Bd as August 18, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 47 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS 3 NEWLY-DECORATED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, partly furnished if desired. Ph. Wilmette 968-M. 66LT47-1tc COMFORTABLE RM. % BLK. TO 722 Elm St., 3rd floor. 66LLTN47-1tp PLEASANT ROOM FOR 1 R 2 ADULTS, 731 10th St., Wil 66L.T47-2tp transp. 67 FOR RENT--APTS. Choice Apartments EVANSTON TOWERS 664-602 Sheridan Square; 4-5-6 room apts. Elec. Refr. & motor coach service to school & shopping center incl. in rental. A home overlooking lake. Mod- erate rentals. 4 rooms, $95 to $105; 6 rooms, $200; 5 rooms, $125 to $175. JUDSON CASTLE New bldg., 820 Judson Ave. 4 rms. Can- vas walls, elec. ref., tile bath and show- er. Southern exposure. Rental $90. ABBEY-GARTH 400 Lee St. & 940 Judson Ave. Luxuri- tycoon Lo ants. 3 buths, woodburning fireplaces, elec. refr. many other desirable features. THE, CHURCHVIEW N. W. Cor. Oak Ave. & Lake St. A dis- tinctive bldg., with all modern conven- fences and finest appointments. 4, § & 6 rm. apts. with rental from $100 to $190. CHOICEST LOCATION IN EVANSTON Church & Hinman. Beautiful 7 rm. apta newly decorated, all outside rms., $190. 2 RM. APTS. 3541 Prairie Ave. .......... veees.$ 55.00 3 RM. APTS. 2535 Prairie Ave. ............ cesses 60.00 143 Maple AVBNRUG. -....o nv. ivonevies 72.50 4 RM. APTS. 2537-39% Prairie Ave., Inador $70 & 72.50 600-Sheridan Rd., Elec. Refr. .. 85.00 724 Hinman Ave., Elec. Refr. ... 00 1138 Maple Ave. Lge. Rms. .. 822% Forest Ave. Roll-a-w; El Refr. . +. 105.00 613 Sheridan Rd., el ref., coach BBIVIOR oo... ... fh cap ¥ e+ Pps ns ans $90 1454 Oak Ave., wood bur elec PERrigeration: civ ws nis sins sitios $100 534-540 Michigan Ave., elec. ref. $90-$100 536 Michigan Avenue ............. $87.50 5 RM. APTS. 604 Sheridan Rd., elec. refrig. .. 120.00 2637% Prairie Ave. .......... «ee. 85.00 719-21 Hinman Ave. Lge. Rms. 105. 1136 Maple Ave., lg. rms. ........... 115.00 746 Hinman Ave.,, Lg. Rms. .... 115.00 534 Michigan Ave., elec. refrig. ....$135 1454 Oak Ave., wood-burn. firepl., elec. refrigeration ....... $140-$150-3175 724 Hinman Ave. elec. refrig. $100 720 A. Hinman Avenue .......... $100.00 134-Main Street... vv iin $110.00 600 Sheridan Road ............... $135.00 570 Sheridan Square ............. $135.00 534 Michigan Avenue ............ $135.00 6 RM. APTS. 540 Sheridan Rd., lg. rms., includ. D's « Whi k Slates «Eee a 185.00 gar. 911 Sheridan Rd., 2 baths in. 3 apt. bldg., unobstructed view ..225.00 420 Church St., 2 baths ........... $140 726 Seward St. (Duplex), inc. gar. $115 744 Hinman Avenue .............. $125.00 717 Hinman Avenue .............. $150.00 1144 Maple Avenue ............... $150.00 1107 Lake Street ............ $170--$180.00 7 RM. APTS. 1635 Hinman Ave. 2 baths ......... $185 916 Michigan Ave. slpg. pch. & i 70 $190 CES 1718 Sherman Ave. Studio Bldg. $46 up STORES 2635-41% Prairie Ave. ............ 50.00 ARAGES 1718 Sherman Ave (heated) ...... 15.00 Baird &W arner, Ine. 628 Davis Street Greenleaf 1856 67TLTN47-1tc FOR RENT--6 RM. APT. 1ST FLOOR. H. . heat, pch.; gar.; near school and transp. Ph. Winnetka 1921. 