September 8, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 43 ENJOYS VACATION BOOK NEWS Having finished her new novel, "Scarlet Sister Mary," Julia Peterkin has gone on a vacation to her sum- : mer home at Murrels Inlet on the Novel Sheds New Light South Carolina coast. It was from this Upon Life of Dickens place that Theodosia Burr set sail and y a Q Date in's ce Probably the most popular writer wi res ned Meet ed of the 19th Century was the author blished this fall of "David Copperfield," Charles Pu>shed this ia. Dickens. He was the most widely read - r= 2 novelist of the century both in Eng-| Judge C. T. Northrop, accompanied Fruit land and America, and one of the best | by his grandson, Wilfred Hodson, and Salad and beloved. From his novels written | Mrs. Hodson, left last week to drive about the poor and lowly folk of [to New York. They drove first to New York London Dickens has always been con- | Detroit and went from Detroit to Buf- Ice Cream sidered a champion of the unfortunate. | falo by boat. Their trip will take them A new novel, "This Side Idolatry," |two weeks. - by C E. Bechhofer Roberts : ma ("Ephesian"), soon to be published, is Be Ts sss sss ssssssssssssssssssssss ill based on the life of Dickens, and in- corporated in the novel is much new, unused or unrecognized material about his life. Charles Dickens' life was vastly dif- ferent from his writings, according to Mr. Roberts. His treatment of his wife, his publishers and the poor with whom he came in contact, leads one naturally to suspect that Dickens may have been hypocritical. After Mrs. Dickens had given birth to ten chil- Evanston Shop Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Henry C. Lytton & Sons dren, she and Dickens were separated. CHICA GO~--State and Jackson EVANSTON --Orrington and Church That fact is well known. The reason for the separation, according to " " - Forster, the biographer of Dickens, was that Mrs. Dickens became insane. Such was not the case, the reader gathers from the novel, "This Side Idolatry." Dickens, always extrava- gant, urged petty economics on his wife; his attention to other women hurt her; and his irresponsibility wor- ried her constantly. With his pub- lishers, after he became popular, he was unscrupulous and broke oral and written contracts with seemingly no thought of ethics. He who had visited his own father in prison and had written so feelingly about the horrors of English jails, once sent a young girl to prison for using coarse language. Many charac- ters in his books were taken from his own circle of relatives and friends, who were often hurt and angered by his exaggeration of their charac- teristics. This and much more new knowledge about Dickens is revealed in "This Side Idolatry," all of which cannot fail to interest Dickensians every- where. Get Wealth of Material for Tennessee Memorial Many curious and interesting photo- graphs and documents are being sent to the Bobbs-Merrill company for use in the Memorial volume of "The Cavalier of Tennessee," by Meredith Nicholson. Bobbs-Merrill is still in the market to receive anything pertain- ing to Andrew Jackson and his period which can be incorporated into the volume. The book will be large in size, and when completed will be ex- hibited over the country before it is sent to The Hermitage, Jackson's old home at Nashville, Tennessee, where it will be on display permanently. The Styles and Colors you'll want for fall are here in LYTTON HI SUITS au) 5 IN OUR EVANSTON SHOP TYE Variety! Value! Three mighty important things to well dressed high school men. Here are complete selections of Lytton Hi Suits, the very pick of our tremendous downtown varieties. Here are found eVery smart style idea like double breasted vests and pleated trousers. And the economies of our great buy- ing power assure maximum value. Other Lytton Hi Suits up to $50. Real Values in Boys' Lytton Jr. Suits 2 Pair Golf Trousers $ Many have Double 'Breasted Vests HESE new Fall Lytton Jrs.are certainly smart look- ing Suits. The clever patterns, the rich brown, grey, and blue mixtures, the new styles. But you won't ap- preciate just how wonderful they are until you exam- ine their fine woolens and sound workmanship. $15 goes a long way -- here! Sizes 6 to 18. Other Lytton Jr. Suits up to $35. --and the Newest Things in Boys' Furnishings SALVAGE Three things in my house are my own. Not the dark pictures whose blood runs in my veins, Nor the vines that I trained round the windows, Nor even the books. But the curve of a shabby armchair that molded itself on your body, And the echoes of songs that you sang, And the square of sun That comes as it came, first in the morning, When you had opened the window. This poem by Beatrice Ravenel is one of the many lovely things to be found in Addison Hibbard's new anthol- ogy, "The Lyric South." (Macmillan $2.25). [2] eo oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 00000000 08 6 0 ess os 66 tees ses tt ttt te TTT TTT