a a Cee ate oe rey tll 1 WINNETKA TALK August 4, 1928 . - A ry SO, 41 | §i GAS INCINERATOR vii for less than i po hh $100.00 the rain or snow. It safely and easily burns old papers, rubbish and kitchen refuse--the bane of housewives and enemies of clean, sanitary living conditions. Get rid of the breeding and feeding places of flies, insects and vermin. Eliminate Does away with fccd- fire hazards and sources of danger to Small down sng and breeding places of rats, mice, your family's health. This Gas In- insects and germs . . = : cinerator is efficient and economical to operate. in 12 months payment--balance You NEED A Special Price THOR WASHER $129.50 in your laundry THOR 20 Ironer No housewife knows how easily she may It will lighten the burden of wash- do her weekly ironing until she has used saw the Thor No. 20 Ironer. This modern day and wash clothes snowy-white in laundry appliance turns ironing hours into a few moments. Let us demonstrate ironing minutes. Just a small down pay- it to you. ment and then 12 months to pay. NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY TELEPHONE 2600 WINNETKA