67TLTN47-1tp 4 RM. APT., WITH GARAGE. ALL mod. improv. Tel. Glencoe 331. Reas. 67TLTN47-1te 5 RM. LOWER FLAT AT 1109 GAGE ~ St, Hubbard Woods. Reasonable ren 67TLTN47-1tc 67 FOR RENT--APTS. 67 FOR RENT--APT. Evanston Michigan-Lee Apts. A t Evanston partments = |sicgsve Atasnewr sous 722 Clark St., 2 rms., elec. refr. ..$62.50 1205 Maple -Ave., 2- mas. ............ $60 1945 Maple Ave., 3 rms. .............. $40 313% rorest Ave., 4 rms. garage ..$yu 1242 Elmwood Ave., 4 rms. .......... $75 551 Elmwood Ave., 4 rms. ..... $65 1100 Grove St., 4 rms., elec. refr., gar. $115 738 Hinman Ave., 4 rms., elec. refr. $95 730 Hinman Ave., 4 rms., elec. refr. ..$75 2131 Ridge Ave., 4 rms., free gas and elec. refr. 1040 Asbury Ave., 5 rms., garage ....$100 908 Dempster St., 5 rms. ........... $100 925 Dempster St., 5 rms. ........... $115 834 Washington St., 5 rms. ........ $115 830 Elmwood Ave., 5 rms. .......... $110 931 Forest Ave., 5 rms., elec. refr. . $125 736 Hinman Ave., 5 rms., elec. refr. $120 2121 Ridge Ave., 5 rms., elec. refr. ..$105 834 Seward St., 5 Tms. --.<........ $80 901 Washington St., 5 rms. ......... $115 928 Chicago Ave., 6 rms. ............ $65 740 Hinman Ave., 6 rms., elec. refr. $155 148 hedzie St, 6 rms., elec. refr. ..$175 848 Ridge Ave., 6 rms., sun par. ..$125 1947 Maple Ave., 7 rms. ............ $65 John F. Hahn, Inc. 1617 Sherman Ave. Gr. 2700 6TLTN47-1te Evanston Apartments FOR IMMED. & OCT. 1ST OCCUPANCY 914 Sherman Ave, 1 rm. ........ $52.50 941 Chicago Ave.,, 2 rms, ........ .60.00 1320 Chicago Ave. 2 rms. .......... 65.00 P33 Lea Bt., 3 rol. ...i..o0 unum 70.00 2110 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. .......... 70.00 910 Elmwood Ave. 3 rms. ........ 70.00 2204 Sherman Ave. 3 rms. ........ 72.50 2249 Ridge Ave, 3 rms ............ 72.50 804 Seward St., 4 rms. ............ 72.50 806 Clark 'St. '4 rms.t ..... 0... .... 75.00 1309 Oak Ave, 4 rms. .............. 82.50 1125 Davis St., 4 rms. .............. 90.00 1617 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. ............ 95.00 830 Gaffield Pl, 5 rms. ............ 75.00 2020 Sherman Ave, 5 rms. ........ 80.00 800 Seward St, 5 rms. ............ 85.00 729 Seward St., 5 rms. ............ 90.00 912 Elmwood Ave., 5 rms, .......... 95.00 811 Simpson St, 5 rms. .......... 100.00 1305 Oak Ave, 5 rms. ............. 115.00 2000 Harrison St., 5 rms. ........ 135.00 1116 Maple Ave, 5 rms. .......... 140.00 1009 Grove St, 6 rms. ............ 110.00 845 Ridge Ave, 6 rms. ............ 130.00 Smart & Golee, Inc. 1564 Sherman Avenue University 285 1519 Hinman Avenue (Just south of Davis) THE FINEST APT. BLDG. IN EVANSTON. There is now leasing at 1519 Hinman Ave. a beautiful new 7 story fireproof building. It is equipped with Otis ele- vators attended by courteous operators. doorman also will serve you. The apts. are 5, 6 and 7 rooms; every room is commodious. The living rooms are 27x17 with wood burning fireplaces. The baths are large with beautiful colored tile. The apts. are also equipped with incinerator and elec. refrigeration. Gas and window washing are fur- nished. A fireproof garage adjoins the building. PHONE SHELDRAKE 4821 6TL.TN47-1tc LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 2, 3, 4, AND 5 ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find well-ar- ranged apartments. