Py 4 July 14, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Fourth Estate to Hold Congress in Chicago in 1933 Sponsored by the Press club of Chicago and the Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern university, an International Press Congress will assemble in Chicago in 1933 as a part of the Centennial celebration. Representatives of the Press club, the Medill school, metropolitan news- papers, and press associations met recently at the Press club, 71 West Monroe street, and issued a call to the Fourth Estate of the world. Exhibits will be sought from all parts of the world, including those of China, ancient Egypt, and Europe of the Middle Ages, to depict vividly the steps through which journalism has advanced. Probably the best way to tell just exactly what is proposed is to recite the Press club resolution which in- augurated the project: -- * "Whereas, all that is highest and best in the culture of the world will be gathered at Chicago, Ill, U.S. A. in the year 1933 to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the incor- poration of Chicago, and "Whereas, there is no more powerful influence known to civilization than a Free Press, and "Whereas, the time is most oppor- tune for the leading spirits of the Press of every nation to assemble and consider how best the cause of friend- ship and the interchange of thought can be promoted to the benefit of all peoples; now therefore be it "Resolved, by this meeting of the members of the Press club of Chicago in regular session assembled, that the officers and directors of this club be. and they are hereby instructed to send its representatives to take part in a Press Congress of the World at Chi- cago in 1933, during and a part of the Chicago Centennial Celebration, under the auspices of the Press club of Chicago and the Medill School of Journalism of Northwestern universi- ty. And be it further "Resolved, that this Press Congress shall revolve around an exhibit that will portray the evolution of journal- ism from the hieroglyphics of the stone 8g< to the finest craftsmanship of today, and be it further "Resolved, that an Advisory council shall be promptly formed, to consist of distinguished representatives of the Fourth Estate from all over the world, and be it further "Resolved, that Harry Franklin Har- rington, dean of the Medill School of Journalism of Northwestern universi- ty, be invited to form a committee of representative newspaper men, to for- mulate a program." Dean Harrington accepted the chair- manship of the last named committee and at once appointed Al Dunlap. president of the Press club, as vice chairman. Other members of the committee, and their tentative pro- gram, will be announced in the near future. Connecticut Town Finds Novel Use for Old Cars A novel use for automobiles has been discovered in Thompsonville, Conn., where it is said that automo- biles with an original value of nearly a quarter of a million dollars will be tumbled into an abyss during the next few days, in an effort to fill a hole in the roadway which appeared when a stretch of macadam 100 feet long and 50 feet wide dropped through, says a bulletin issued by the Chicago Motor club. Tons upon tons of sand had been put into the gap to no avail, so the selectman hit upon the scheme of buying up all the old cars he could get to fill up the chasm. Over 250 cars have been purchased to date. National Parks Provide Finest Transportation There are 663 motor vehicles with a total passenger-carrying capacity of 6,806 operating in national parks, ac- cording to information received by the touring bureau of the Chicago Motor club. A statement issued by the National Park service, Department of the In- terior, says: "The greatest number is in the Yellowstone, with 323 cars cap- able of transporting 3,105 passengers. Glacier and Rocky Mountain Nationai Park, each have 76 passenger-carry- ing machines. "Rocky Mountain Park has the edge slightly on Glacier, for its cars can carry a total of 804 visitors, as against 788 in the Glacier cars. Yose- mite's fifty-seven cars have a total ca- pacity of 764 people, while Zion's fifty-four carry 582 people. "In Mount Rainier thirty-one pass- enger-carrying machines are operated with a capacity for 368 guests, and Grand Canyon has twenty-five cars with a total carrying capacity of 240 visitors." Mr. and Mrs. Alvar R. Sutter, 827 Prospect avenue, together with Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. DeClerque, 861 Prospect avenue, are leaving this week for a motor trip to South Dakota where they will visit friends at Sioux Falls and then continue on to the Black Hills. ---- Rural mail routes in Illinois serve 383,834 families. Salad (Dring has no oily taste is made with fresh country eggs and flavored with real lemons A FOOD IN ITSELF at your only 25¢ grocer's ~--SOLD IN THE PINT AND QUART SIZE, TOO -- If youdon't think JANE-ANNE the best salad dressing you've ever bought, return the Jar --your money will be refunded at once. Sign and Mail for FREE ReEciPE Book Name Address Dealer Be Sure You Receive Genuine Quaker State Oils --is a fair retail price for Quaker State Medium Oil when served from bulk. Cut prices encourage substitution. When You CHANGE OIL Remember-- The ONLY Dealers from whom you can purchase QUAKER STapy in the Wilmette, Kenil- worth, Winnetka, and Glen- Rape "ARK coe territory are the fol- OlLs 5: 6rEASES lowing: WILMETTE Braun Bros. Service Station Wilmette Ave. at Ridge Miller & Miller 732 12th Street Wilmette Battery & Ignition Service 740 12th Street Wilmette Motor Sales 515 4th Street KENILWORTH NO DEALERS GLENCOE Glencoe Auto Laundry 332 Park Avenue (rear) WINNETKA Abel Battery & Ignition Service 716 Elm Street Black & White Garage 554 Lincoln Avenue Braun Bros. Service Station 723 Oak Street Hubbard Woods Service Station 1010 Tower Road Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. Center and Spruce Streets Se = Official Insignia of the Pennsyl- vania Grade Crude Oil Association Permit No. 50 Braun Bros. Oil Co. Distributors of Quaker State Products from Wilmette to Lake Bluff Inclusive General Office: 725 OAK STREET, WILMETTE Phones: Winnetka 3020-21-22 | |