- 5 Xx July 7, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 45 re 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS i" FOR SALE--HOUSES "7 FOR SALE--HOUSES WINNETKA RELIABLE CARETAKERS WILL TAKE COMPLETE CHARGE OF your home. Tel. Winn. 797 or 2759. 61T16-4tp CHAUFFEUR--TWENTY YEARS EXP. Lake Forest, North Shore, Chicago. 39 yrs. old. White, American, married, sober, industrious, never late. First class mechanic. Ph. Highland Park 3389. 61LTN41-1tp EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS work by the day or week. Winn. 2864. 61LTN34-tfc CHAUFFEUR, WHITE EXPERIENCED. Best refs. Call Mr. Morrison. Wilmette 1080. 61 TN41-1tp CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN., etc. Drive, wash cars, garden work. Winn. 1552, 61T48-tfc Winnetka Reliable Caretakers WILL IN YOUR ABSENCE TAKE care of your home, lawn, and garden. Ph. Winnetka 797 or 2759. 61LTN40-4tp re -- ------------------ 62 SIT. WID.--MALE AND FEMALE TOL. CPL., COOK, CHAUF., HSE. MAN. Best ref. Oak. 0868. 62LTN41-1tp LIVE IN WILMETTE. WE ARE OFFERING 2-3-4-5-room apts. in the Lindencrest Bldg. In-a-door beds, tile baths, showers. Ready for immediate occu- pancy. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 67LTN40-tfc FOR RENT -- FINE 4 AND 5 ROOM modern apt. Roll-away bed, frigidaire, near transp. Low rent. Franklin Bldg., 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382. 67TL.TN38-tfc FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67TLTN33-tfc 4 RM. APT. OR FOR SALE, 8 RM. HSE. ; 2 garages, all mod. improv., nr. transp. Reas terms. Tel. Glencoe 331. 67TLTN41-1tp pi 8 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. FOR RENT--AT LOWEST POSSIBLE rate, for immediate occupation, cool, comfortable Orrington hotel apartment, summer or longer. Complete hotel service. Ice and electricity free. Kitchenette. Very large closets. Call hotel (University 8700) or tenant eve- nings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 536. 68LTN38-tfp 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES 63 BOARD AND ROOM EXCELLENT RM. AND BOARD FOR man. 545 Provident Ave., Winn. 2795. 63T18-2tp 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR SINGLE men or couple. Call Winn. 2794. 66LTN40-2tc ROOMS NEWLY DECORATED, COME and see. 731 10th St., Wilmette. 661. T40-2tc ROOM FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM, nr. transp., tel. Winn, 415. 66LTN41-1tc PLEASANT FRONT BEDROOM FOR 2 gentlemen or couple. Hot water ht. Phone Winn. 3141. 66. T41-1te LARGE, LIGHT, WELL FURNISHED rm., near lake and trains. Garage. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 66L.TN41-1tc ROOM FOR RENT, CONV. TO HUB- bard Woods or Winnetka. Ph. Win- netka 1582. 66T18-1te FOR RENT--LARGE, COMF. ROOM, for 1 or 2. Ph. Winnetka 1769. 66T18-1tc PLEASANT ROOM FOR LADY, CONV. to transp. Ph. Winnetka 3051, after 6 o'clock. 66T18-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE RM. FOR LIGHT housekeeping, close to transp. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 66T18-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM, PRIVATE fam. Gentleman pfd. Tel. Winn. 1686. 66T16-tfc RM. FOR GENTLEMAN. CONV. TO transp. 858 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 2864. 66T18-1tp UNFURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 7 rm. frame, cottage style, 2 Sherman tub baths, an efficient and economical hot air furnace, 2 porches. Garage. 71 ft. lot with fine shade trees and shrubs. In popular S. W. Section. Lo- cation and neighborhood the best. At- tractive rental to family of adults for long lease. P. W. Bradstreet & Son Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 1 Meyer's Bank Bldg., Phone 162 69T16-1tc FOR RENT--7 RM. HOUSE WITH SUN rm., also breakfast and sleeping porches. Newly decorated and painted. Shade trees and garage. $125. Ph. Wilmette 2744. 69LTN41-1te FOR RENT--5 MOD. RMS. NICE GAR- den and yard. Reas. rent. Apply 325 Washington Ave., Glencoe. After 6:30 or all day Sunday. 