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and shopping facilities within immediate access. See these apartments today. Agent on premises. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 67TLTN47-tfc ton's unsurpassed residential section. Excellent conveniences and appointments, including wood-burning fireplaces. 5 rooms with 2 baths, $150 to $170 6 rooms with 2 baths, (3 master CHAMDErBY "suis ves $235 7 rooms with 3 baths, all outside rooms .......... $285 Jonstructed to meet the requirements of the discriminating. Electrical refrigeration cluded in the rent. Located at the southwest corner of Michi- gan Ave. and Lee St. Representative on premises. Baird& Warner, Inc. AGENTS Greenleaf 1855 67TLTN47-1te and gas iIn- 528 Davis St. New Building Tower Court Apartments Hubbard Woods Linden Ave., Just North of Tower Rd. APARTMENTS AND SHOPS 3 and 4 rooms with 1 and 2 chambers, "Furnished or Unfurnished." The 3 room apts. comprise living, dining and bedrooms, tile bath with shower and Pullman kitchen. The 4 room apts. have living, dining and 2 bedrooms, tile baths with shower and Pullman kitchen. All equipped with electric refrigeration. 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES Sacrifice COZY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, LARGE, open, screened porch, brand new ga- rage; good neighborhood. Death neces- sitates sublease at very low rental. Make offer. Less than $85 per month. Winnetka 1470. 69LTN47-1te FINE 6 RM. HOME, SUN ROOM, GA- rage, oil burner. Beautiful ground, good location, near transp. Possession Oet. 1. C. P. RORICK & CO. 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382 FOR RENT--HOUSE, 563 GREENBAY Rd., Glencoe. 7 rms. & bath, lav. on 1st floor, 2 large, screened porches Corner loc. Immediate possession. Rental $75. Call Mr. Cornes, Highland Park 500. 69LTN47-tfe WINNETKA 7 RM. HSE.; GAR.; steam heat, near schools and transp. Poss. Oct. 1st, reas. rent, no agents. Write Wilmette Life A-112. 6ILTN. 47-1tp ---- 70 FOR RENT--FURN. HSES. FOR .RENT--7 ROOM FURN. HOUSE, nr. schools & station for about 9 mos. Tel. Winn. 1910. T0TN24-1te 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES TO RENT STORE OR OFFICE IN THE LINDEN Crest bldg. Suitable for notion store or gift shop. Reasonable rental. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 T3TNL24-2te All outside rooms. Agent on pr $70 to $835. Tower Court Building 898-900 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods Winnetka 1949 6TLTN47-1te 996 Linden 'Avenue New 5 Room Apartments 2 BEDRMS, LIVING RM. DINING rm., lg. kitchen, Frigidaire; Roll-a- way bed. $100 per mo. Tel. Winn. 1472. 67TLTN47-3tc COZY 5 ROOM FLAT, FIRST FLOOR. Heated. Ice box & gas range. Best neighborhood. Reasonable. Call after 6 P. M. Winn. 604-M. 67T24-1tp FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67LTN33-tfc $8 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. FOR RENT--AT LOWEST POSSIBLE rate, for immediate occupation, cool, comfortable Orrington hotel apartment, summer or longer. Complete hotel service. Ice and electricity free. Kitchenette. Very large closets. Call hotel (University 8700) or tenant eve- nings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 536. 