i EM Lp October 6, 1923 WINNETKA TALK 19 TO TALK ABOUT STARS "Heavens and Earth" to Be Subject of Contemporary Thought Lecture "The Heavens and Earth" will be the subject of the lecture Joel Steb- bins, director of the Ashburn observ- atory and professor of astronomy at the University of Wisconsin, will make before the contemporary thought class at Northwestern next Wednes- day. Prof. Stebbins will speak in the afternoon at 2 in the Commerce school on the Evanston campus and at 7 on McKinlock campus. The evening lec- ture is to be broadcast over WIRO. "The present conception of the cosmos is that the spiral nebulae are island universes each containing mil- lions of stars like the sun," states Prof. Stebbins. "Our own galaxy or milky way is only one of many such systems and has intermingled among its billion of stars many diffuse nebu- lae, both bright and dark, also groups and clusters of stars. "Despite their point-like appearance the stars are known to be spheres of gas, many of them less dense than the earth's atmosphere. By studying them as a population it is possible to select objects which probably rep- resent past and future stages of the sun's condition, and we thus obtain a clue as to the evolution of a star. "For a dark and planetary body like the earth it is not so easy thus to read its history, but the earth, moon and planets must have come from the material of our central sun. Finally the geological record supplements the evidence from the sky and fixes the probable age of the earth as well as the sequence of changes which have produced the conditions favorable for life on this planet." Prof. Stebbins will develop these ideas in his lecture. All children smile for Bernie Three 7x11 Buff Etchings Regular Price $10 Better Pictures-- Better Values BERNIE Studio 1623 Sherman Ave. Tel. University 8998 Kenilworth Garden Club Approaches End of Year The Kenilworth Garden club held one of its last programs on Friday, September 28, at the home of Mrs. Mark Cresap on Warwick road. This club qpens its season of programs in the early spring and continues through the summer only. The next meeting will be the annual meeting with the election of officers. At the meeting last Friday, in the absence of the president, Mrs. S. D. Flood, the vice-president, Mrs. Edward J. Phelps, presided. The program of the afternoon consisted of a paper by Mrs. Charles Ware on "The Gardens and Flowers of South America." This wasa most interesting subject and Mrs. Ware gave her listeners a clear, vivid pic- ture of the profusion of bloom in this land of Argentina. The little side glimpses of private gardens which it was her good fortune to get, made everyone wish to take this South Mr. and Mrs. Leon Allen, 423 Cum- nor road, Kenilworth have rented their home for the winter to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shattuck, formerly of Kenil- worth and now of Orrington hotel, Evanston. WOMEN'S GROUP MEETS The Women's Federation of the Cre- rar Presbyterian church, Chicago, met Saturday afternoon, September 29, with Mrs. E. C. Cook, 211 Broadway, Wil- mette, who was formerly a member of the organization. It was strictly a social gathering; all brought refresh- ments and spent the afternoon and evening in picnic festivity, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stevens, 330 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth enter- tained twelve guests at a duck dinner last Friday evening. Mr. Stevens has just returned from a hunting trip. DANCE ART CREATIONS C. HENRY JACOBSEN Forty years of highest standard of artistic merit. Est. 1888. Coach- ing Chicago society and its leading clubs. Graduates are engaged as principal dancers with the Chicago Civie and New York Metropolitan Grand Opera. Famous artists of California's - leading film studios. on file. Classes coached anywhere, 339 South Wabash Ave. Suite 304 Tel. Harrison 1207 Testimonials Teacher of Voice Is Receiving Enrollments for Fall and Winter TONE production and coaching in all phases of voice culture. Interviews arranged without charge. Studio Building--1718 Sherman Avenue Evanston Phones Studio, Greenleaf 3523--Residence, University 7278 NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING FRESH EVERY HOUR at the PHONE GREENLEAF 3006 Open Sundays 1 to 9:30 EVANSTON "I SERVED DINNER FOR TWELVE The nuts were so surprisingly delicious that I was asked where I obtained such wonderful nuts. I am back for more and wish to tell you how glad I am that Billy Boy came to Evanston, for it is a real joy to serve such choice nuts," enthusiastically remarked a Billy Boy customer in the Billy Boy Nut Kitchen. Have you visited the Billy Boy Nut Kitchen? Billy Boy invites you to come in, to see and taste crisp fresh nuts that are BILLY BOY NUT KITCHEN 519 DAvis ST. Edith Bideau Normelli Concert Soprano 1-3