Lili ib iiiibel id WINNETKA TALK ~~ HT HTT HTT TT hh, July 21, 1928 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements General Notice -- {, resigents Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates--13 cents a line in one paper. 30 cents a line in all three papers. No black face type used. on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Average of five words to the line. . . Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline f or Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. will be charged only of the district from Evanston to 25 cents a line in any two papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. 10% discount papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS Bargains in Used Cars Stop-Look Your car in trade, balance easy terms Dodge sedans" .........\.... $125 to $600 Li t n Pogge touring EE HE sta agai + +s : LE o DUN Lago ti ir TR raed SEGRE 350 IES € Podge coupe Se aR as tei iwiae Se ie wd $500 I Jash roadster i i. Tin. ecrverns $250 BARGAINS! White % ton truck ...........c..... $250 WERSTED MOTOR CO. A USED 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka, TIL 4TN20-1te BUICK IS THE NEXT GREATEST VALUE TO A NEW BUICK 1926 Master Six, 4 door Sedan, like new. Gold Seal guarantee. New Ta LEE beh of dv IRA SL ETE 985 Very latest Buick Model 47--4 door SERRATE ets slain + Ase nr Ts PAR ve $1,350 If you will leave your name and phone number and what style car you prefer, we will be glad to notify you when we get one in. LIBERAL TERMS NON-DEALER WANTS TO BUY INEX- pensive 1925-26 or "27 sedan or coach for cash. Write Wilmette Life A-T73. 41 QUILTING 58 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE No. Shore Agent WANTED--RELIABLE COL. COUPLE, for wife must be good cook; man, exp. WILKINSON QUILTS butler & chauffeur. City ref. req. Tel. Mrs. Sylvan Hirschberg Winn. 473. 58T20-1te Made by the Wilkinson sisters of -- -- Ligonier, Ind. Makers of fine hand| 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE made comforts and quilted robes, pil- lows and bed spreads. On display at 175 Hazel Ave., Glencoe. Will call at your home by appointment. Ph. Glen- coe 373. 41LTN43-1tp RADIOS 12 INTELLIGENT WOMAN WILL TAKE care of children on the N. S., part time or over summer months. Also sewing RADIO SPECIALIST DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. RE- pair, service and construction. 961 Pine St. Winn. 1892. 42T49-tfc 13 REPAIRING AND REFINISHING PEOPLE WHO KNOW AND AP- PRECIATE EXPERT CRAFTS- MANSHIP, SEND THEIR FURNI- TURE TO US TO BE REPAIRED AND REFINISHED BY OUR EX- PERTS. CALL US AT UNIVER- SITY 6300. 43LTN28-tfc WINDOW SHADES Garden & Beach Umbrellas Drapery Hardware Canopies Rented Awnings & Window Shades HaroldN.BlasiusCo. 26 Prouty Annex Winnetka 1125 Waukegan Office 302 S. Genesse St. Waukegan 2087 51LTN29-tfc 4L/T43-1te CHEVROLET TRUCK, GOOD SHAPE; new tires, spare. $155. Tel. Winn. 2482, 4LTN43-1tc HUP TOURING CAR, 1923. GOOD tires, new spare, $65. Tel. Winn. 2482. 4LTN43-1te Sm 11 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING CARPENTER AND GENERAL North Shore ~~ CONTRACTOR o Buick Company F. J. Hacker 1030 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON | Screens--Storm Sash Phone Wilmette 3750 Garages--Porches--Additions OPEN E ING Expert Cabinet Work. AND SUND LAN 1tc | 175? Highland Ave, Wi. Ph. Wil 1176 9 SPECIALS 15 DRESSMAKING FROM OUR BIG STOCK 25 Oakland Coach '26 Oakland Sedan '24¢ Hupmobile Sedan ................ 