68LTN38-tfp IN PRIVATE HOME, CONV. LOCA- tion, a most desirable suite, 3 or more rms, bath & ex. lav., slp. pch., priv. entrance, for Sept. or Oct. occupancy. Tel. Winn. 2664. 68TN24-4tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED APART- ments or rooms by the week or month. Phone Wilmette 2399. 68L.TN46-tfc 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES UNFURNISHED 7 RM. FRAME COT- tage style, 2 modern baths--tile floor, efficient & economical hot air furnace, 2 porches, garage. 71 ft. lot with large shade trees and shrubs. In popular S. W. section. Location & neighborhood the best. To small family only, lease 2 yrs. or more. Sept. 1st poss. P. W. Bradstreet & Son Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 1 Meyer's Bank Building, Phone 162 69T24-1tc FOR RENT--UNFURNISHED, BRAND new English brick; 5 bedrooms; 4 baths; hot water heat; breakfast room; eXtre toilet ip) lavaiory is heated garage attached ; oot lot; per month. Winnetka 1470. 69LTN47-1tc FOR RENT--6 M HOUSE. 1529 Elmwood Ave, . Wilmette 4043. 6ILTN47-1tp FOR RENT--IN WEST KENILWORTH, 6 rm. stucco house, 2-car gar. Ph. Kenilworth 1178. SILTN4T-1tp 2 STORES WITH FULL BASEMENT, 20x85 ft. 996 Linden Ave. Tel. Winn. 1472. T3LTN47-1te 4 FOR SALE--CO-OP. APTS. FOR SALE---BY OWNER, LOVELY 5 rm. co-op. apartment. Canvas walls, real fireplace, tile bath. Unusually light and well-ventilated. 1 block to park & beach, all transp., shops, churches, schools. Sacrifice $6,000 cash or $6,500, terms--$2,000 down, bal. like rent. 810 Michigan Ave., Greenleaf 1624. T4LT47-1tp 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES Northbrook Offers You A NEW ENGLISH BRICK TWO- story two bedroom h with attached garage on a 55 ft. lot, 3 blocks from station and shopping center on easy terms. Price $8,975. Remodelled 5 room, white clapboard bungalow on wooded lot, 77 feet front- age, with 1-car garage. A bargain at $5,750 and AT YOUR OWN TERMS. Old 6 room frame house on 1 acre of ground, 3-car garage, $7,000. Reason- able down payment. 8 room brick house on lot 50x125. $7,500. Lot 50x135 at $30 per front foot, im- provements in. Only $300 cash down$ Balance over 5 years. Seven acres at $3,000 per acre; hard road frontage. For further particulars regarding the above or any property in or about Northbrook phone or call at Northbrook Realty Company SHERMER AVE. AT WAUKEGAN RD. NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS : Phones: Northbrook 181; Northbrook 156 Glencoe 1486 TTILTN47-1fc 7 RM. HOUSE, HOT WATER-OIL heat, large living room, south front, plate glass windows, tile bath, ga- rage, good condition. Lot 50x187 ft. 899 Oak St, Winn. T7T24-1te FOR SALE IN NORTHBROOK--MOD- ern bungalow, 5 large rooms, 2 porches, garage, $8,750. Terms. No brokers. Ph. Wil. 1582. TTTN24-1tc FOR SALE--ON EDGE OF DEER- field, 6 rm. farm house, 1 acre; garage. $8,000--terms. No brokers. Ph. Wil 1582. TTITN24-1tc GLENCOE 6 RM. HOME, 3 BEDRMS. ; H. W. heat, lot 70x264, gar. $15,000. Owner leaving city. 385 Milton Ave Ph. Glencoe 889. TILTN47-1te DIRECT BY OWNER, 6 ROOM HOUSE, sun and slpg. pchs. Ex. lav. 1st fl. Close to transp.; schools and com- munity golf in Winnetka. H. W. heat, 2-car gar. Price $13,000. Ph. Winn. 1430 or 2300. TTLTN4T-1te (MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 48) od