oli J I NN ETA iA be Adu® Published weekly by Lloyd March 8, 1912, at Hollister, Inc., 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka, Illinois. the post office at Winnetka, Illinois, under the Act of March 8, 1879. d class te. Entered as 8 Subscription price $2.00 a year. VOL. XVII. NO. 22 WINNETKA, ILLIN OIS, AUGUST 4, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS | WINNETKA MERCHANTS TO FROLIC AUGUST 16 R. F. Doepel Is Chairman of Committee Arranging for Winnetka Day Outing Winnetka Day plans are being pushed as rapidly as possible by R. F. Doepel, chairman of the committee in charge, and his assistants, Herbert Paulson, Vic J. Killian, A. Lee Adams, A. F. Peters, and B. W. Blow. Thursday, August 16, is the date, and 9 o'clock in the morning is the start- ing time. "Get your lunch baskets ready and follow the crowd to Gage's Lake," is the invitation being sent out from the Chamber of Commerce offices. All of the business and professional men and women, families and friends, and all of their employes with their fam- ilies and friends are invited. Picnic for Business Men Winnetka Day this year, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce as for- merly, will not be on the same ex- tensive basis as before, but will be more of a get-together outing or pic- nic of the business and professional people of the village. "It will be a day when we will all take off from work and enjoy ourselves, without placing any work on anyone," says a Chamber of Commerce bulletin. It is expected that all business houses will close on that day. A local business man who has just spent a few days at Gage's lake re- ports that it is an ideal place for such an outing. There are plenty of swings and amusements for the children, two baseball diamonds, five horseshoe courts, a dancing pavilion, refreshment stands, boats, and a fine lake for swim- ming. Suggested Routes The lake is located west of Wau- ~kegan and northwest of Libertyville. Two suggested routes from Winnetka to Gage's lake have been announced by the Chamber of Commerce. They are: 1. North to route 20 in Wau- kegan, then west about seven or eight miles until you come to road marked Decker's Gage's lake," then north to lake. 2. Milwaukee road through Libertyville or until you pass the Liber- tyville golf course on the right side of Milwaukee road, then turn north on the first gravel road straight through to Gage's lake. Prizes for Contests The committee in charge plans to give cash prizes for the races and con- tests which are planned for the day. Rapp Bros. store has issued a chal- lenge to any business group or other organization for an indoor baseball game as a special feature of the day. . The Chamber of Commerce will hold its next meeting at Community House Monday evening, August 13, at 8:15 p. m. The complete program for the Winnetka Day picnic will be an- nounced at this meeting. The World's Fair workers will probably report as to what progress they have made. $500 FIRE DAMAGE A fire at the residence of F. W. Boldenweck, 823 Humboldt avenue, Sunday afternoon at 12:50 o'clock, re- sulted in damage estimated at about . The fire resulted from a de- fective fireplace, according - to the Winnetka Fire department. Next Week at Ravinia Sunday, August 5-- Afternoon--National Concert by Polish Arts club, devoted to Polish composers. Evening--"Carmen." Monday, August 6-- "La Chemineau." Tuesday, August 7-- "Aida." Wednesday, August 8-- "Martha." 3 Thursday, August 9-- "The Tales of Hoffman." Friday, August 10-- "Manon Lescaut." Saturday, August 11-- "The Barber of Seville." (Note: Detailed announcement con- cerning next week's Ravinia program will be found in another column of this issue.) Dr.J. A. Richards to Consider Oberlin Union Church Call Dr. James Austin Richards, minister of the Winnetka Congregational church, is considering a call which he has received from the Union church at Oberlin, Ohio. Dr. Richards has not made it known whether he will accept the call. He is on his vacation now and is not expected to make a definite decision before returning to Winnetka September 1. Dr. Richards preached at Oberlin last March. The call from the Oberlin church came to him shortly before he left for his vacation a month ago. Coming to the Winnetka church ten years ago, Dr. Richards has been one of the most pooular ministers on the north shore. While here he has had numerous speaking engagements in leading churches of the country, and has officiated at many prominent wed- dings. Gun-Toting Negro Meets Our Cops and Pays Fine Sergeant Ed Cummings and Patrol- man Lester Barker of the Winnetka police, in their Wednesday night cruise in the Hubbard Woods section picked up two strangers, both colored men, at Gage street and Linden ave- nue and took them to the station for questioning. One of the men, Rex Hannon, of Trion, N. C., was driving an expen- sive car, owned, he said, by his em- ployer whom he was driving on a trip north. This fact he established. His companion, he said, was a Chi- cago friend with whom he was enjoy- ing a ride. The friend was released. as was Hanson, the following morn- ing, after paving a fine of $10 and costs in consideration of possessing a gun and a pint of liquor when taken by the police. