September 15, 1928 WINNETKA TALK BLUE PENCILERS BACK Journalists Return from Summer Tour of European Countries The Blue Pencil club, a group of traveling journalists and their friends from the Medill School of Journalism of Northwestern university, has re- turned from a summer's tour of Eu- rope in search of copy. Their weeks abroad took them to many of the Eng- lish and continental newspaper plants. Among the prominent newspaper- men who were hosts to the club were Sir John Findlay, publisher of the Scotsman, Edinburgh; Stewart Hodg- son, editor Daily News, London; Mr. Vandersleyn, delegated publisher of Neptune, Antwerp. While in Cologne the party was taken through the Press exhibition and was entertained by the management of the exhibition and the officials of the city. A. Stoklitzky, press chief of the Council of Soviet Commissaires of Russia, guided the club through the Soviet Russian exhi- bit at the Pressa. Under the direction of Prof, Leland? D. Case of the Medill school and Har- ry Hillman of Wilmette, for many years editor-in-chief of the Inland Printer, the party's itinerary took them to places of literary and journalistic interest in England, Scotland, Holland, Germany, Switzerland and France where the tour ended in a week's visit of Paris. Among the members of the group were tly Misses Jane and Avis Hill- man, Miss Lois K. Stewart, all of Evanston; Miss Sarah Mitchell, in- stryctor at Roycemore; Miss Agnes Biesemeier, Northwestern graduate; Miss Martha Crane, Miss Ida May Hazenhyer, Miss Ruth Gillan and Maurice Miller of Medill. Wins Wilmette Golf Championship for Women Mrs. John Arends of Evanston, in the tournament completed recently, won the woman's golf championship of the Wilmette Golf club. Miss Bea- trice Julin of Deere Park was runner- up. Golf days for women members will continue throughout the month, with a two-day consolation tournament ar- ranged for September 25 and 26. Sat- urday, September 15 is the last of the club bridge luncheons for the season. NOTED ARTISTS AT LUNCHEON Mrs. Margaret Grace of Chicago en- tertained at luncheon at the Club Vista del Lago Thursday. Among her guests were Tito Schipa and Montgom- ery, New York violinist. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gordon and family of 874 Lincoln avenue re- turned home last Sunday after spend- ing the summer at Lake Hamlin, Lud- ington, Mich, The TOWER COURT Flower Shop Cut Flowers Potted Plants Landscaping Perennials Shrubs -- Evergreens WM. H. SMITH, Prop. Tower Court Building 894 Linden Ave. Telephone 3174 Winnetka Virginia Ingram Champion of Golf at Sunset Ridge Sunset Ridge club has held its an- nual tournament for women golfers which this season has resulted in the title going to Miss Virginia Ingram of Winnetka, with Mrs. Fred Coambs of Chicago, runner-up. Jane Wilson, daughter of the Ira Wilsons of Win- netka, won the consolation flight. Sunday a mixed foursome was the event at the club. Mrs. Fred Coambs and C, M. Swanson won low gross with an 88; Mrs. Harry Strickler and John Wiley won low net with net 78. The qualifying round for the Dwight P. Green trophy was played Tuesday, and with the end of that tourney the tournament season for women will come to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark, 958 Spruce street, who have been east all summer have returned to their home. --now the famous HAIR-A-GAIN Treatments in addition to our COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE The COMFORT SHOP 799 ELM ST. PH. WINN. 933 | oN) Among the many things that should be considered when you once again begin activities, is to open A SAVINGS ACCOUNT at this Bank Start putting aside a regular weekly amount in prepara- tion for unforeseen objects of the future. A Savings Account at this bank is the best insurance against financial worry. Do Your Banking in Winnetka When VACATIONS are Over It's Time to Buckle Down! One dollar wil start an account and set your feet firmly on the path of thrift and foresight. WINNETKA STATE BANK LIM ST. LAST OF LINCOLN AVE. BANKING HOURS t ; 8 EE tc 8am. 12:30PM. ond 7 lo 8rm A.M. lo 3 P.M. we |