September 29, 1928 WINNETKA TALK RESUME CLASSES IN PARENTAL EDUCATION National Kindergarten and Ele- mentary College Invites to Course Next Month The classes in parental education conducted so successfully by the Na- tional Kindergarten and Elementary college last year, will reopen the first of October, and will include, in ad- dition to the course in "Problems in Child Behavior," an advanced course, "The Child and Society," for parents who have completed the opening course or its equivalent. In the study of "Problems in Child Behavior" an outline of the normal development of the child, physical, mental and emotional, together with a brief consideration of the influence of heredity and environment, will be fol- lowed by a study of outstanding be- havior problems, including those ~ of feeding, sleeping, thumb sucking and nail biting, anger, fear and sex. Sug- gestion will be made for the child's program in the home which should do much to make discipline a minor rather than a major consideration. An opportunity will be given for the presentation of individual problems, and where the parent wishes, the case of any child may be referred to the child study clinic of the College for analysis and suggestion for pro- cedure. Survey Social Order The advanced course, "The Child and Society," will cover the broader field of the child's contacts and reac- tions to situations outside the home, in his school, religious and recreational life. This will include a survey of the social order in which the child is developing, of the means through which modern education and other agencies are attempting to meet the needs of the child, and the ways in which the home may co-operate and further this work for the benefit of the child, and help him to adjust to the life of the community. This course, "The Child and Soci- ety," will be conducted by Miss Mar- tha D. Fink, director of parental edu- cation in the college. Miss Fink made an intensive study of parental education as a fellow at Columbia university and the University of Min- | nesota under the Laura Spellman Rockefeller foundation, and last year assisted Miss Baker in the courses in parental education at the college. Expert Gives Course The course in "Problems in Child Behavior" also will be given by Miss | Fink, assisted by members of the faculty of the. college and children's school, who are authorities in various fields, Miss Edna Dean Baker, presi- dent of the college, Dr. Louise Far- well, director of the research depart- ment, Dr. Mary Pope, physician, Miss Edith Maddox, director of the nursery school, Miss Nina Kenagy, director of the Mary Crane Nursery school, Hull House, and Dr. Rachel Yarros of the Social Hygiene Society of Chicago. The enrollment last year included eighty-five mothers from Evanstch, Wilmette, Winnetka and Rogers Park, and many members of the group are planning to return this fall for the advanced courses. The course in "Problems in Child Behavior" will be held at 10 o'clock Monday mornings, "The Child and Society" at 10 o'clock beginning October 1, and that in Tuesday morning, beginning October 5. Mrs. J. A. Donovan, and her chil- dren, James, Jr., and Mary Virginia, left Thursday night for San Fernando, Cal, to be the guests of Mrs. Dono- van's mother, Mrs. F. M. Wright. They will remain there until spring. SPECIAL SELLING ® A * Silk Lingerie This noteworthy event held at the very beginning of the season is a demonstra- tion of the fact that we are prepared to offer values of extraordinary import- ance. Selections are unusual and every garment presented is skillfully made of fine material and beautifully finished. Chemise Step-Ins French Panties $3.95 Dainty garments made of radium silk or crepe de chine in flesh, peach or blue. Effectively trimmed. Gowns Bandeau Sets $5.95 Lace trimmed and tailored styles in radium silk or crepe de chine. Flesh, peach or blue. i Flannel Lounging Robes Delightfully comfortable for cool mornings are these attractive robes shown in striped patterns in a variety of colors. Unusual values at-- $8.95 and $1.95 A Stevens, Inc. 1624 Bestop ion, Avenue wanston # Ct