8 \ --~-- WINNETKA TALK September 29, 1928 i. _-- WINNETKA TALK ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK y LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka, Ill Chicago office: 6 N. Michigan Ave. Tel. State 6326 Telephone........... Winnetka 2000 or Wilmette 4300 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE.............. $2.00 A YEAR All communications must be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for pub- lication must reach the editor by Thursday noon to insure appearance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obitu- aries, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge is publish will be charged at regular advertising rates. os Among the many means of improving organizations, social, political, and busi- ness, there are two which stand out prominently. These are Getting Ideas fhe geting yu putting From Others nto practice ideas whic have been gained in the organization itself by daily experience. The other is the using of ideas which have been gained by ob- serving other organizations. Ideas of the first sort, domestic ideas, coming from within, come seldom and even then with difficulty. The reason is simple. Members of an organization fail to see faults in their own business or society, or ssibilities of improvements, because they ck perspective. They stand too close to their own problems and operations. Suggestions of the second sort, foreign, coming from the outside, may be relied on to be found on demand. If you want to know in just what particulars your own business or your own society may be im- proved, visit other business houses, visit other society meetings. Without question ou will come back with your pockets ulging with new ideas. For this reason it seems good to us for Principal Clerk of New Trier high school to take a trip to Europe and for six months study secondary education in Europe. He will come back with many valuable sug- gestions that can be utilized for the further- ance of our own high school. It was a blizzard all right. There was a wind, and there was real snow. The com- bination of these two, as we understand, constitutes a blizzard. An Early But And it was early be- ; cause it happened on Real Blizzard Tuesday, September 25. That was only a day or two after the official coming of fall. The snow came without warning. We were conversing with a friend in the offices of a school at the corner of Madison and Robey street. Suddenly he said, "Snow!" Sure enough there it was, slanting down with all the genuineness of a midwinter storm. To be sure it didn't last long, only about fifteen minutes, but while it did last it was a regular blizzard. We hope that while reading the Home and Environs section in our paper you have hit upon some one or more helpful sug- gestions. The efforts of the sponsor of this section to make it indispensable will be more than repaid if even one of our readers will only tell us that the use of a sugges- tion has served to make his life somewhat happier. : Men have no beauty problems. Why not? Is it that they are naturally attrac- tive or is it that they are hopelessly plain? Perhaps the average man thinks he can get a wife just for the asking. Now that children have returned from their vacations and are once again going to and from school it behooves motorists to use more than ordinary Children care. The danger of injur- nd ing children, especially the and Cars little ones, has with the coming of school days in- creased tremendously. We are likely to forget that children are extremely active and extremely impulsive. We forget in our driving to take these facts into account. All of us know very well that if children are playing on the side- walk, one or more ST may suddenly dart out onto the street, entirely without warning. We must therefore think for them. ; Above all we must drive slowly through school and home districts. If we see a child on the sidewalk we must expect him to run out onto the street at any moment. With a foot on the brake we must be ready to stop short and sharp. Incidentally we should remind ourselves that when we allow a child under 16 to drive our car with no adult accompanying him we are breaking the law. Those members of our communities who were born in foreign countries and have but recently come among us must be taught to speak Education for and write good : : English and also Foreign Residents taught the duties and privileges of American citizenship. They may desire to study other subjects like arithmetic and history, but the learning of good English and the meaning of citizenship is indis- pensable. In Glencoe foreigners are given the op- portunity of going to school two evenings a week. A goodly number, about fifty, avail themselves of this valuable oppor- tunity. In Winnetka classes for foreigners are