72 WINNET KA TALK (Continued from Page 71) Twenty (20), and in the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois. SECTION 4. That the paragraph of Section 18 of the ordinance entitled as set forth in Section 1 of this ordinance, designated "A" Residence District, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "A" RESIDENCE DISTRICT: For the purpose of this ordinance, all the real estate situated within the Village of Winnetka, and not hereinabove de- clared to be included within the Dis- trict designated "AA," Residence Dis- trict, "B" Residence District, "C" Commercial District, "D" Industrial District, shall be and the same is hereby declared to be included with- in the District designated by this or- dinance "A" Residence District. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage, approval and posting. President of the Village of Winnetka. Read and ordered engrossed Sept. 4, 1928. Posted Sept. 5, 1928. Passed and approved Posted STELLA WINSLOW, Village Clerk. STANLEY P. FARWELL, ROBERT KINGERY, CHARLES L. BYRON, CORAM T. DAVIS, SPENCER S. BEMAN, Commission on Zoning. T27-1tc NOTICE VILLAGE OF WINNETKA COMMISSION ON ZONING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commission on Zoning of the Village of Winnetka, pursuant to a resolution of the Council of said Village, referring to said Commission a petition filed with said Council by certain property owners, will hold a public hearing for the considera- tion of said petition and a proposed amendment of the Zoning ordinance of said Village, in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall, Winnetka, Illinois, on the first day of October, A. D. 1928, at eight o'clock P. M., at which time and place all parties interested may be heard. The proposed ordinance providing for an amendment of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Winnetka is as follows, to-wit : AN ORDINANCE Amending section eighteen of an ordi- nance entitled "An ordinance to clas- sify, regulate and restrict the loca- tions of trades and industries and the location of buildings designed for specified uses and to regulate and limit the height and bulk of build- ings hereafter erected, to regulate and limit the intensity of the use of lot areas and to regulate and deter- mine the area of yards, courts and other open spaces within and sur- rounding such buildings, and to es- tablish the boundaries of districts for the said purposes and prescrib- ing penalties for the violation of its provisions," passed and approved by the Council of the Village of Win- netka on the seventeenth day of Jan- uary, 1922, as amended. The Council of the Village of Winnetka do ordain: SECTION 1. That Section Eighteen of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to classify, regulate and restrict the loca- tion of trades and industries, and the location of buildings designed for speci- fied uses, and to regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected, to regulate and limit the inten- sity of the use of lot areas and to regu- late and determine the area of yards, courts and other open spaces within and surrounding such buildings, and to estab- lish the boundaries of districts for the said purposes, and prescribing penalties for the violation of its provisions," passed and approved on the 17th day of January, A. D. 1922, by the Council of the Village of Winnetka, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended by adding to the paragraph of said Section Eighteen designated "C" Commercial District, the following description of certain real estate which said real estate as described is hereby declared to be included in said "C" Commercial District, to-wit: Lot Sixteen (16) (except the easterly forty (40) feet thereof) in McGuire & Orr's Arbor Vitae Road Subdivision in Winnetka, a Subdivision of Block Four (4) and that part east of Lincoln Ave- nue of Block Five (5) in Winnetka, a Subdivision of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty (20) and the north fractional half of Section Twenty-one (21), in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian. SECTION 2. That this ordinance shall Luncheons and Teas Given for Teachers As New Term Opens Teachers in the Winnetka Public schools have been feted by the Par- ent-Teacher organization of the village this week. Last Friday afternoon from 4:30 until 6 o'clock all teachers from the four schools of the village were guests at tea of Mrs. Hubert Howard, 643 Walden road. Mrs. Howard is the new social chairman of the Parent- Teacher organization for the whole school system. Prior to this tea the new teachers were taken around the village in private cars on a sightseeing tour, Last Monday, the first day of school, luncheons were given at noon by the Parent-Teacher association for teach- ers at the Greeley, Horace Mann, and Hubbard Woods schools. Mrs. James A. Donovan was in charge of arrange- ments for the luncheon at the Greeley school, Mrs. Albert Ciark at the Hor- ace Mann school, and Mrs. Seth Shep- ard at the Hubbard Woods school. Mrs. Robert B. Brown, of 806 Rose- wood avenue, is president of the Par- ent-Teacher organization. New Plan to Be Used In New Trier Health Tests Ten internes from the Rush Medical college in Chicago will assist in the physical examinations to be conducted at New Trier High school next week, according to a new plan under which these examinations will be held. Each interne will have charge of a specific part of the examination, and students having