A Aa 8 TR. I WINNETKA TALK September 29, 1928 News of the North Shore Clubs li Catholic League Announces Program October 9 Will Begin Season With Dramatic Reading, Music and Reception October 9, marks this year's open- ing of the North Shore Catholic Wom- an's league on what promises to be a singularly interesting calendar of events for that organization. On this date the club will hold its opening re- ception at the Winnetka Woman's club, its customary headquarters. Mrs. William Schildgen, president of the league, will preside at the meeting and at the reception which will follow the program. At the reception the board of managers will receive. A dramatic reading, "Monsieur Beaucaire," will be given by Mrs. Esther ILehrbas Har- court and music will be furnished by Mrs. Florence McLeod Royal. Mrs. Leo J. Hillman, chairman of the house committee, and Mrs. Raymond Kloep- fer, are hostesses for October. At the special invitation of Mrs. R. H. McColl, the North Shore Catholic Woman's league will be the guest of the Catholic Woman's League of Chi- cago at the Fine Arts building, 410 South Michigan avenue, on November 3. Mrs. McColl is president of the Chicago club. "Adolescent Psychology" will be dis- cussed by Mrs. Miriam L. Rooney on November 13 and the music will be given by the Bronson quartet. Novem- ber also is the month for the annual philanthropic card party, the date of which will be announced later. Sister Mary Loyola will speak on "Women in Shakespearean Drama" for the December 11 meeting. Mrs. Har- rison Heater will present a musical program. "Home Budgeting" is to be considered on January 8, by Louella H. Ensworth. Miss Johannah Sira- gusa is announced for a musical pro- gram. On February 12, there will be a card party for the members and their friends. Mrs. W. W. Ramsey will talk on "Women in Government" at the meet- ing on March 12. Mrs. Sidney F. Beech is the music artist for the after- noon. In April the annual business meeting and election of officers will take place. The date for the annual luncheon in May will be announced later in the club season. Woman's Society to View Prize Quilt Collection (Contributed) The opening meeting of the Wom- an's society of the Winnetka Congre- gational church Wednesday, October 3, promises to be most interesting. Beginning at 10 o'clock there will be the usual exchange of greetings and much visiting combined with the work which Mrs. William Truesdale and her committee have planned. At 11 o'clock Mrs. Warner Robinson will sing a gloup of songs accompanied by Mrs. William McAdams. This will be followed by the devotional exer- cises. Following luncheon at 12:15, Miss Elizabeth Wells Robinson, speaker of the afternoon, will talk on the sub- ject of, "Quilts," especially the history of quilts in America. Those who have heard Miss Robinson are most en- thusiastic over the speaker and her subject. Miss Robinson will bring her collection of quilts which will be on display at Community House. This collection is the best in Amer- ica, having taken first prize at the Art institute. It has been exhibited Head North Shore Women's Clubs Photo of Mrs. Zeiss by Moffett October ushers in the new season for four of the federated women's clubs on the north shore whose presidents are pictured above. Upper Row--(Left), Mrs. Ivor Jeffreys of Glencoe, president of the Woman's Library club of Glencoe; (Right), Mrs. Carl H. Zeiss of Winnetka, president of the Winnetka Woman's club. Lower Row--(Left), Mrs. William F. Schildgen, president of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league; (Right), Mrs. Hayes McKinney, president of the Woman's club of Wilmette. abroad and in the principal cities of America. The subject of quilts is most apropos at this time as many people are ac- tively engaged in reviving this branch of American art which in recent years has been almost a lost one. Miss Robinson is a charming speaker and her subject, which is most instruc- tive, will no doubt awaken new in- terest in those who attend. A cordial invitation has been ex- tended to members of the society and to the community. The Delta Delta Delta alliance will give a card party this afternoon in the home of Mrs. Floyd McGrath of 2001 Highland avenue, Wilmette. To Hold Dinner Meeting The Young Mother's club will hold its annual meeting and dinner next Monday evening at the Evanston hotel at 6:30 o'clock. Annual reports of the board members will be read and the new officers for the year installed. Mrs. Elmer A. Claar, is the retiring president and Mrs. H. E. Ringholm the newly elected one. The program will include six groups of dancing under the direction of Miss Jessie L. Pocock, and violin numbers given by Mrs. Charles Lerch. Miss Pocock is in charge of the Wilmette Parent-Teacher association dances. Surprise Awaiting the Woman's Club Luncheon, Program, and Surprise in Store for Winnetka Woman's Club Next Tuesday (Contributed) Yes, we know that fairies have been at work in our gardens for several weeks past, but just where were they erstwhile? The answer is whispered, "Over in the Winnetka Women's club!" We want to rush there at once and discover what further miracles have been wrought but we are met with a stern refusal, "for," we are told, "it must be a surprise and the bandages may not be lifted from your eyes before October 2." Very well, we rush to the neighbors --have they seen, have they heard? "Well, beautiful flashes of color weirdly have hovered about the door- way now and then after mysterious packages have been given entrance and--yes--there has been heard the faint, distant sound of a hammer--but that is all." Can we wait! October 2, however, will hold more than that one delight for it inaugurates the club's winter program with cus- tomary autumn luncheon and yet an- other rare treat. Following the lunch- eon with its happy atmosphere of re- union and the exercise of that first requisite of true femininity, the art and literature department of which Mrs. E. V. L. Brown is chairman, will pre- sent Miss Jessie Harding who will en- tertain the members with a group of sketches. Of the artist, it is said: "Miss Hard- ing is recognized as one of the best teachers of the human voice in the country. Previous to the opening two years ago of her studio in the Fine Arts building, Miss Harding was as- sociated with the Anna Morgan School of Expression. One of her programs, "The Man Without a Country," has had more than three hundred presenta- tions. : The day will indeed be full of rare treats. Can we wait! Wellesley Circle Opening The new year for the North Shore Wellesley circle is about to begin. The first meeting for the season of 1928-29 will take place Tuesday, October 2, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. S. Parker Johnston, 505 Waverly road, Highland Park. The afternoon will be essentially of a social nature as it will be re-gathering time, but before the tea hour, news of class reunions will be recounted. Start Luncheon Chain Two Eastern Star endless chain luncheons were given recently, Last Tuesday afternoon Mrs. William H. Hulswit of 235 Mary street gave a luncheon and on Wednesday, Septem- ber 19, Mrs. Delbert Poff of 739 Walden road entertained. The lunch- eons will be continued until November. D. A. R. Meeting The Glencoe chapter of the D. A. R. will hold its first meeting of the fall at the home of Mrs. Ervin L. Roy, 34 Lakewood drive, Glencoe, Monday, October 8, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Vin- ton Earle Sisson, state chairman on national defense, will be the speaker.