club on Friday at lunch- eon at her home.