abnormal tendencies in their health condition will be sent to Dr. H. O. Orvis, health officer for Win- netka and Kenilworth, for a more thorough examination. the official stamp of the health board and the work will be completed in a shorter time than was formerly the case. Mr. and Mrs. Will Reed of 1075 Pelham avenue have returned from their summer home on Three Lakes, Wis. Their daughter, Miss Helen, will move to Evanston next week where she will live in her sorority house during her junior year at North- western university. ------ Mrs. Harry Pratt, Alice Bernier, was a formerly Thursday caller at the Horace Mann school, where she taught the second grade last year. Mrs. Pratt is now living in Chicago. a The students of the Hubbard Woods school have been telling of their vaca- tion experiences at the regular daily assemblies at that school this week. -- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cooke, 141 Sheridan road, have just returned from spending a few weeks at their ranch, Cooke Valley Farms, at Eldred, IIL ln Miss Laura Ellen Richards, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James Austin Rich- ards, of 739 Lincoln avenue, entered Carleton college, at Northfield, Minn., this week. In this way the student examinations will receive Miss Whip Football Team into Shape for Opening Game In the tri-weekly practice games of the Winnetka football team the squad of twenty-five which has reported for play is being rapidly. whipped into shape by Coaches Bob Doepel and Agate Martin for the first game of the season on September 23. This will be played with the strong Evanston Oaktons at Skokie Playfield. The visiting team, like the Winnetka eleven, is composed of some of the best gridiron talent, and the initial game promises to be one of the best of the season. ORDER OF MARTHA MEETING St. Jude's Household, Order of Martha, is to meet at Mrs. F. Uhe's residence at 1139 Scott avenue, Hub- bard Woods, on Monday, September 17, at 2 o'clock to resume sewing meet- ings. The next card party of the Order will be at Mrs. Curt Apel's residence, 1092 Bluff road, Glencoe, on Friday, September 28, at 2 o'clock. RETURN FROM NORTH WOODS Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Gruenstein, 611 Ash street, have returned from a trip in the north woods. Mr. Gruen- stein is organist at the Lake Forest Presbyterian church and during his absence Francis Moore, Kenilworth organist, has been substituting for him. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rogers of Daytona Beach, Fla. who have been guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. F. Davies at Lake Hamlin this summer, are visit- ing in and around Winnetka and Chi- cago on their way to their home in the South. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Morris K. Wilson of 429 Sheridan road are expected to re- turn from their summer home at Mackinac tomorrow. September 15, 1928 Wilson and Smith Lose In "Grudge" Golf Match Frank Damaske, Herbert Wilson and Russell Smith played a "grudge" match at Suburban Golf club, Wednesday, in which Frank took Wilson and Smith into camp, 5 and 6 up, respectively. AGAIN IN WINNETKA Dr. and Mrs. John H., Cadmus and Miss Edwina of 1163 Tower road, who went early in the season to their sum- mer cottage in the Indiana sand dunes, left there the middle of August and drove to Minneapolis, where Dr. Cad- mus attended the dental convention. From there they took an extended western trip, going through Yellow- stone park and down to Denver. They reached Winnetka last week. RETURNING FROM EUROPE Bruce Benson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Benson, 671 Lincoln avenue, and his grandfather, Charles B. Davey of 870 Locust street, who have been in Europe for the past few weeks visit- ing friends and relatives in England during most of their stay, will arrive home next week. Mrs. Charles Byron is at the North Shore Health resort and will remain there until the new home at 1206 As- bury avenue is ready. Mr. Byron is making some additions and altera- tions on it. Mrs. Byron is able to re- ceive a few friends each afternoon for a short visit. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Simpson, 1040 Starr road, who have been in Europe for two months are expected home this week-end. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matz, formerly of 647 Lincoln avenue, have moved to Boston and will be near Mrs. Matz family for a time. It will save 962 Pine St. Winnetka RADIO MAINTENANCE Is My Business Six years' practical experience in REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION A complete line of repair parts and accessories carried at all times. Investigate our monthly service contract. GORDON SHAW RADIOTRICIAN you money. Ph. Winn. 1892 Winn. 2129 be in force and effect from and after its passage, approval and posting. President of the Village of Winnetka. Read and ordered engrossed, Sept. 4, 1928. Posted Sept. 5, 1928. Passed and approved Posted STELLA WINSLOW, * Village Clerk. STANLEY P. FARWELL ROBERT KINGERY CHARLES L. BYRON CORAM T. DAVIS SPENCER S. BEMAN Commission on Zoning. T27-1te FURNITURE--of all descriptions CABINET WORK 897 Linden Ave. --Upholstering-- Our service includes everything from cabinet work to the final painting. UPHOLSTERING--AII Kinds of Furniture MATTRESSES--SLIP COVERS Repaired--Renovated--Made to Order ANTIQUES--INTERIOR FURNISHINGS HusBARD Woops UPHOLSTERY Co. Mrs. R. Halun HUBBARD WOODS Ph. Winn. 3014 made to order a