69TN18-1te FOR RENT -- COTTAGE AT POST Lake, Northern Wis.,, near Pelican Lake. Accommodations for 5 or 6. Ph. Winn. 2878. 69TN18-1tc FURNISHED 8 RM. HOUSE FOR JULY and Aug. Close to transp. Phone Winn. 1028. 69LTN41-1te 70 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES SUMMER COTTAGE FOR RENT--TWO well furnished cottages nr. Pentwater, Mich. Lge. airy sleeping rooms and splendid porches, ice, garage, fine gar- den and fruit. Splendid Lake Mich. frontage and beach, no society. Fine for children. $100 and $75 per month. E. N. Gathercoal, 701 So. Wood St., Chicago, Il. TOLTN-1tp FOR RENT--SMALL, FURN. HOUSE, suitable for small family, for mos. of Aug. and Sept.,, low rental. Tel. Winn. 2307. TOLTN41-1te ROOM FOR. RENT--GARAGE AVAIL- able. Phone Winn. 951. 66T18-1tp 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS New Building Tower Court Apartments Hubbard Woods yLinden Ave., Just North of Tower Rd. APARTMENTS AND SHOPS 3 and 4 rooms with 1 and 2 chambers, "Furnished or Unfurnished." The room apts. comprise living, dining and _ bedrooms, tile bath with shower and Pullman kitchen. The 4 room apts. have living, dining and 2 bedrooms, tile baths with shower ~ and Pullman kitchen. All equipped with electric refrigeration. All outside rooms. ent on premises. $70 to $85. ~ Tower Court Building 898-900 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods © Winnetka 1949 67TLTN41-1tc FURNISHED HOUSE FROM JULY 16 TO SEPT. 16. Conv. to transp. Call Winn. 2362. 70T18-1te -- tx FOR SALE--HOUSES $26,000 Home Special A MODERN STUCCO HOME, EAST Winnetka, on extra width wooded lot, containing 8 rooms, 3 baths, 2 large glazed porches, hot water (oil) heat, double garage. The entire property is in the pink of condition. House freshly decorated and yard has private hedge, fruit trees, shrubs, besides playground for the children. Splendid value in this property at $26,000. Hill & Stone 543 Lincoln St. Winnetka 1544 TTLTN41-1te For Sale JUST SOUTH OF SUNSET Road and directly across the street from the Hath- away Watson 14-acre es- tate, setting back 75 feet in wooded retirement on lot 105x187 is a charming 10-room brick house and attached 2-car garage built by owner for his home and occupied by him less than 30 days. Location, 199 Birch St., Winnetka. Price, $60,000. Dudley Bradstreet Exclusive Agent 522 Center Street 'Winn. 806-875-1724 77T18-1te Southeast Section 6 RMS.; SLEEPING PORCH; HOT water (oil) heat; newly decorated and painted inside and out; beautiful trees and shrubs; near schools and trans- portation ; $18,000. Northeast Winnetka $25,000 An Ideal Home 8 rooms; 3 baths; besides sun, sleeping and breakfast porches; hot water (oil) heat; weatherstripped and insulated throughout; 2 car garage; 75 feet of beautifully wooded grounds; newly dec- orated throughout; perfect condition. HEINSEN REALTY CO. 720 Elm St., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 254 TTLTN41-1tc WINNETKA EAST LOCATION 2 BLOCKS TO LAKE, LARGE WOODED lot, 8 room English tapestry brick, un- usually large living and dining rooms, breakfast nook, butler's pantry, lava- tory; large screened porch with awn- ing. House beautifully decorated on canvassed walls; imported fixtures and hardware, oil burner, Frigidaire, 2-car heated garage. This is a beautiful home in a lovely location at $41,000. Terms can be arranged. Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 TTLTN41-1tc Your Home in the Woods OVERLOOKING BEAUTIFUL ESTATE, very private and exclusive. Large grounds; close to schools and trans- portation; 5 large bedrooms and 2 sleeping porches; extra large living room and sun parlor each connecting by large arches providing wonderful entertaining space; 3 open fireplaces; library; butler's pantry; Frigidaire. Offered at a real bargain with terms. If you are seeking a delightful home in a good section see Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 TTLTN41-1te FOR SALE--A REAL HOME IN WIN- netka, at actual cost. 7 rm. frame cot- tage style, 2 Sherman tub baths, an efficient and economical hot air furnace, 2 porches & large master's bedroom. All completely re-decorated and painted, also garage. In popular S. W. Section. Location and neighborhood the best. Lot 71x132 with beautiful shade trees EAST WINNETKA CHARMING 6 ROOM . RESIDENCE, 2 all tile baths. Frigidaire, stove, elec. washing machine. Tile floor dining rm. Built in bookcases. Beamed ceiling liv- ing room and tiled floor. 