200 *24 Nash Sedan ........... 00000. 295 25. Essex Coach ............+...:%%.. 225 226 Chevrolet:Coupe ....-.."....... "0. 300 "25 Jewett Sedan .......... isis 400 Studebaker Sedan ................ 350 Ford Truck ........ilscia .iieias 125 Lake Shore Auto Sales 1010 Chicago Ave. Evanston 4LTN43-1te GOOD USED CARS Ford Coupe'. . aun -2-a-n-ap+rress $ 40 Buick Touring .... a 50 Chevrolet Coach ....... 7% Nash Touripg .. ... .. »ocesas ns 85 Willys Knight Sedan ............... 90 Chandler 7 pass. Sedan .............. 300 Vim Delivery Truck ................ 50 Dodge 3 Ton Panel Truck Dodge 3; Ton Panel Truck C. M. McDONALD DODGE MOTOR CARS 1019 Davis St. Phone Wil. 224 ROLLS ROYCE WE ARE OFFERING FOR YOUR IN- spection both a 4 pass. 40-50 Sport Sedan and a 40-50 Sport Phaeton, both in perfect condition. A full descrip- tion and price which is far below market will be cheerfully given for the asking. EDDIE MEYER 1 S. Michigan Ave. Calumet 6868 4LTN43-1tp EXP. DRESSMAKER WANTS WORK by day or at home. Will make cur- ad ANYONE WHO KNEW SARAH L. Saulsbury, a widow who lived in Win- netka in 1874, please Ph. Kenilworth 2640. 54TNL20-1tp ah LOST AND FOUND LOST--SMALL BROWN & WHITE Boston Bull terrier without coliar or license. Disappeared July 12. Reward. Tel. Winn. 954. 55T20-1te LOST--UMBRELLA IN TOWER RD. station of North Shore Thurs. A. M. about 8:30. Tel. Winn. 2101. 55T20-1te FOUND--GOLD RING AT LLOYD'S Pier. Ph. Winnetka 2307. 55TN20-1te 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED COMP. WHITE MAID. GEN. housework. 3 in family. No washing, must be exp. Ph. Winnetka 1403. 56LT43-1tc PERSONAL tains and draperies. $5 a day. Ph. Winnetka 2411. 17T20-1tc | WANTED--WOMAN TO HELP WITH m---- - ~ hswk. mornings, 9-1. Tel. Winn. 2330. 20 GARDENING 56T20-1tc WANTED--EXP. MAID FOR GEN. Gage & Jordan hswk. 3 in family. Good wages. Tel Winn. 317. 56T20-1tc LANDSCAPE COUNSELORS WANTED--WHITE GIRL TO HELP and Contractor with care of 2 yr. old baby from 9-12 Greenleaf 2930 20LTN43-1te 2016 Central St. BLACK Tel. Wil. 20L.T39-4tp LANDSCAPE GARDENING; soil ; manure. F, W. Kares. 891-Y1. INSTRUCTION DETECTIVE WORK, SECRET SER- vice, and the Science of Criminology taught by experts in our school. For particulars call between 6 and 9:30 eve- nings and all day Sunday. The Uni- versity of Practical Detective Sci A. M. Tel. Glencoe 1107. 56N28-1tp GIRL WANTED--OKEAN FURRIERS. 567 Lincoln Avenue. 56TN20-1tp EXP. WHITE MAID, GEN. HSWK.; no washing; small family of adults. Every convenience. Refs. Tel. Winn. 2275. 56T20-1tc WANTED---WHITE GIRL EXP. IN cooking and housework. 4 in family. Good wages. Ph. Glencoe 1092. 56TN20-1tc and Criminology. Suite 100. 800 North Clark St. 25L TN 42-3te ---------------------------------------- A ------------------------------------ 39 PETS HOMES WANTED FOR SEVERAL beautiful dogs. Flumane Society of Ev- anston. Ph. University 1052. 39TN20-1te WANTED TO FIND HOME FOR THOR- oughbred white setter dog about 2 years old. Would make excellent house dog. Ph. Winnetka 680. 39TN20-1te on Tuesday. x Ea. fe accept classified advertising to be run N REVIEW, reaching 16,000 fami- EVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 WANTED EXP. WHITE MAID FOR gen. housework, to go home nights. Ph. Wilmette 2576. 