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Belnap, 1422 Asbury avenue, announce on July 29 the birth of a daughter, who has been named Dorothy. CALL NURSERY BIDS Construction Work on Addition to Skokie School to Be Started When Contract Is Let All bids for the construction of the nursery school addition to the Skokie school, plans for which were announced several weeks ago, are expected to be in by the end of this week. Construc- tion work will begin within a few days or as soon as one of the bids is accepted, according to business as- sociates of Alfred Alschuler, well- known Chicago architect and resident of Winnetka, who is donating the money for the new unit. Mr. Alschuler, who is in Europe now, made the offer of a new nursery school addition to the Winnetka school board some time ago, and it was accepted by the board. Mrs. Alschuler, his wife, has been actively interested in the work of the nursery school in the vil- lage, having at Superintendent Wash- burne's request undertaken its original organization and supervision. The nursery school has been supported by the education committee of the Win- netka Woman's club and has proved valuable to the kindergarten and pri- mary teachers in the Winnetka schools. The new unit will be built south from the present east front of the Skokie school and then west on Oak street. Plans for the interior of the unit include a kindergarten for the four-year-old children who have com- pleted the nursery school work and are not yet eligible for regular kinder- garten, a large nursery school room with a balcony approached by stairs, from which children may descend by a slide, wardrobes and toilets for lit- tle children, an isolation room, kitch- enette, and office for the nursery school, and a suite of five offices for tha Department of Educational Coun- sel. PREACHES HERE TOMORROW The Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin will preach at the Winnetka Congregation- al church this Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. His subject will be "The Ambition of Jesus." So much depends upon your choice of a printer 4 LLoyp HOLLISTER INC. Printers and Publishers Winnetka 2000 WATER CARNIVAL BIG EVENT HERE TOMORROW Park Board Sponsors Contests at Lake Front Park Beach; Vie for Relay Trophy Sunday, August 5, is the date of the seventh annual Water Carnival spon- sored by the Winnetka Park district, and which will be held at the Lake Front park beach beginning at o'clock. Attractive medals for first, second and third place winners in each event have been provided by the park board. In addition, there will be competition between relay teams representing Glencoe, Kenilworth, Wilmette and Winnetka, for the Winnetka Park dis- trict cup, pictured in another column of this issue of WINNETKA TALK. Winnetka won this cup last year and also in 1926. Another victory for Win- netka would entitle the team to per- manent possession of the trophy. Tom Robinson, swimming coach at Northwestern university, will act as starter and announcer. He will be as- sisted by James Allen, beach master and Walter Etzbach, life guard. Arrangements are being made to have an adequate number of bleachers on the beach so that all may have comfortable seats. - List of Events The list of events is as follows: 1. 10 yard Swim (Boys 6 to 8) 2. 10 yard Swim (Girls 6 to 8) 3. 40 yard Swim (Boys 12 to 15) 4. 40 yard Swim (Girls 12 to 15) 5. 15 yard Swim (Boys 8 to 10) 6. 15 yard Swim (Girls 8 to 10) 7. 100 yard Breast Stroke (Open to Boys) 8. 50 yard Breast Stroke (Open to Girls) 9. 20 yard Swim (Boys 10 to 12) 10. 20 yard Swim (Girls 10 to 12) 11. 40 yard Tub Race (Open to Boys) 12. 40 yard Tub Race (Open to Girls) 13. 75 yard Back Stroke (Open to Boys) 13-2, Duck Race (Open to Boys and rls) 14. Plunge for Distance (Open to Boys) 15. Plunge for Distance (Open to Girls) 16. Greased Pole Contest (Boys and Girls) 17. Fancy Diving (Open to Boys) (3 required dives and 2 optional) 18. Fancy Diving (Open to Girls) (3 required dives and 2 optional) 19. Long Distance Swim (Open to Boys) 213 yards. 20. Long Distance Swim (Open to Girls) 213 yards. 21. Intervillage Relay Championship. Wilmette, Winnetka, Kenilworth, Glencoe (Winnetka, present champions) 22. Exhibition Diving. 23. Push Ball contest (Open to Boys and Girls 16 and under) South End vs. North End (Elm St. dividing line) Officials The referee will be A. W. Converse, chairman of the small parks commit- tee of the Winnetka Park board, with Geo. B. Massey, president of the Win- netka Park board and Carl H. Zeiss, former president of the park board as honorary referees. The Judges will be Forest R. Lowrey, Sidney Wellbeloved, Byron Nelson, W, P. Heyn, Edward F. Meyers, and A. P. Thoms and the custodian of prizes will be Robert H. Wallace. It 'is hoped that a large crowd will be present and that there will be a very general participation in the events by the young people of the Village. All Winnetka families and their guests have been cordially invited by the Winnetka Park board to attend. In case of. unfavorable -weather the car- nival will be postponed one week.