oo | ~E September 15, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 49 63 ATHLETES ANSWER NEW TRIER GRID CALL Coach Aschenbach Predicts Suc- cessful Year With Tough Schedule in Prospect Sixty-three aspirants for places on New Trier High school's 1928 foot- ball team had reported to Coach Wal- ter Aschenbach for equipment by Tuesday noon of this.week, the sec- ond day of school. Almost as many turned out for the first practice of the season on Monday afternoon, and the number was expected to reach one hundred or more by the end of this week. Coach Aschenbach believes that the prospects for a winning football team at New Trier this year are excellent. Seven regulars of last year's team have returned to school, as well as a large number of players who have distin- guished themselves in substitute posi- tions. Begin Intensive Practice Intensive practice every afternoon for six days of the week is Coach Aschenbach's plan for players ready for the opening of the season September 29, when New Trier is scheduled to play Fenger at New Trier. One of the stiffest schedules in the history of New Trier football has been arranged for this year. It in cludes games with Lakeview, Lind- blom, Waukegan, Kenosha, Oak Park, Deerfield, Streator, and Evanston. When the football season ended last year, New Trier's record was clean, save for one 7 to 6 defeat. This year there will be no defeats if the plans of Mr. Aschenbach and his gridiron warriors carry. Following is the list of sixty-three athletes who reported for equipment by Tuesday noon, those marked with asterisks being the most likely appli- cants for places on the first or second squads : List Applicants Art Wienecke,* captain, Fred Rus- sell, Dick Arnold, Otto Lorenz* Paul Youngberg,* Frank Bunch, Milton Guy* Carl Hall* Gene Powers, Far- rington Schaeffer,* Buc Clabaugh * Charles McArthur,* Vernon Voltz, Ira Iverson, Tom Walter,* William Con- ner,* Arnold Lindstrom, Bentley Mc- Cloud, George Eaton* George Boyl- ston, Sherwood Nelson, John Atwood,* Lawrence Doty, Carter Lane* Harold Jensen, Ban Thompson,* Jack Howe, * George Ogan, Dorrance Nygaard, Slim Rossiter,* Dick Mann* Tom Hicks,* Hunter Hicks,* Howard Barritt, Ches- ter Thorsen, Clarence Kavanaugh, Al Richard,* Bennie Richards* George Kingsley,* Hinman Bisbee, George Dewar,* Dick Schuettge, Carleton Schroeder,* Frank Kaulback, Ed Cul- len,* Edward Rudolph* Bob Forster, Way Thompson* Morris Nelson, Raleigh Blake,* Claude Hill, Dick Wil- cox,* Joe Turck, Ralph Warble, Nor- man Haskins, Phil Callamen, Ray An- derson, Bob Lechner, Walter Miller, Bob Boylensen, and Don Granstrom. The ticket selling campaign for the New Trier football games will be held for one week, beginning next Monday. Season tickets may be obtained at greatly reduced prices from one of the sellers or from Edgar B. Jackson at his office in the new gymnasium. MARRIED SEPTEMBER 13 Miss Helen Lane, granddaughter of Mrs. H. C. Cooper of Wilmette, was married at 8:30 o'clock Thurs- day night in the home of her sister, Mrs. E. K. Butler of Glencoe. The bridegroom was Capron Hunter of Freeport, Ill. The couple will go to Estes Park on their honeymoon. Mrs. William Schwall of 979 Willow road is spending several days visiting friends at Shady Hills, Fox River Grove. getting his | September Bride Photo by Gibson Casebeer Before her marriage on August 24, Mrs. Edward Mayland Challinor was Miss Edith B. Whitehill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Whitehill of Wil- mette. = The Challinors have re- turned from their honeymoon and are at home at 5115 Winchester ave- nue, Chicago. Valona Brewer, 1077 Westmoor road, will return September 20, after three months of study and travel in Europe. Garden Tea and Program to Be for Writers Club A large event of the current month is to be the garden tea and program on Wednesday afternoon, September 26, at 2:30 o'clock, when Mrs. Charles Holg will open her home and garden in Wilmette for the Friends of Ameri- can Writers of Chicago, a club found- ed by her sister, the late Mrs. Nettie Johr. Several artists of prominence will appear on the program which will be given in the garden. Mrs. Lillian Pringle, concert soloist, Miss Edith Salvi, harpist, and sister of Alberto Salvi world renowned harpist, now a resident of Wilmette, and Miss Maiti Charlotte, soprano, will offer the music selections. Marie Agnes Foley is bringing her cast to play "Sing-Song Man," whose author is Mrs. Florence Crocker Comfort, known for her writ- ing of "Topsy-Turvey Times." The first production of her plays was given in the Lyceum theater in New York and at the Children's theatre in Peekskill, N. Y. Miss Foley is pro- ducing the play at the Jack and Jill theatre in the city, Mrs. Gilbert Kelly and her daugh- ter, Elizabeth, of 412 Cumnor road, Kenilworth have returned from a month's vacation at Leland, Mich. Miss Ruth Mary Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P, Harrison of Kenilworth, returned with them to be here for the opening of school last Monday. The rest of the Harrison family expects to return soon. ---- Mrs. W. J. Taylor, 310 Cumnor road, Kenilworth entertained her bridge club on Tuesday for luncheon at her home. -- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Woodward, 685 Ardsley road, and Herbert Wood- ward returned last Tuesday from their summer camp at Champion, Mich. News" New York, Tea Berry and Caramel Ice Cream There is a Hox Agency NearYour Home DAVID G. BARRY'S Fall Opening Announcement T= opening is an event that should stir and interest buyers who are looking for the best in floor covering--and, a guaranteed quality of merchandise, sold at less than "loop" district prices. Our new stock is now unpacked and ready for your inspection. CARPETS -- RUGS -- LINOLEUM Complete Line of Floor Coverings At the request of our many patrons, we will, during the busy season, keep open Saturday until 9 P. M. The LARGEST exclusive CARPET, RUG, and LINOLEUM store north of the "Loop" Rugs, ete. Visit our new DAYLIGHT Salesrooms. | Unless daylight is thrown om Carpets, the buyer cannot safely Judge true color or texture. oN SUE) AAT) a W ZX AY J 7 Estimating Cutting Laying Sewing Stair Pads and Linings Phones: University 5712 David G. Barry .:. New Location: 806-810 Grove St. Greenleaf 2300 ada PAN aN ok Ye id WL PAW SAIN n" NBER I NBT rs Te A a CS RE STE a NL) TOT LE ar lS LD) TT Cleaning Rugs and Carpets L273 NICS AOTC ION sro a WT LOSSSD) ST