1l-car garage. A beautiful, completely finished home in a residential section of East Win- netka. Price only $21,500. Terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 714 Elm St. Winnetka 2198 71T18-1te NORMANDY ENGLISH BRAND NEW; BORDERS WOODED Ravine. Steep roof, Quaint English Brick design. 7 rooms, charming living room 17x28. Breakfast nook. Ice ma- chine. 4 airy bedrooms, 3 baths, Ivory plaster walls. Attached garages. On corner, close to stores and station, in exclusive location. Price $38,000. Terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 714 Elm Street Winnetka 2198 77T18-1tc HUBBARD WOODS CHARMING NEW BRICK, 7 ROOMS, 2 tile baths, very best location. Every latest feature; beautifully wooded lot; 2-car brick garage. This value cannot be duplicated. Will accept well-located lot in trade plus some cash. Call own- er Winnetka 2032. TTILTN41-1te BEST OFFER TAKES NEW SPANISH face brick 7 rm. home, studio, living rm., solarium, 4 bedrms., 2 tile baths, ext. lav., Frigidaire, tile roof, 2-car ht. garage, 150 ft. frontage on wooded cor- ner, 1 block from Sheridan Rd. Call Highland Park 3252. TTTN18-1tp 1% STORY BUNGALOW, LARGE LOT, shade trees, 5 blks. from station, $7,500 for quick sale, easy terms. Call Winn. 1277. TILTN41-1tp FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL NEW BRICK home in Skokie Highlands, 45 minutes to Loop. $15,000, terms to suit. T. E. Dickenson, 30 N. Dearborn Street, Franklin 6201. TTLT41-1te 8 FOR SALE--VACANT WILL BUILD HOME FOR RESPON- sible party in Deerfield, lot 60x136, 3 blocks to transp. Write Wilmette Life A-16. T8LTN12-tfe 60x160 LOT FOR SALE AT FLORA PL. Ravinia Park. Reas. Easy payment. Wien. 1334. 78TN18-1tp 9 ACREAGE & ESTATES BARRINGTON 20 OR 40 ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL woodland overlooking golf course, 2 miles northwest of station. Low price and easy terms for quick sale. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Fountain Square Univ. 2600 TILTN41-1te 82 SUMMER RESORTS WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. Hotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for light housekeeping, $35 per mo. Swim- ming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis, dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. T.. P. Stitzer, Mgr. 82LTN33-14tn 99 ANTIQUES ED JUNE SALE OF UNUSUAL EARLY American and English antiques, includ- ing many lovely objects suitable for wedding presents and bridge prizes. The Little House of Interest, 312 South Ave., Glencoe. 99TN18-1tp WANTED--SMALL 7 ROOM HOUSE, 2 baths, in good location. between Wil- mette and Winnetka. Will trade 3 or 6 apartment building in Edgewater, well financed. 96LTN41-1tp EE ---------------------------------- 100 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS and shrubs. Easy terms. P. W. Bradstreet & Son Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 1 Meyer's Bank Bldg., Phone 162 77T18-1te A GOOD BUY 6 ROOM HOUSE--SUN AND SLPG. pchs.; extra lav. on 1st fir.; gool loc. in Winnetka. H. W. heat; 2-car gar., size 20x20 all sealed ; owner in position to make it easy to finance, small down payment pfd, bal. like rent. Priced at $13,000 for quick sale. Tel. Winn. 1430 or 2300. TTTN18-1te FOR SALE--DAVENPORT, DOWN cushions, good cond., cheap. Also odd chairs and ice-box. Tel. Winn. 429. 100LTN41-1te FOR SALE--TIME-O-STAT, ALSO GAS water heater. 461 Woodlawn Ave. Glencoe., Ill. Phone Glencoe 1050. 100LTN{1-1te FURNITURE FOR SALE AT SACRI- fice, many antique pieces, baby carri- ages, cribs, and play pens. 442 Wood- lawn Ave., Glencoe. 100TN18-1te (Continued on page 46)