Bi sed EE VEN SNES EYE WINNETKA TALK September 8, 1928 Telephone 2 (Gn Le. ZICK & CO. "5 Che i "The Store on the Corner" Winnetka We offer for one day only this merchandise at these astounding prices, and take this opportunity of informing our patrons that this is an assem- bly of new stock, purchased for this event. Itis not an attempt at making a clearance sale. WOMEN'S CHIFFON HOSE Full fashioned, silk to top. New fall shades. Our regular $1.50 Hose. $1 One Pay Only. . ..... 0.00. dseiees MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS White and colors. $1.50 value. CHILDREN'S SOCKS Smart patterns, 75¢ value. $1 One Day Only, 2 pairs ................ CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS "Diamond Crotch" white or black satine. All sizes. $1 One Day Only, 2 for... 5 coc. vlan MAID'S SERVING APRONS Attractively made and well tailored. 75c quality. One Day only, Zfor =. ............. $1 TOWELS For kitchen and hand use of heavy crash. 39¢ value. One Day Only, 4 for-..;.... RUFFLED CURTAINS Of white barred marquisette with ruffled tie- backs. $1.50 value One Day Only, per pair ................. WASTE PAPER BASKETS Entirely different in the new modernistic de- signs One Pay Only. ..... 7 0. aed WOMEN'S BLOOMERS and Step-Ins. Made of heavy Rayon. $1.50 values. $1 MEN'S NOVELTY SOCKS 50c values. 8 $1 One Day Only, 3 pairs ................ HANDKERCHIEFS Boys and Girls, much better than the aver- age, colored borders. One Day Only, dozen ................ LOUISINE PAPER & ENVELOPES Two poumds of paper and two packages of envelopes. Regular price would be $1.24 $1 One Day Only... ...c vn. crooner soy BATH TOWELS Heavy quality, in the popular size. Blue, rose, yellow and green borders 1 One Day Only, 3 for .................. OUTING FLANNEL Regular 25¢c quality. $1 One Day Only, Syards ............. 0. For the bathroom or bedroom in all the wanted colors. A real bargain. : 1 One Day Only, each ... ................. MANGLE CLOTH 45 h Oc Day Only, 3wds. 7 31 WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES Cleverly fashioned of very good materials. Guaranteed fast colors. One Day Only. ........co00 minis vos BOYS' CAPS New fall designs, $1.50 value. $1 One Day Only... un... sn aia Ln MIDDY BLOUSES Your daughter will need these. $1 One. Day Only....c..nuv +. cogicisnio aft " COLGATES BIG BATH SOAP 14 bars. $1 WASH CLOTHS Grecian key border, assorted colors $1 One Day Only, dozen ................... : BED SHEETS Size 72x99, heavy and durable, $1.50 value One-Day Only. ....... ...ccvunier 1-3: LUNCH CLOTHS Size 50x50 with unusual rainbow borders. Would be a bargain at $1.50 One Day Only............c.ccinauvvrnn TOILET PAPER A well known A. P. W. product $1 One Day Only, dozen ..................