56LTN43-1te EXPERIENCED WHITE LAUNDRESS for Mon. and Tuesday. Tel. Glencoe 499. : 56LTN43-1tp WANTED--EXP. MAID FOR GEN. housework. Ph. Kenilworth 4111, 56LTN43-1tc WANTED--MAID WITH EXP. FOR gen. housework and cooking, refs. Ph. Wilmette 84. 56L.T43-1tp WANTEDR--WHITE GIRL TO CLERK in store and keep books. Porter's Electric Shop. 797 Elm St, Winnetka, TL. 56LT43-1tc J ---------------------------------------------- 58 HELP WTD.--MALE AND FEMALE TWO WOMEN AND SEVERAL MEN for sales promotion work on North Shore. Liberal compensation. Ph. Win- netka 909 between 8 and 9 61 A. M. 58LTN43-1tp | by day. Can furn. best of ref. Mrs. S. Otto, 1447 Warner Ave. Chicago. 60LTN43-1tc EXP. COLORED MAID, COOK OR hswk., no washing, good refs. neat, quick & refined. Not less than $18. Mollie Anderson, 420 E. 44th St. Tel Oakland 0498. 60T20-1tp CLERICAL WORK, GEN. OFFICE TYP- ing, billing, pay roll, switchboards, etc. Ph. Wilmette 3452 after 7 P. M. or before 8 A. M. Frances Thurnes, 1539 Forest Ave., Wilmette. 60TNL20-1te NURSE DESIRES POSITION IN GOOD home. Care for 1 or 2 babies, neat sewer, very comp. Good refs. All by hour. Ph. Winnetka 1582. 60T20-1tp JRADUATE NURSE WOULD LIKE daily care of chronic case; terms rea- sonable. Tel. Winn. 641. 60T20-1tp EXP. WOMAN WILL TAKE CARE OF children evenings, 40c an hour. Ph. Winnetka 2764. 60T20-1tp EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS TUES, Wed. and Sat. Evanston refs. Ph. Douglas 5988. 60LTN42-2tp WASHING, TRONING, CLEANING BY the day. Refs. Call University 2851. 60LT43-1tp WASHING AND IRONING OR ROUGH dry. Will call for and del. Tel. Winn. 859. 60LTN42-2tc WANTED--BLANKETS, CURTAINS & other laundry work to do. Will call and del. 886 Willow Rd. Ph. Winn. 1924. 60L/TN34-tfe EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS CLEANING and laundry. Ref. Ph. University 8679. 60LTN43-1tp YOUNG GIRL, HIGH SCHOOL GRADU- : ate, wants position caring for children. Ph. Winnetka 1687. 60T20-1tp WANTED -- SITUATION -- BY HIGH school girl, as companion. Write Wil- mette Life A-68. 60TN20-1tp STENOGRAPHER, TYPIST, GENERAL office work. Refs. Address Talk A-T6. 60TN20-1tp DAY OR HOUR WORK BY RELIABLE American girl. Ph. Winnetka 2275. 60LTN43-1tp GEN. HSWK. UNTIL SEPT. EXP. Refs. Tel Winn. 3067. 60TN20-1tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE Winnetka Reliable Caretakers WILL IN YOUR ABSENCE TAKE care of your home, lawn, and garden. . Winnetka 797 or 2759. es . 61LTN40-4tp WINNETKA RELIABLE CARETAKERS WILL TAKE COMPLETE CHARGE OF your home. Tel. Winn. 797 or 2759. 61T16-4tp BOY OVER 18 WISHES PERM. POSI- tion. Mechanically inclined. Exp. driver. Ph. Wilmette 1640. 61TN20-1tc GARDENER & HOUSEMAN, BY DAY or week. Tel. Winn. 2764, Ward. 61TN20-1tp WORK BY HOUR OR DAY, CLEANING; window washing, gardening, yard work or serving. Tel. Winn. 1657. 61TN20-1te CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN,, ete. Drive, wash cars, garden work. Winn. 1552. 61T48-tfe EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS work by the day or week. Winn. 2864. 61LTN34-tfe ------------------------------ 62 SIT. WID.--MALE AND FEMALE EXP. COL. CPL. COOK, CHAUF., HSE. man. ref. Oak 0868. 62LTN43-1tp CAPABLE COUPLE WANT POS. AS cook & butler. High-class ref.; A-1 chauffeur. Address Talk A-75. i 62TN20-1tp A aibabd