conducted in Community House. In Wilmette classes in English and American History and Government have been formed for our foreign-born neighbors. The or- ganizations sponsoring this work deserve the -gratitude not only of the students but also of all north shore citizens. There is one sure way of making your own local postoffice of more use to you as an individual, and that is to use it more. The Hore: "putiness you give your local postoffice Use Your. nd ao Postoffice to serve your needs. g Buy stamps, post cards, and envelopes at your local postoffice. Give it your parcel post business, be it large or small. If you want to send money, send it through your own town postoffice. If you neglect to use the facilities pro- vided by your own postoffice its receipts will decrease and the national authorities will demand that it decrease its expendi- tures. And you and your neighbors will feel the result in decrease of service. So help yourself by giving your own local postoffice lots of business. Some have entertained the belief that the second member of the Binet-Simon combination, makers of the celebrated in- telligence tests, was only a word or part of a word. But Simon is a real man, a psychologist of high standing, and his ade- quate name is Dr. T. Simon. What is more to the point is that he really was, in person, the guest of Superintendent Washburne only a few days ago. SHORE LINES THE STRAW BALLOT NOTHING COULD BE MORE APPROPRI- ATE THIS BEAUTIFUL AUTUMN DAY IN THE YEAR OF 1928 A. D, WE SURMISE THAN A BIT OF COMMENT ANENT THE FORTHCOMING CONTEST WHICH IS DES- TINED TO NAME OUR NEXT NATIONAL EXECUTIVE. IT IS WITH THIS CIRCUM- STANCE IN MIND THAT WE HAVE LATELY ENGAGED IN SOME EXPERIMENTS, UNIQUE IF NOT SIGNIFICANT. FOR IN- STANCE, WE STROLLED DOWN THE AVE- NUE THE OTHER EVENING SPORTING A BRAND NEW "HOOVER PIN," BY VIRTUE OF WHICH WE WERE SUCCESSFUL IN OBTAINING SOME INTERESTING INFOR- MATION CONCERNING AL. OUR FOLLOW- UP CAMPAIGN OF THE NEXT EVENING, WITH THE SMITH EMBLEM PROMIN- ENTLY DISPLAYED, REAPED A HARVEST OF REPUBLICAN ARGUMENT. ALL OF WHICH HAS CONVINCED US THAT THE RADIO IS TRULY A WONDERFUL ACHIEVE- MENT IN THAT IT CAN BE SHUT OFF AT WILL. Clever, eh What? "Gin," the editorial canine, we discover, has been doing some "straw vote" investigating on his own hook (or stub). For at least five days he has completely absented himself from his accus- tomed haunts, thus strengthening our belief that he must be following friend Al through the west- ern area of our beloved country. We shall hope to render more or less authentic account of his findings in a later issue of this equally more or less insignificant pilaster of pitfle. Please don't hold your breath: It borders on the scandalous. Movies and Popcorn Wilmette, we learned at a late hour, has rather decisively endorsed the Sunday Movie proposition, which, entirely depending upon your slant on the situation, is an evil or benevolent portent on the destiny of the north shore. Personally, we have put in an order for a nice clown hot dave and popcorn wagon to accompan inevita cine- matic Bur, We hy Bi be inclined to crush a bit of shrubbery, my dears. Moving Right Along For the express benefit of our faithful readers who disclaim residence in Wilmette, may we say that, after all is said and done, we're bound to have a nice wide avenue for traffic right through the north shore. Winnetka and Wilmette are doing famously. Now, how about Kenilworth and Glencoe? "Among Our Souvenirs" Returning to the subject of Wilmette's Movie ballot, may we expatiate for a moment upon the contributions that came pouring in to our sanc- tum from no less a dignitary than our Friend Eddie, collector of the port of Wilmette? Matter of fact, we were almost sorry that the Movies won out, because, really now, we wouldn't have been guilty of a like atrocity. Witness, if yon please, exhibit A, preserved under glass for pos- terity to behold with ever a critical optic or mebbe two. Fair Warning Provided with a desk and typewriter all his own, Fil, the Filosofer, has taken a new tack, with the result that the immediate vicinity is soon to be flooded with a veritable cloudburst of up and other lifting material. Will someone please donate a used though renovated sweater jacket? Lawdee, folks, its simply terrible! They're both Scotch Mystifying indeed is this intermittent corridor conversation between Fil and Augie, our wise cracker de luxe. The only point in common, we have observed, lies in the fact that one summers in Michigan and t'other claims that land as his birthplace. Must be they purchased from the same lot. It's really rather arduous to compile a column all by one's lonesome, but what're ya gonna do when the Cubs don't produce and Northwestern shows up with a weak line? As Amos would say--Ow-ah, Ow-ah, Ow-ah! --MIQUE.